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Physical self-concept means the cognition and judgement to himself by an individual. It is the first growing part of individual self-consciense and an important basic section of self-concept. Juvenille stage is a critical period of individual self-forming, which faces the both task of physiological and psychological growing. Physical self-concept is an important source of self value, so it has special meaning to understand the cognition and judgement during juvenile stage. Now the researching on physical self-concept is increasing in overseas and has established some matural models and messuring tools, while it is quite lacking in China, no matter the special physical self-concept scale table. Especially in field of exercise psychology, it is quite lacking of thorough and systematic researching over the relation between physical exercise and physical self-concept of middle school students.
    This research is to find the current condition of physical exercise and developing characteristic of physical self-concept of middle school students. The research outcome shows:
    1) The overall developing level of physical self-concept of boys is better than girls. On dimension of Physical Strength, Physical Endurance, Sport Ability and Physical Exercise, boys scored obviously better than girls did. White there are no significant differences on other dimensions.
    2) The physicl self-concept of middle school student appears an increasing trend followed by growing of age, but starts to decrease after grade two of senior school. Every dimension, except Physical Health, Physical Apperance and Physical Self-esteem keep increasing trend, increases by big scale in grade one of senior school but decrease a bit in grade two of senior school, especially in Physical Exercise self-concept.
    3) It is different of best sport recipe to improve the physical
    self-concept over different dimensions. Basically, it has the exercise intensity at middle level, 3-5 times per week, 31-59 minutes and over 60 minutes each exercise period and with participant of classmate
    4) The difference of effect by different exercise type to overall level of physical self-concept of middle school student is not significant. But taking part in balls and gymnastics exercises is better than others to develop the overall physical self-concept of middle school students
    5) Exercise intensity has obvious effect to physical self-concept of middle school students. Genernally, higher intensity exercise affects more signicantly.
    6) Exercise frequency has great relation to physical self-concept of middle school students. But this does not mean that higher exercise frequency bring better physical self-concept development. Highest physical self-concept development level is from the students having 3-5 times exercises per week.
    7) The longer the exercises take, the better the physical self-concept of middle school students the exercises affect. Thirt-minutes is a obvious separating point.
    8) There also exists correlation between physical self-concept development and exercise participants. The students with classmates accompanying show higher level of each dimension of physical self-concept.
    According the result of research, following experiment influenced 613 middle school students at different items, different frequencies and different period exercise type. The experiment result shown:
    1) Longer exercise affected physical self-concept of middle school students more obviously. Exercise time should be lengthened in middle school physical exercise education.
    2) The times of every week exercise affected the physical self-concept of middle schoold students not significantly. So exercise frequency should be considered depending on the exercise lasting time.
    3) Students at different age have different task of physical self-concept development, while different items bring different influence. The age and gental of students should be considered when selecting proper
    exercise item.
    4) The best exercise for first grade of junior school boy is basketball, twice a we
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