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With entering to WTO and BEIJING Olympic coming, the tempo of Chinese economical development is fast. The requirement of medicine quality of china become more and more canonical, but the traditional management mode destroys the business processes and decreases the efficiency in our country. Since the issue of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), it has become a management standard of medicine manufacturing industry. Enterprises need a lot of people and money as well as do more extra jobs if they product medicine according to GMP.
     The medicine manufacturing industry is facing with the disadvantageous situation such as profit decreased, cost increase, fierce competitions and so on. It becomes a basic requirement for the domestic medicine manufacturing enterprises to improve the quality of medicine, reduce the cost of operation and increase the ability f competition, to which the only approach is reforming.
     Business process re-engineering (BPR) is the theory which is full of innovation and continuously improved. BPR broke the traditional idea of division of labor, emphasized focusing on business processes and also changed intrinsic management pattern which is based on functional management. At the same time, it provides a kind of new mind, which brings hope and momentum to some enterprises that got into rattrap. In many years, a lot of enterprises optimize and restructure business processes under the guide of BPR, accomplish rush of performance and improve the organizational competence. Business process runs through the whole process of enterprise management. Continuous optimization and improvement of process will become the important thesis of enterprise development.
     This paper takes BPR for reference to YAXING medicine manufacturing enterprise to improve its management level, so as to solve the problem happened during the management and improve productivity in the background of GMP.
     At first, the paper studies the management structure, business process of YAXING medicine manufacturing enterprise to identify the present production business process of the enterprise step by step. The paper pictures the enterprise with the view of process and describes the relation between the processes and their activities with some charts.
     One-of optimization of all the production processes may overstep the capability of enterprise, so we should choose the key business processes before optimization which is the main point of the paper. The choice of the key business processes needs support of scientific data to avoid subjective factor. The paper analyzes the business processes quantitatively with scientific method to obtain the data; sets up an index system, confirms the measure method of the choice of the key process and measures these indexes with the quantificational data as possible; analyzes the data with Data Mining Method to choose the business processes which are important. Finally, the paper ascertains the key business processes with scientific methods and ensures the range of business processes optimization.
     Business process optimization designs new processes which are fit for the needs of value-chain with reengineering the process elements. Business process optimization should combine the advanced management thought , IT application state with the key business processes identifying to fix on the best combining-spot between business process and ERP. At the end of the paper, I make a diagnostication on the key business processes which are chose in the former chapters, find out the problems of the processes, optimize the key business processes of production management with the Comprehensive Method based on the business process diagnosing and table the optimizing proposal at the same time. No method can be suitable for all the circumstances. Different countermeasure should be need in different circumstances, even the same method should ameliorate itself to adapt to the changefully society. Process identified, process quantitatively analyzed, the key process confirmed , process diagnosed and process optimized are five steps of business process optimization of YAXING and the theory of BPR was introduced to Chinese medicine manufacturing enterprise in the paper. The thesis also analyzes and optimizes the business processes impersonally with scientific data to improve the persuasion of optimization process and provide a effective method of business process optimization for YAXING.
     With business of the medicine manufacturing enterprise developing and Chinese status enhancing continuously, more and more customers and production make the manufacturing industry become a huge institute. For the huge enterprise, the new idea and management is eager to bring, instead of traditional productive management. This paper provides new views and direction for the medicine enterprise, has value of studying and can be used to reference.
     Professional process optimization should improve the process according to science-technology and the logical analysis and beforehand preparative to ameliorate behindhand production fashion, rather than take a part for the whole. It can economize material resources as much as possible, keep the advanced enterprise competence and implement the value of the enterprise. Speaking specifically, business process optimization is the objective need to reply to external variational statue. Business Process optimization is changing the world. Our domestic enterprises should adopt new technology and management to nurture enterprises’manage activity,so we should pay attention to the study of business process optimization and other management methods, so as to rich our enterprise management and reform theory-guide system.
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