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With the growing of the size of transportation systems, the investigation of human andmaterial resources and the difficulty and complexity of data processing is growingincreasingly in large-scale traffic surveys such as the residents travel surveys, vehicles travelsurveys, traffic volume surveys and Origin-Destination surveys. Most of the traditionalsurvey methods can only obtain single traffic parameter while achieving the target forinvestigation, and rarely take into account other purposes, so that the limitations andinefficiency is difficult to meet today's complex information needs of transportation systemsanalysis.
     Nowadays, the automation, intelligence, network, information-processing capacity oftraffic information collection equipment has been continuously increased. Global positioningsystems, radio frequency identification, wireless communication, video surveillance andautomatic license plate recognition technologies and wireless sensor networks can be used toand identify the complete tracks of running vehicle in the road network. The“Tracking-Oriented” survey idea for the purpose of obtaining vehicle tracks can take theadvantage of the correlation between survey site, collaboration between survey equipment,network characteristics and spatial and temporal characteristics of survey data and cancapture the complete tracks of running vehicle through scientific distribution of survey sites,information transmission and information processing. Through comprehensive statisticalanalysis of all the vehicle tracks in the road network, rich traffic condition information of thewhole network can be obtained, which can completely and accurately represent the complextraffic running scene, thus providing an absolutely new solution ideas for accessing a varietyof traffic information.
     Currently, the city road network and high network are obtaining millions of platenumber everyday, however, as a natural carrier of the vehicle travel path, plate numbershaven’t got enough attention and efficient use. Under the direction of “Tracking-Oriented”survey idea, this paper studies the analysis methods for vehicles traveling track based on platenumbers in order to establish the basic theory of technical system for track analysis, tobroaden the ideas and methods for studying the “Tracking-Oriented” traffic survey and toaccurately obtain the state of network traffic operation, the features of traffic travel and thepatterns of traffic distribution. The following aspects are studied in this article:
     Firstly, the basic theory and technical methods for vehicle travel analysis based on platenumbers is proposed. Based on the Accessibility theory and graph theory, Direct AccessNetwork (DAN) Theory is created for the analysis of the travel track of vehicles. DAN theorywhich guide the whole process of analysis of travel tracks, implements the safe, reliable, continuous transition of every process of analysis of the travel track, ensures the reliability,accuracy of data results, enriches the track-oriented survey theory and empirical research,provides reference information for other track-oriented survey and analysis.
     Secondly, a survey site layout method based on plate number for vehicle traveling trackanalysis is proposed. Based on DAN Theory and structural features of network, the wholenetwork is divided into several local road network and the brute-force method is used togenerate all the feasible layout solution, then merge all the layout solution of local networkinto the global layout solution of the whole network and finally generate the final layoutsolution of survey points. Under the guidance of DAN theory, accurate computing of layoutperformance, layout efficiency and network Robustness of layout solution can be realized andthe strictly control to the Layout precision and weak nodes in the whole laying process isachieved, which ensures the accuracy of the layout process and provides sufficient protectionfor the processing of plate number.
     Thirdly, data processing methodology for analysis of vehicle traveling track isestablished. Based on network topology, layout solution of survey points and graph theory, settheory, DAN theory, the following method and algorithm is respectively studied and described:1) the data cleaning method for original plate number,2) track splitting algorithm underhybrid vehicle track caused by repeated plate number,3) track recovery algorithm under thequestion of missing survey points,4) survey points supplement algorithm for single surveypoint sequence,5) track expansion algorithm that integrate all the plate number data andtraffic volume data. Taken the network of Xi'an Qu Jiang new district as experimentalnetwork, simulation experiments and numerical example is carried out for testing theperformance and accuracy of all the algorithms. Simulation presents good results and provesthe applicability and reliability of all the algorithms.
     Fourthly, a new, efficient Running Vehicle Traveling Track Analysis System (RVTTAS)is developed, and within which the vehicle track analysis method together with themathematical statistics, Geo-spatial analysis and technical, Road topology modelingtechnology, advanced software design concept, open data sharing mechanism andvisualization operations are efficiently connected. The overall design concept, main functionsof the system and subsystems, working mechanism of each module in RVTTAS are cleardescribed and explained. With the good performance in Xi’an Qujiang traffic survey andZhejiang OD survey, RVTTAS can provide new insights, ideas and engineering solutions forTraveling Track Analysis of Running Vehicle.
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