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本研究以采自秦巴山区的6种野生百合(宜昌百合(Lilium. leucanthum)、山丹(Lilium. pumilum)、野百合(Lilium. brownii)、大花卷丹(Lilium. leichtlinii var. maximowiczii)、岷江百合(Lilium. Regale)和卷丹(Lilium. tigrinum))和来自国内外不同地方的3种不同百合杂交系17个品种的栽培百合(凝视星空‘Stargazer’、西伯利亚‘Siberia’、伯尼尼‘Bernini’、索德尔‘Soldera’、基辅‘Kiev’、泰伯‘Tiber’、索邦‘Sorbonne’、木门‘Corl`dool’、曼丽莎‘Manissa’、多安娜‘Boliana’、普瑞特‘Prato’、Corvara、隆巴蒂‘Lombardia’、莫杜萨‘Medusa’、康伽德奥‘ConcaD`or’、耶罗林(黄天霸)‘Yelloween’、新铁炮‘Longiflorum×Asian’)为材料,针对目前世界百合产业中发生范围最广的3种病毒病(黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV)、百合斑驳病毒(Lily mottle virus,LMoV)和百合无症病毒(Lily syptomless virus, LSV))进行田间发病情况调查和病毒病RT-PCR分子检测,旨在搞清野生百合和栽培百合在原生长地是否携带病毒,携带哪种病毒;异地栽培整个生长过程中野生百合和栽培百合是否有病毒病发生,危害程度轻重以及受何种病毒危害;病毒病在不同种或品种上的发生是否有差异,通过田间发病程度初步判断出各种或品种的抗病毒特性,为百合资源的保存利用免受病毒侵害提供依据,并为抗病毒育种的深入研究奠定基础。经调查及检测,获得如下结果:
With 6 Llilium species(L.regale, L. tigrinum, L.brownii, L. leichtlinii var. Maximowiczii, L. pumilum and L. leucanthum) collected from Qin-ba Mountains, and 17 lily cultivars of different hybrids(Stargazer, Siberia, Bernini, Soldera, Kiev, Tiber, Sorbonne, Corl`dool, Manissa, Boliana, Prato, Corvara, Lombardia, Medusa, ConcaD`or, Yelloween, Longiflorum×Asian) from different fields,the severity of virus endangerment was investigated based on the vision count and three kinds of virus (Cucumber mosaic virus, Lily mottle virus, Lily syptomless virus) were identified by the RT-PCR with the leaves samples collected in different growth periods under the nursery field. The research aims was to make sure if the original Lilium species and the lily cultivars were infected or not by the virus in the local distributed areas, and to identify which virus types were occurred.Then make sure if the virus occurred when the original Lilium species and the lily cultivars planted under the nursery field and identify which virus types were occurred in the lilium plants .The resistance to virus of the wild lilium species was preliminary evaluated for being as materials in the coming breeding program.It was resulted that:
     1. In comparison with different observations and identification of virus occurrence under different locations of lilium plants, the wild Lilium species of L. regale, L. brownii, L. leichtlinii var. Maximowiczii, L. pumilum and L. leucanthum were not infected by the virus in the wildly grown plants in the original areas,only L×A(Longiflorum×Asian) of the lily cultivars was infected by LMoV in the original area Yunnan in all the cultivars.
     2. The lilium species are easily infected by the virus when they grown in the nursery field without protection measures.It was observed for the symptoms of mosic and mottle with special virus symptoms of the leaves in 5 lilium species under the cultivation in the nursery field ,but no virus symptoms was observed in L. regale. In all of the lily cultivars, the virus occurred only on the L×A cultivar during the growth period, and it was mildly transmitted, the incidence of virus disease spread from 66.5% to 71.3%.Otherwise, the Siberia cultivar from Fujian was seriously observed for the special virus symptoms of mosic and mottle .
     3.Through the RT-PCR analysis, it was proved that there was no virus infection in L. regale, that L. tigrinum was infected by LMoV and that L. brownii, L. leichtlinii var. Maximowiczii, L. pumilum and L. leucanthum were multiply infected by CMV and LMoV. It can be concluded that there were different resistances among the different lilium species; that L. regale was immune to virus; L. leichtlinii var. Maximowiczii and L. leucanthum were medially susceptible, but that L. tigrinum, L. brownii and L. pumilum were highly susceptible.
     It was proved that only LMoV occurred on the L×A cultivar during the growth period. The lily cultivar of Siberia from Fujian was multiply infected by three of the CMV, LMoV and LSV viruses.
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