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A(iV Master system is an auto--contro1 system dimed to di spatch thc ciIrr l crs
    acc()rding to the conveying task, to fulfill the task efficiently along the
    r()ut e under inte1lectual ized traffic management, and schedule the c%lrri ers
    for auto--charging. To cover the shortages as 1ow flexibi l ity, long imp l eInc'n[
    tcrfn, di fficult commercial ization, an AGV Master contro1 system thdt ckln be
    appl ied in varies condit ion is establ ished adopt ing ()hjccl --()ri en[ L.(l
    technoIogy after studying the software frameworks and AGV systems ()1' ()t hur
    comPany. Main achievements in this thesi s are as fo1l ows f
    (l ) A tota1 solut ion framework is put forward based on s()l'twtlre p1 i1t f'()rm
    prl nc ipl e. Thi s frame, which involves perf()rm platform and develop P l ilt I'()rm,
    Supr)orts system 1ayout, s imu1ate, control and diagnose. A 1'unct i()na l ll1()du I
    is established, in which the perform platform includes AGV milster c()nt r()l
    system, mdster moni tor system, carrier control system and s imu 1 at i ng systt'l1l.
    *rhe deve lopping p1atform inc1udes system layout uti l ity, mdster nr()griln1
    del'ini t ion uti l ity and vehic1e program defini t ion uti l ity.
    (2) The AGV perform platform structure 1s estab1 ished on the bi1sls ()I'
    software layering technology, model--view separate technology, messdge bus
    technol ogy and di str ibuted techno l ogy. The system i s sepdrdted i nto represunt
    1ilyer, fi eld ohject layer, service layer and data st()rage ld}cr. l t is
    c()nveni cnt to deve1op and organi ze. An a] ternat ion mode betwoen l nt ert'iI()tt
    Iilyer and fie1 d object layer is designed on mode1--v iew separdt e techno1 ()g}',
    in which re--use of field object is highly improved. A message bus bi1sed on
    order--issue model is designed for object alternation in fi eld layer, whi ch
    gi ves the system good expansibi l ity. A distributing model i s desi gnc(l ()n
    ilgc'nt--de's ign mode so the system can be organized in d i fferent c()InpLltc un l [ s.
    (3 ) The system software is designed in UML model ing 1anguage. 'l'he syst em
    stLl1 i c model is designed in category structure, and dynamic model is designcd
    in ()bject a1ternating structure- Thi s thesis also states the subsysl em
    st ruc ture and pr inc iple of task mandger, cdrrier manager, traffic lnilni:tgt.I-,
    I () lllilnager, communlcat ion manager, dnd path mandger i n cle1i[ i l s. 'l.he
    S l llltl l il t l ng tlnd mon i t()ring suhsys tem are tlI so presented.
    (4 ) An AGV dispatching technique is put forward based on genet ic
    iiIg()ri thms. A matbemat ic model combi ni ng task manager and carri er mdnklger
    l s establ ished to improve the di spatching efficiency. A rckI l ll1()dc l
    ca1 cu ldt ing val idates that genetic algori thm is dn et'fect ive meth()d l'()r A(i\/
    d i s pkl t c h i ng.
    Combinat ing the development practice of A(;V in my comDany, resuitrch
    results show the design and technique for AGV master system in this thesi s
    i s correct and dependab1e. It not only have great practi cal val ue in A(;V syst om
    des ign, but a1so have vast appl icat ion perspect ive in designi ng the di spilt c,h
    m()n itor ing system of intel1 igence carry equiprnent.
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