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粮食生产状况,特别是农作物种植面积,是关系国计民生、社会稳定的重要信息。是制定国家和区域社会经济发展规划、农产品进出口计划、指导和宏观调控种植业结构、预测农业资源综合生产能力与人口承载能力的重要数据源。但长期沿用数据统计的方式,效率低、可靠性差;点状抽样方法需要大量的人力、物力和财力投入,且数据质量也难以保障。本文针对大尺度农作物面积调查存在的问题,在大尺度农作物面积车载调查系统VGGVS(Vehicle&GIS&GPS&Video System)硬件设计的基础上,开发一套地面车载统计辅助系统,以提高大尺度作物分类面积地面调查系统的效率,减少主观人为因素的影响。该系统的实现,具有重要使用价值和广阔的应用前景。
The food production condition, specially the crops sown area is the important information related with the national economy, the people's livelihood and the social stability.It is an important data origin of formulating national and the region socio-economic development plan and the agricultural product import and export plans, instructing and macroeconomic regulating and controlling the crop production structure, and forecasting the agricultural resource synthesis productivity and the population bearing capacity. But the traditional data statistics for a long time is low efficiency and reliability.The punctual sampling method needs massive investment of manpower, physical and financial resource, and the data quality can not be guarantee.In view of existence question of large-scale crop acreage statistical method investigation, this research developed a car-carried ground statistics system which aims at making up shortage of currently large-scale crop acreage statistical method in the national scope,it have an important meaning to raise the efficiency of large-scale crop acreage classification statistical method and reduce the subjective factor influence of the people.
     Based on the VGGVS hardware design,this research developed vehicle-localization module, video and image acquisition module and vehicle-navigation module. The assistive system has powerful functions ,such as GIS features which provided inquiries, zooming and roaming maps and calculating the shortest path, it could assist the imagery processing and the recognition function to save AVI video files and extract BMP image real-time in wild-collected test also. The main research content is as follows:
     1.Considering the mobility and localization demand of VGGVS,this research used the map matching technique based on projection and path planning technique based on dijkstra algorithm,realized the vehicle location and navigation function and the shortest path planning function which is suitable for this system,and realized the GPS locating point display and the vehicles travel track drawing on the GIS base map through the match of the GIS and the GPS.
     2.In order to make large-scale crop acreage investigation more accurate,this research has studied the match of the GPS、the time and the image , matched the gathering image and the GPS localization information to make the crop image correspond with its space position information, and established the accurate positional information computation method of the digitization crops image in the motion process.
     3.Contrapose the real time and highly efficiency capability of the system crops automatic identification and calculates the crops area, has studied the BMP form image extraction method on real-time. Computed photography image length with oblique photograph model and evaluated the interactive relations of the vehicle speed, camera focal distance, shooting angle information and so on synthetically to confirm the gathering interval, then, extracted single frame BMP form crops image real-time every gathering interval time and carried on the imagery processing and the pattern recognition directly.Thus realized the real-time identifying crops type and calculating the crops area or sown percentage during the open country gathering process .
     4.For the later period examination after open country gathering work, this study developed the preservation method of crops video which have the localization information, using time identity to match GPS and Video to make the gathering video image have precise time and position information. And make a further inspect to confirm the accuracy and the authenticity of crops area investigation through the video playbacking.
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