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In recent years, as human activities in outer space have become increasingly frequent, the number is proliferation of space debris, space debris has become a major source of pollution of outer space, so the international community's attention. At present, the regulation of activities in outer space is the major legal development of the five United Nations Outer Space Treaty, but it's a few outer space treaties regulating the issue of space debris reveals serious flaws and shortcomings. Therefore, how to build effective and efficient legal system, space debris, the need for further study and discussion.
     This paper is divided into three chapters, more than 30000 words.
     ChapterⅠoutlines the main problems and hazards of space debris. Through an overview of space debris, introducing the international community to define the meaning of space debris, space debris sources and their classification, and explore the space debris.
     Chapter II looks at the existing law relating to space debris regulation. First of all, in-depth analysis of existing space debris with the relevant international legal system; followed by details on the major space powers, the United States, Russia, and China's domestic relevant legislation, and the conduct in depth.
     Chapter III presents the existing law relating to space debris regulatory shortcomings and improve the proposal. First, the induction of existing space debris, the shortcomings of legal regulation, international law level, including the relevant provisions of the existing Outer Space Treaty, lack of identity can not be recognized by space debris damage liability and compensation mechanisms for loss of the main vacancy; level of domestic law, including international treaties into domestic law, the work need to be strengthened on the prevention and control of space debris has not yet formed an independent legal and space debris still need to clearly defined accountability. Then, a complete set of recommendations, including setting specialized international conventions, the establishment of specialized international organizations, as well as a sound and complete liability mechanisms.
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    ①Prof .Dr.1.H.Ph .Diederiks一Verschoor,An introduction to Space Law,second revised edition,published by Kluwer Law lnternational,1999,p.131.
    ①联合国文件.A/AC. 105 /720,Technical Report on Space Debris.
    ①See Technical Report
    ③Edward A Frankle:“International Regulation of orbital debris”,Proceedings of the Forty一Third Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space,Published and distributed by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2000,p.370.
    ①Edward A. Frankle,“International Regulation of orbital debris”,Proceedings of the Forty一Third Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space,Published and distributed by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2000,p.370一371.
    ①Article 5(4) of Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts,the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space (hereinafter Rescue Agreement).
    ②See Peter J. Limpers,:Orbital Debris and the Spacefaring Nations,15 Ariz.J.Int’l & Comp,p333.
    ①James P. Lampertius:The Need for an Effective Liability Regime for Damage Caused by Debris in Outer..
    ②See Christopher D .Williams, Space: the Cluttered Frontier, 60 J. AIR L. & COM. (1995) atⅡ63-64.
    ①IADC Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines.2010-3-24
    ①TAN D. Towards a New Regime for the Protection of Outer Space as The "Province of All Mankind"[J].Yale Journal International Law, 2000, W inter.

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