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The United States established and developed the multilateral trade regime after the World War Two. During the development of multilateral trade regime, the hegemonic power of United States was strengthened on security, wealth, rules and value. On security, multilateral trade regime prevented the beggar-thy-neighbor tariff war and played a important role in the U.S. cold war strategy; on wealth, trade liberalization offer broaden international market for U.S. products and stimulate the economic growth of U.S. and its allies; on rules, the United States shape the multilateral trade rules base on the internal rules, dominate the agenda setting and put the topics that U.S. concerned into the multilateral trade negotiations, strengthened the dispute settlement body (DSB) to regulate the international trade conflicts; on value, through the development of multilateral trade regime, economic liberalism was accepted by contracting parties and accelerated their ideas change and institutional transition internal, formulate the foundation of open society.
     The United States hegemonic power and leadership was strengthened through the development of multilateral trade regime. Therefore the U.S. won’t stop pushing the multilateral trade liberalism until the American hegemony declines genuinely.
①Susan Strange, States and Markets (London: Pinter Publishers, 1994), p.3.
    ①I. M. Desteler, American trade politics (Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1995).②I. M. Desteler & Peter J. Balint, The new politics of American trade: trade, labor, and the environment (Washing- ton, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 2000).
    ③Martin Feldstein, American Economic Policy in the 1980s (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1994).
    ④Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, American Economic Policy in the 1990s (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002).
    ⑤C. Fred Bergsten ed., The United States and the world Economy (Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 2005).
    ⑥Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market (The University of North Carolina Press, 1995).
    ①Donald G. Beane, The United States and GATT: a relational study (Amsterdam: Pergamon, 2000).
    ②Joanne Gowa, Allies, adversaries, and international trade (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1994).
    ③Thomas O. Bayard & Kimberly Ann Elliott; with contributions by Amelia Porges and Charles Iceland: Reciprocity and retaliation in U.S. trade policy (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1994).
    ④Judith Goldstein, Ideas, interests, and American trade policy (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993).
    ⑤Anne O. Krueger, The WTO as an international organization (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998).
    ①Anne O. Krueger, American trade policy: a tragedy in the making (Washington, D.C.: AEI Press, 1995).
    ②Leah A. Haus, Globalizing the GATT: the Soviet Union’s successor states, Eastern Europe, and the international trading system (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1992).
    ③John H. Jackson, The world trading system: law and policy of international economic relations (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989).
    ①Stephen D. Krasner, International regimes (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1983).
    ②Stephen D. Cohen, Robert A. Blecker & Peter D. Whitney, Fundamentals of U.S. foreign trade policy: economics, politics, laws, and issues (Westview Press, 2003).
    ①Joshua S. Goldstein, Long Circles: Prosperity and War in the Mordern Age (New Haven and London: Yale Uni- versity Press, 1988), p.281.
    ②Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2001), p.222.
    ③C. P.金德伯格:《世界经济霸权:1500- 1990》(高祖贵译),北京·商务印书馆,2003年版,第357页。
    ④Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), p.31.
    ⑤Oran R. Yang,“Regime dynamics: the rise and fall of international regimes”, International Organization (Spring1982), pp.282-285.
    ①C. P. Kindleberger, System of International Economic Organization, in D. P. Calleo ed. Money and the Coming World Order (New York: New York University Press, 1976), pp.23-24.
    ②John H. Jackson, The World Trading System, p.34, p.38.
    ④Syed Javed Maswood, Japan and protection: the growth of protectionist sentiment and the Japanese response (London: Routledge, 1989), p.19.
    ⑤Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony, p.33.
    ①Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony, p.37.
    ①David A. Lake, Beneath the Commerce of Nations: A theory of International Economic Structures, (International Studies Quarterly, 1984), p.143, p.156.
    ②Susan Strange, States and Markets, pp.24-25.
    ①Susan Strange, States and Markets, p.26.
    ②Robert Gilpin, Global Poltical Economy, p.88.
    ①Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony, p.136.
    ④Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market (The University of North Carolina Press, 1995), p. 173.
    ⑤Marshall M. Smith to Samuel C. Waugh, June 23, 1955, 394.41/6-2355, Record Group 59, National Archival. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., p. 173.
    ②Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony, p.32.
    ①Miles Kahler,“The United Stetes and the International Monetary Fund: Declining Influence or Declining Interest?”, The United States and Multilateral Institutions: patterns of changing instrumentality and influence, ed. Margaret P. Karns and Karen A. Mingst (London : Routledge, 1992), p.97.
    ②Robert Keohane,“Economic Limits of Modern Politcs: International Liberalism Reconsidered”.转引自约瑟夫·奈:《硬权力与软权力》,第24页。
     ①Susan Strange, States and Markets, p.45.
    ①John H. Jackson, The World Trading System, p.18.
    ②Ronald Reagan, National Security Strategy of the United States 1988 (Washington, D.C.: Pergamon-Brassey’s International Defense Publishers, 1988), p.33.
    ②Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.29.
    ③Ibid, p.48.
    ④Tariff Commission, Reciprocity and Commercial Treaties, Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1919. pp. 317-18, (Root, 318), pp. 427-31. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., p. 73.
    ⑤Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, pp. 80-81.
    ⑥Stewart, Gordon T., The American Response to Canada since 1776( East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1992). Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., p.83.
    ③Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull (New York: Macmillan, 1948), Vol. 1, pp. 355-356.
    ⑤Bureau of Census, USDC, Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970 (Washington, D.C.: US Department of Commerce, 1975), part 2, p.884.
    ⑧Susan Arial Aaronson, Trade and the American Dream: a social history of postwar trade policy (Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky, 1996), p.184.
    ⑩Public Papers of President Ronald Reagan, 1988 (1:61, p. 395). Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., p.102.□Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull , p. 81.
    ②Franklin D. Roosevelt,“Message from the President of the United States Transmitting a Request to Authorize the Executive to Enter into Executive Commercial Agreements with Foreign Nations,”Quote from Henry J. Tasca, The Reciprocal Trade Policy of the United States: A Study in Trade Philosophy(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1938), pp.299-301.
    ③Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, p. 81.
    ④H.R., Committee on Ways and Means, Extending the Authority of the President under Section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930: Report to Accompany H.R. 407(1940), 1-2. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., p.153.
    ⑤Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, p.133.
    ⑥Ibid, p. 81.
    ②Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, p.356.
    ③McClure memo, November 10, 1924, 611.0031/233, Record Group 59: Department of State, National Archives. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., p.94.
    ④Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, pp.95-98.
    ⑤Hearings on H.R. 8687. 73d Cong., 2d sess., April-May, 1934, 1. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, pp.141-42.
    ①Cordell Hull, The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, p.359.
    ②Ibid, pp.359-361.
    ③Ibid, p.356.
    ④FRUS (Foreign Relations of the United States 1944-1945, Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office), p. 492.
    ⑤FRUS 1944-1945, p.495.
    ⑥John H. Jackson, ed, Implementing the Tokyo Round: National Constitutions and International Economic Relations (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1984), p.141.
    ⑦Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy, p.232.
    ①Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy, p.232;石广生主编:《世界贸易组织基本知识》,北京·人民出版社,2001年版,第4页。
    ②Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy, p.220.
    ④John H. Jackson, The World Trading System, p.10.
    ②NSC68 United States Objectives and Programs for National Security, Apr. 14, 1950, Foreign Relations of the United States 1950, Vol. 1 (Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1977), p. 292.
    ③Ibid, p. 237.
    ④Ibid, p. 241.
    ①NSC68, p. 252.
    ②Ibid, p. 255.
    ③Ibid, pp. 235-292.
    ①NSC68, pp. 258-259.
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, pp.31-32.
    ⑤同上,第14页。⑥I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed, see http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/1iie3829.pdf
    ①Linder to Winthrop Aldrich, October 31, 1952, White House Central File, Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Missouri. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, pp. 166-167.
    ③Truman to C.E. Garner, May 5, 1941, Senate Papers, HST. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.324, note 69.
    ④U.S. Public Advisory Board for Mutual Security, A Trade and Tariff Policy in the National Interest, 3. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market , p.166.着重号为本文所加。
    ⑤Paula Stern,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein (Chicago: The Uni- versity of Chicago Press, 1994), p.666.
    ⑥Robert Ferrell, ed. The Eisenhower Diaries, New York: Norton, 1981, pp.244-45. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market , pp.167-168.
    ⑦Conversation with congressional leaders, February 8, 1955, Ann Whiteman File legislative, Dwight D. Eisen- hower Library, Abilene, Kansas. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.167.
    ①Macmillan to Eisenhower, March 23, 1959, PREM 11/4021, Public Record Office, Kew, England. Discussion of 409th Meeting of the National Security Council, June 4, 1959, vol.16 (1990), document 971. Declassified Documents Catalog. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.176.
    ②Kalijarvi,“Foreign Economic Policy and the National Security,”p. 411. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., p.167.
    ①Francis Bator to Johnson, May 10, 1967, NSF, LBJ. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.194.
    ②Clyde V. Prestowitz, Jr., Trading Places: How We Allowed Japan to Take the Lead (New York: Basic Books, 1988), p. 154, 160, 164.
    ①Marshall M. Smith to Samuel C. Waugh, June 23, 1955, 394.41/6-2355, Record Group 59, National Archival. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p. 173.
    ②Robert O. Keohane & Joseph S. Nye, Power and Interdependence (Peking University Press, 2004), p.41.
    ③Ronald Reagan, National Security Strategy of the United States 1988, p.87.
    ④Ibid, p.34.
    ⑤George Bush, National Security Strategy of the United States 1990-1991 (New York: Brassey’s, Inc.), pp.4-5.
    ①Ibid, pp.80-81.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.62.
    ④Lael Brainard,“comments,”Jeffrey Frankel, Peter Orszag eds., American Economic Policy in the 1990s (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002), p.342.
    ⑤Robert Zoellick, Remarks by Ambassador Robert Zoellick (Washington, D.C.: USTR, 2002), p.81.
    ⑥C. Fred Bergsten ed., The United States and the world Economy (Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 2005), p.264.
    ①I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.85-95.
    ③Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.311.
    ①Edward M. Graham and Paul R. Krugman, Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, second edition, 1991), pp.121-28.
    ⑥FRUS(Foreign Relations of the United States 1947, Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office), Vol.3, pp.227.
    ⑦Joseph M. Jones: The Fifteen Weeks: February 21-June 5, 1947, (New York: The Viking Press, 1955), p253.
    ①FRUS, (Foreign Relations of the United States 1944-1945, Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office), Vol.5, pp.942-947.
    ②Ibid, pp.839-840.
    ③Ibid, pp.998.
    ①Report by the NSC, Control of Exports to the USSR and Eastern Europe, Dec. 17, 1947, FRUS (Foreign Relations of the United States 1948, Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office),Vol. 4, pp. 511-512.
    ②U.S. Congress, Common, C.R., March 30, 1948, 94:3754; 94: 3755.
    ③Report by the Ad Hoc Subcommittee, May 4, 1948, FRUS, 1948 (Foreign Relations of the United States 1948, Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office),Vol.4, pp.539-540; Definitions of U.S. Criteria for 1A and 1B Policy and Commodity Areas Covered, FRUS (Foreign Relations of the United States 1950, Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office), Vol.4, pp.146-148.
    ④Michael Mastanduno, Economic Containment: COCOM and the Politics of East-West Trade (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1992), p.70.
    ②Gunnar Adler-Karlsson, Western Economic Warfare 1947-1967:A case study in foreign economic policy (Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell, 1968), p. 142.
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/11iie3829.pdf
    ④多哈谈判中形成的发展中国家集团。2003年9月由巴西、印度、中国等组成,随成员的变化有时称为20国或22国集团。⑤I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/11iie3829.pdf
    ①U.S. Tariff Commission, Operation of the Trade Agreements Program, June 1934 to April 1948 (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1948), p.15.
    ①FRUS 1944-1945, pp.485-91; 491-499。
    ②FRUS 1944-1945, pp.506-507.
    ③James G. Fulton and Jacob k. Javits, The International Trade Organization (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1948), p.4. Quote from Susan Arial Aaronson, Trade and the American Dream, p.198.
    ⑤UN ECOSOC Resolution 1/13, Feb. 18, 1946, UN DOC. E/22. Quote from John H. Jackson, The World Trading System, p.32.
    ⑥Susan Arial Aaronson, Trade and the American Dream, p.62.
    ①FRUS (Foreign Relations of the United States 1946, Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office), Vol.1, pp.1332-1336.
    ②John H. Jackson, The World Trading System , p.32.
    ④不等国际贸易组织宪章完成而尽快实施GATT的一个原因是美国政府的3年谈判授权将在1948年6月12号到期。John H. Jackson, The World Trading System, p.35.
    ⑤他参与起草了大部分GATT文件。See Susan Arial Aaronson, Trade and the American Dream, p.197.
    ②John H. Jackson, The World Trading System, p.33.
    ③Ibid, p.36.
    ④“The Charter of the International Trade Organization,”Sept. 1947; and Wilcox to Clayton,“Renewal of Trade Agreements Act,”Dec. 29, 1947, both in box 55, LF 57D-284; Wilcox to Clayton and Brown, Jan. l, 1948, FRUS 1948, vol. 1, pt. 2, p.828; and Campbell et al., U.S. in World Affairs, pp.215-16. Quote from Susan Arial Aaronson, Trade and the American Dream, p.216, note61.
    ⑤Susan Arial Aaronson, Trade and the American Dream, p.124.
    ⑧Susan Arial Aaronson, Trade and the American Dream, p.223, note 37.
    ⑥Public Papers of President Kennedy, 1961, Washington, D.C.: GPO, pp.790-91.
    ⑦Public Papers of President Kennedy, 1962, Washington, D.C.: GPO, pp.204-06.
    ①Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.181.
    ⑥Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.185.
    ⑦Ernest H. Preeg, Traders and Diplomats (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1970), p.29.
    ⑧Steve Dryden, Trade warriors: USTR and the American crusade for free trade (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), p.3.
    ②Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.197.
    ⑥Public Papers of the President John F. Kennedy, Washington, D.C.: GPO. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.179.
    ⑦Bernard M. Hoekman and Michel M. Kostecki, The Political Economy of the World Trading System (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2nd, 2001), p.390.
    ①“Task Force on Foreign Economic Policy,”November 25, 1964, WHCF, LBJ. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market , pp.191-92.
    ①Ravi Batra, The Myth of Free Trade (New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1993), p.143.
    ②UNCTAD, Handbook, 1991, 16. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market , p.180.
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed, see http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/05iie3829.pdf
    ④I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.72-73.
    ⑤Ibid, p.319.
    ①Gilbert R. Winham, International Trade and the Tokyo Round Negotiation (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1986), p.308.
    ⑤美国销售价格海关估价制度是美国海关法的一项规定,要求在对特定商品征税时,除了依照正常程序以进口价格计算关税税率外,还要在美国国内同类产品的销售价格基础上征税,这提高了实际税率。I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 113.
    ⑥Bernard M. Hoekman and Michel M. Kostecki, The Political Economy of the World Trading System, p.159.
    ⑦美国在东京回合谈判中就起草了一份假冒商品守则草案。Bernard M. Hoekman and Michel M. Kostecki, The Political Economy of the World Trading System, p.282.
    ①J. David Richardson,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.641.
    ②Ronald Reagan, Annual Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreement Program (Washington, D.C., GPO, 1986), p.61.
    ③John Croome, Reshaping the world trading system: a history of the Uruguay Round (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1999, 2nd ed.), p. 16.
    ②Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel, Peter Orszag, p.284.
    ③J. D. Richardson,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.643.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.46.
    ③Kenwood, A.G., and A.L. Lougheed, The Growth of the International Economy, 1820-1990 (New York: Routledge, 1992), p.289.
    ②黄金时期的结束点有1968、1971和1973等不同的划法。C. P.金德伯格:《世界经济霸权:1500- 1990》,第172页。
    ③Economic Report of the President, 1991, table B-109 and B-32. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 55.
    ④Economic Report of the President, 1985, table B-29. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 55.
    ⑦Jeffrey A. Frankel,“Exchange Rate Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.296.
    ⑧C. P.金德伯格:《世界经济霸权:1500- 1990》,第291页。
    ②Martin Feldstein,“American Economic Policy in the 1980s: A Personal View,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.64.
    ③Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.280.
    ④I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.57.
    ⑤Statistics Abstract of the United States 1991.见美国商务部人口普查局网站(2007年3月20日):, http://www2.census.gov/prod2/statcomp/documents/1991-01.pdf .
    ⑥Economic Report of the President, 1991, tables B-107 and B-110. Quote from I. M. Destler, Ameri can Trade Politics, p.48.
    ①I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.46.
    ②Economic Report of the President 2002 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 2002). Table B2, Real Gross Domestic Product, 1959-2001.
    ④I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/9iie3829.pdf。
    ①80年代美国的年失业率从未低于5.3%,大部分时间都在7%以上。Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.318.
    ②Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.317.
    ③Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.11.
    ④Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.278.
    ⑥C. Fred Bergsten ed., The United States and the world Economy, p.17.
    ①美国贸易代表办公室网站(2008年2月4日): http://www.ustr.gov/assets/Document_Library/Press_Releases/2008/February/asset_upload_file35_14465.pdf
    ②美国贸易代表办公室网站(2007年12月8日): http://www.ustr.gov/assets/Document_Library/Fact_Sheets/2006/asset_upload_file920_9647.pdf
    ③C. Fred Bergsten ed., The United States and the world Economy, pp.xvii, 32.
    ④C. Fred Bergsten ed., The United States and the world Economy, p.6.
    ⑤Scott C. Bradford, Paul L. E. Grieco, and Gary Clyde Hufbauer,“The Payoff to America from Global Integration,”The United States and the world Economy, ed. C. Fred Bergsten, p.85.
    ①C. Fred Bergsten ed., The United States and the world Economy, pp.6-7.
    ②FRUS 1944-1945, pp.485-91。
    ④Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy, p. 88.
    ①E. Mandel, Die EWG und die Konkurrenz Europa-Amerika (Frankfurt, 1968), p.10; Albert Statz,‘Zur Geschichet der west-europaischen Integration bis zur Grundung der EWG’in F. Deppe ed., Europaische Wirtschafts- gemeinschaft (Hamburg, 1975), p.113. Quote from Jeremy Leaman, The Political Economy of West Germany, 1945-1985 (Hampshire, 1988), p.92.
    ③Allen W. Dulles,“Book on Marshall Plan”, draft, Jan. 6, 1948, chapter VIII, Allen Dulles Papers, box 36 (Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton Uni.), p.1. Quote from Jeffery M. Diefendorf, Axel Frohn & Hermann- Josef Rupieper eds., American Policy and the Reconstruction of West Germany, 1945-1955 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), p.15.
    ④Robert O. Keohane, Joseph S. Nye, Power and Interdependence, p.41.
    ⑤M. M. Postan:《战后西欧经济史》(周宪文译),台北·台湾银行经济研究室,1976年版,第3页。
    ①Germany 1947-1949: The Story in Documents (Washington, D.C., The Department of State, 1950), p.519.
    ②M. M. Postan:《战后西欧经济史》,第78页。
    ③Christoph Buchheim,“Marshall Plan and Currency Reform,”American Policy and the Reconstru tion of West Germany 1945-1955, eds. Jeffery M. Diefendorf, Axel Frohn & Hermann-Josef Rupieper, p.78.
    ④Ibid, p.79.
    ⑤M. M. Postan:《战后西欧经济史》,第85页。
    ⑥Christoph Buchheim,“Marshall Plan and Currency Reform”, American Policy and the Reconstru tion of West Germany 1945-1955, eds. Jeffery M. Diefendorf, Axel Frohn & Hermann-Josef Rupieper, p.82.
    ⑦M. M. Postan:《战后西欧经济史》,第77页。
    ①Germany 1947-1949: The Story in Documents, p.5.
    ②Ibid, p.518.
    ③M. M. Postan:《战后西欧经济史》,第2-3页。
    ④Christoph Buchheim,“Marshall Plan and Currency Reform”, American Policy and the Reconstruc tion of West Germany 1945-1955, eds. Jeffery M. Diefendorf, Axel Frohn & Hermann-Josef Rupieper, p.69.
    ⑤Ibid, p.71.
    ⑥Ibid, p.72.
    ⑦Ibid, p.80-81.
    ⑧Jeremy Leaman, The Political Economy of West Germany, 1945-1985, p.92.
    ⑨Jeremy Leaman, The Political Economy of West Germany, 1945-1985, p.107;卡尔·哈达赫:《二十世纪德国经济史》(扬绪译),北京·商务印书馆,1984年版,第195页。
    ⑩卡尔·哈达赫:《二十世纪德国经济史》,第181页。□Werner Abelshauser, Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Bundesrepublik 1945-1980 (Frankfurt, 1983), p. 148. Quote from Jeremy Leaman, The Political Economy of West Germany, 1945-1985, p.91. The figures do not include‘intra-Ferman’trade.□卡尔·哈达赫:《二十世纪德国经济史》,第189页。
    ①M. M. Postan:《战后西欧经济史》,第65页。
    ②Christoph Buchheim,“Marshall Plan and Currency Reform,”American Policy and the Reconstruc tion of West Germany 1945-1955, eds. Jeffery M. Diefendorf, Axel Frohn & Hermann-Josef Rupieper, p.80-81.
    ③M. M. Postan:《战后西欧经济史》,第73-74页。
    ④Christoph Buchheim,“Marshall Plan and Currency Reform”, American Policy and the Reconstruc tion of West Germany 1945-1955, eds. Jeffery M. Diefendorf, Axel Frohn & Hermann-Josef Rupieper, p.81.
    ⑤M. M. Postan:《战后西欧经济史》,第86页。
    ②Hugh Patrick & Henry Rosovsky,《战后日本经济史》上册(周宪文译),台北·台湾银行经济研究室,1985年版,第70页。
    ⑤Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony, p.148.
    ⑥Burton I. Kaufman, Trade and aid: Eisenhower’s foreign economic policy 1953-1961 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982), p.40.
    ⑦Speech to National Editorial Association, June 22, 1954, Public Papers of the President Dwight D. Eisenhower(Washington, D.C.: GPO. 1954), pp.585-90.
    ①Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.169.
    ②“Japanese Tariff Negotiations-A Summary,”memo, n.d. White House Central Files, Confidential, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market , p.170.
    ③Hugh Patrick & Henry Rosovsky,《战后日本经济史》上册,第55页。
    ⑦NSC41, U.S. Policy Regarding Trade with China, Feb. 28, 1949, FRUS (Foreign Relations of the United States 1949, Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office), Vol. 9, pp.826-834.
    ①NSC48/2, The Position of the United States with respect to Asia, Dec. 30, 1949, Documents of the National Security Council 1947-1977 (Washington, D.C.: University Publications of America, 1980).
    ②Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.169.
    ③Ibid, p.174.
    ④House of Representatives, Ways and Means Committee, Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1958, pp.73-74. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.328, note 128.
    ②Carl D. Corse to Eisenhower, February 15, 1955, White House Central Files, Confidential, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p. 170.
    ③Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p. 173.
    ④Marshall M. Smith to Samuel C. Waugh, June 23, 1955, 394.41/6-2355, Record Group 59, National Archival. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p. 173.
    ①United States Department of Commerce, Trade of the United States with Japan. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p. 175.
    ②Economic Report of the President 1991, table B-110; World Bank, World Development Report, 1984, p.235; Percentages computed from International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics: Supplement on Trade Statistics, no. 15, 1988; and International Monetary Fund, Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 1990. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.51.
    ①Ronald Reagan, National Security Strategy of the United States 1988, p.33-34.
    ②Ibid, p.33.
    ①Robert Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981), p.9.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, pp.22, 139.
    ⑦I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 22.
    ①Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.221.
    ①BEA, National Income and Product Accounts, 2:207-21. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, pp.216-17.
    ②Douglas A. Irwin, Free Trade under Fire (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2002), p.13.
    ④US ITC 1997, P.37. Quote from Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.287, note 25.
    ①US ITC 1997, P.39. Quote from Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag eds., p.287, note 26.
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/9iie3829.pdf。
    ⑥John H. Jackson, The World Trading System, pp.94-96.
    ②Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p. 225.
    ③Susan Arial Aaronson, Trade and the American Dream , p. 70.
    ④Herbert G. Grubel, International Economics (Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1981), p. 174.
    ⑤“主要原因”指“比其他原因合在一起还大的原因”。I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, pp. 142-3.
    ⑥I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 23.
    ①Tariff Commission, Annual Report, Washington, various years. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 141.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 143.
    ③Paula Stern,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.670.
    ④In Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha, the US Supreme Court declared a similar legislative veto provision unconstitutional, on grounds that it did not provide for“presentment to the President,”as in the normal legislative process. Congress responded, in the Trade and Tariff Act of 1984, by providing for a joint resolution congressional veto for presidential decisions under Section 201. Such a resolution is presented to the chief executive for his signature; should the president veto it, a two-thirds majority of both houses would be required to override. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 143, note 11.
    ⑤I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 146.另外还有5宗获得了贸易调整援助救济,3宗通过有序市场协议(orderly marketing agreements)之类的灰色区域措施得到救济。
    ⑥自1986年至2004年,申请201条款保护的案件总共只有14件,每年最多都不超过2件,其中8年的申请案件数量为零。I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/06iie3829.pdf。
    ①US Department of the Treasury,“Report of the Secretary of the Treasury,”Annual Report of the Department of the Treasury, 1968, Washington, p. 416. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 141.
    ①US Department of the Treasury, Annual Report, Washington, various issues; US Congress, House Committee on Ways and Means, Temporary Extension of Countervailing Duty Waiver Authority, 96th Cong., 1st sess. (22 February 1979}, H. Rept. 96-15. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 148.
    ②这里的“实质性损害”被定义为非“不合理、非实质性或不重要的损害。”I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.149.
    ④I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.150.
    ①I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.154.②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/9iie3829.pdf
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/06iie3829.pdf
    ⑤I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/06iie3829.pdf。
    ⑥World Trade Organization 2004, p.46. Quote from Douglas A. Irwin, p.138.
    ⑧这16个国家和地区是:Argentina; Australia; Brazil; Costa Rica; European Communities; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Israel; Japan; Korea; Norway; Thailand; Canada; Mexico; Chile. WTO官方网站(2007年11月20日):http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds217_e.htm。
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.170.
    ③United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,“Protectionism and Structural Adjustment: Anti- Dumping and Countervailing Duty Practices,”draft note by the UNCTAD Secretariat (Geneva, 4 January 1984), processed, p.9.
    ②J. David Richardson,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.648.③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/14iie3829.pdf
    ①John Gerard Ruggie, ,“International regimes, transactions, and change: embedded liberalism in the postwar economic order,”International Regimes, ed. Steven D. Krasner (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1983), p.212.
    ④I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.26-27.
    ⑤Paula Stern,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.675.
    ①I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.157.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.122;J. David Richardson,“Trade Policy,”American Ec nomic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.639.
    ①Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy, p.14.
    ④Ronald Reagan, National Security Strategy of the United States 1988, p.3-4.
    ②Susan Strange, States and Markets, p. 78.
    ③John Gerard Ruggie,“International regimes, transactions, and change: embedded liberalism in the postwar economic order,”International Regimes, ed. Steven D. Krasner, pp. 208-209.
    ①Robert Keohane,“International Liberalism Reconsideration,”The Economic Limits to Modern Politcs, ed. John Dunn (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990), p.174。
    ②Judith Goldstein and Robert O. Keohane, Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions, and Political Change (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press), p.66.
    ①Judith Goldstein and Robert O. Keohane, Ideas and Foreign Policy, pp.12-13.
    ②Judith Goldstein,“International Institutions and Domestic Politics: GATT, WTO, and the Liberalization of International Trade,”The WTO as an International Organization, ed. Anne O. Krueger, pp.145-147.
    ②中国商务部网站(2007年12月1日): http://chinawto.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/i/ae/ar/200608/20060802946958.html
    ①Milton Friedman:《资本主义与自由》(赵秋严译),台北·台湾银行经济研究室,1972年版,第1页。
    ②Ernest H. Preeg, Traders and Diplomats, p.38.
    ③Charlene Barshefsky,“Comments,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.329.
    ④乔治·布什图书馆(2007年12月20日): http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/public_papers.php?id=1265&year=1989&month=11
    ②乔治·布什图书馆(2007年12月20日): http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/public_papers.php?id=2419&year=1990&month=11
    ③乔治·布什图书馆(2007年12月20日): http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/research/public_papers.php?id=3701&year=1991&month=12
    ②Lael Brainard,“comments,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.349.
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 234.
    ④Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.307.
    ⑤金灿荣:《PNTR及相关问题》,载《世界经济与政治》2000年第11期,第67页。⑥I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/08iie3829.pdf
    ②Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.302.
    ③Lael Brainard,“comments,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.344.
    ⑤Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, pp.298-300.
    ①美国贸易代表办公室网站(2007年12月1日): http://www.ustr.gov/Document_Library/Press_Releases/2006/July/Statement_from_USTR_Spokesman_Regarding_China_Labor_Petition.html
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.244.
    ④Ibid, P.245.
    ⑤Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.287, note 24.
    ⑥Ibid, p.288.
    ①Ibid, p.290.
    ④美国贸易代表办公室网站(2007年12月1日): http://www.ustr.gov/Trade_Sectors/Labor/Section_Index.html
    ①WTO官方网站(2007年12月1日): http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e/edis00_e.htm
    ①WTO官方网站(2007年4月22日): http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/58abr.doc
    ②WTO官方网站(2007年4月22日): http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e/edis08_e.htm
    ③WTO官方网站(2007年4月22日), para. 133:http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/58abr.doc
    ①Richard H. Pells, Not like us: how Europeans have loved, hated, and transformed American culture since World War II (New York: Basic Books, 1997), pp.31-32.
    ②塞缪尔·亨廷顿:《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》(周琪、刘绯、张立平、王圆译),北京·新华出版社, 1998年版,第46页。
    ③Ernest H. Preeg, From Here to Free Trade: Essays in Post-Uruguay Round Trade Strategy (Chicago: The Uni- versity of Chicago Press, 1998), p.22
    ①Oran R. Yang,“Regime dynamics: the rise and fall of international regimes”, International Organization (Spring 1982), p. 285.
    ②C. P.金德伯格:《世界经济霸权:1500- 1990》,第363页。
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, pp.48-49.
    ①Economic Report of the President, 1991, table B-109 and B-32. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 55.
    ②Economic Report of the President, 1985, table B-29. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 55.
    ③Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel, Peter Orszag, p.277.
    ④自1979年到1985年第一季度,去掉通货膨胀因素,美元的贸易加权值相对10个工业国家上升73%。Martin Feldstein,“American Economic Policy in the 1980s: A Personal View,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, pp.64-65.
    ⑥Martin Feldstein,“American Economic Policy in the 1980s: A Personal View,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, pp.68-70.
    ⑦Ronald Reagan, Economic Report of the President to the Congress (Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, Feb. 1984), p.5.
    ⑧J. David Richardson,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.635.
    ⑨Jeffrey A. Frankel,“Exchange Rate Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.296.
    ①C. P.金德伯格:《世界经济霸权:1500- 1990》,第291页。
    ④I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, pp.41-42.
    ⑤I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.44.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed, see http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/05iie3829.pdf
    ①I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/10iie3829.pdf
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.46.
    ④Japan Economic Institute of America, Yearbook of U.S.-Japan Economic Relations in 1982 (Washington: JEI,1983), 129. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 49.
    ②Ronald Reagan, National Security Strategy of the United States 1988, p.87.
    ③John E. Rielly ed., American Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy 1991 (Chicago: Chicago Coun- cil on Foreign Relations, 1991), pp.20-22.
    ④Jeffrey A. Frankel,“Exchange Rate Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.296.
    ①J. David Richardson,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, Martin Feldstein, p.639.
    ②C. Fred Bergsten,“Exchange Rate Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.344.③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/04iie3829.pdf
    ④I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, pp.41-42.
    ⑤I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.44.
    ⑥C. Fred Bergsten,“Exchange Rate Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.348.
    ⑦I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.125.
    ⑧Martin Feldstein,“American Economic Policy in the 1980s: A Personal View,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.72.
    ⑨Syed Javed Maswood, Japan and protection, Japan and protection, p.27.
    ⑩Martin Feldstein,“American Economic Policy in the 1980s: A Personal View,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.72.
    ②Jeffrey A. Frankel,“Exchange Rate Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.306.
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.125.
    ⑥Ronald Reagan, American Life, 241. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.103.
    ⑧I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.122;J. David Richardson,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.639.
    ①Paula Stern,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.675.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 212.
    ③Ibid, pp.128-130.
    ①Lionel H. Olmer,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.664.
    ②Paula Stern,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.680.
    ③Economic Report of the President, Feb 1995, p. 232.美国政府出版物网站(2007年11月20日):http://www.gpoaccess.gov/usbudget/fy96/pdf/econ_rpt.pdf
    ⑤Economic Report of the President, Feb 1996, pp. 245-246.美国政府出版物网站(2007年11月20日):http://www.gpoaccess.gov/usbudget/fy97/pdf/erp.pdf
    ①Robert O. Keohane, Joseph S. Nye, Power and Interdependence, p.48.
    ④美国在东京回合谈判中就起草了一份假冒商品守则草案。Bernard M. Hoekman and Michel M. Kostecki, p.282.
    ⑤J. David Richardson,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.641.
    ④凯恩斯集团(Cairns Group)包括阿根廷、澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、智利、哥伦比亚、斐济、匈牙利、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、新西兰、菲律宾、泰国、乌拉圭等14个国家。Bernard M. Hoekman and Michel M. Kostecki, The Political Economy of the World Trading System, pp.214-15.
    ⑤Bernard M. Hoekman and Michel M. Kostecki, The Political Economy of the World Trading System, p.209.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.126.
    ③Ibid, p.135.
    ④Ibid, p. 99.
    ⑥I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 220.
    ③Interview in Inside US Trade, Special Report: 24 December 1993, 4. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.231, note 27.
    ③这16个国家和地区是:Argentina; Australia; Brazil; Costa Rica; European Communities; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Israel; Japan; Korea; Norway; Thailand; Canada; Mexico; Chile. WTO官方网站(2007年12月5日):http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds217_e.htm。
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/9iie3829.pdf
    ④I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed., http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/9iie3829.pdf
    ⑥WTO官方网站(2007年4月22日): http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e/edis08_e.htm
    ⑦1995年5月美国柯达公司根据301条款向美国贸易代表起诉日本政府的反竞争行为。⑦USTR已认定日本的限制措施不公平,但决定将案件提交WTO的多边解决体制去解决。1996年6月13号,美国在DSB请求与日本就影响进口胶卷和相纸国内销售的日本法律法规进行磋商。美国指控日本政府的这些措施违反了GATT第3和第5条,损害了美国利益。磋商失败后,9月20号,美国要求成立专家组。在DSB推迟建立专家组的情况下,美国又提出了第二次要求,并在12月份要求世界贸易组织总干事来确定专家组的组成。1998年3月31号,DSB专家组向成员方散发被DSB采用的报告,报告否决了美国政府的所有实际指控。⑦报告认为根据GATT第23条第1款,美国未能证明日本的单个或集体“措施”损害了美国的利益;美国也未能根据GATT第3条第4款证明日本的分销“措施”对进口的胶卷和相纸更低的优惠待遇。在WTO败诉后,克林顿政府就终止了301条款在本案的适用。WTO官方网站(2007年4月22日):http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds44_e.htm及Lael Brainard,“comments,”Amer- ican Economic Policy in the 1990, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p. 346.
    ②Paula Stern,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.672.
    ①Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p. 137.
    ②美国众议院网站(2007年12月5号):http://waysandmeans.house.gov/legacy/portraits/1899-2000/hawley.htm③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 4th ed, see http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/chapters_preview/3829/2iie3829.pdf
    ④I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.32.
    ⑤Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation: My Years at the State Department (New York: W.W. Norton: 1969), p. 10.
    ⑥James Shoch, Trading Blows: Party Competition and U.S. Trade Policy in a Globalizing Era (Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press, 2001), p.59.
    ①Robert A. Pastor, Congress and the Politics of U.S. Foreign Economic Policy: 1929-1976 (Berkley and Los Angels, California: University of California Press, 1982), pp.100-101.
    ②Congressional Record, September 28, 1967, pp. 27215-16. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., p. 333, note 81.
    ③Zeiler, Thomas, American Trade and Power, p.240. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p. 202.
    ④Congressional Record, September 28, 1967, pp. 27186-215; HRE&L, Establishing Procedures to Relieve Domestic Industries and Workers. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, pp. 201-02.
    ⑤I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, pp.105, 107.
    ①Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., Opening America’s Market, p.29.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.31.
    ③Susan Arial Aaronson, Trade and the American Dream, p.110.
    ④Dwight D. Eisenhower, Mandate for Change: 1953-1956 (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co., 1963), p.194-195.
    ⑤James Shoch, Trading Blows: Party Competition and U.S. Trade Policy in a Globalizing Era, pp.60, 67.
    ①I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.176.
    ②Robert A. Pastor, Congress and the Politics of U.S. Foreign Economic Policy: 1929-1976, p.21.
    ①Robert A. Pastor, Congress and the Politics of U.S. Foreign Economic Policy, p.22.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.68.
    ③Robert A. Pastor, Congress and the Politics of U.S. Foreign Economic Policy, p.21.
    ⑤Paula Stern,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, p.673.
    ⑥J. D. Richardson,“Trade Policy,”American Economic Policy in the 1980s, ed. Martin Feldstein, pp.636, 646.
    ①James Shoch, Trading Blows: Party Competition and U.S. Trade Policy in a Globalizing Era, pp.98-104.
    ②I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 94-6.
    ③James Shoch, Trading Blows: Party Competition and U.S. Trade Policy in a Globalizing Era, p.107.
    ④I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 317.
    ⑤I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, 206.
    ④Memoirs of Cordell Hull, vol. 1, p. 358.
    ①I. M. Destler and C. Randall Henning, Dollar Politics: Exchange Rate Policymaking in the United States (Washington, D. C.: Institute for International Economics, 1989), pp.122-124.
    ②Journal of Commerce, September 20, 1967. Quote from Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., p. 202.
    ①I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 180.
    ②Jonathan M. Orszag, Peter R. Orszag, and Laura D. Tyson,“The Process of Economic Policy-making During the Clinton Administration,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, pp.1012-1013.
    ③James Shoch, Trading Blows: Party Competition and U.S. Trade Policy in a Globalizing Era, pp.241-242.
    ④Douglas A. Irwin, Free Trade under Fire, p.64.
    ⑤Ibid, p.71.
    ⑥Lael Brainard,“comments,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, pp.344-345.
    ①Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, eds. Jeffrey Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.310.
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 223.
    ④Ibid, p. 100.
    ⑤George Bush, Response of the Administration to Issues Raised in Connection with the Negotiation of a North American Free Trade Agreement, May 1, 1991. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 102.
    ⑥I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.24.
    ①C. Michael Alto and Thomas O. Bayard,“Costs and Benefits of Trade Adjustment Assistance,”in Robert E. Baldwin and Anne O. Krueger, eds., The Structure and Evolution of Recent US Trade Policy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984), 184. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p. 153.
    ②US Department of Labor,“Labor Issues of American International Trade and Investment”(prepared for the National Manpower Administration Policy Task Force), Policy Studies in Employment and Welfare, no. 24, Washington, 1976, 52. Quote from I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, p.142.
    ③I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics, pp. 153-4.
    ④Douglas A. Irwin, Free Trade under Fire, p.119.
    ⑤Alan B. Krueger, Cecilia E. Rouse,“Education and Labor in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, ed. Jeffery Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.719.
    ⑥Douglas A. Irwin, Free Trade under Fire, pp.119-120.
    ①Robert Z. Lawrence,“International Trade Policy in the 1990s,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, ed. Jeffery Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.314.
    ②Martin Feldstein,“summary of discussion,”American Economic Policy in the 1990s, ed. Jeffery Frankel & Peter Orszag, p.356.
    ①Keohane, After Hegemony, p. 37.
    ②Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978), pp.117-155.
    ②Robert Gilpin, Global Poltical Economy, p.88.
    ③Robert Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics, p.9.
    ④Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony, p.138.
    ⑤2007年8月23日中国商务部副部长高虎城在新闻发布会上的讲话。中国商务部网站(2008年2月24日): http://gzly.mofcom.gov.cn/website/face/www_face_history.jsp?p_page=1&sche_no=1343
    ①Douglas A. Irwin, Free Trade under Fire, p.18.
    ③以2003年为例,当年美国的贸易逆差共计将近5,400亿美元,约占GDP的4.9%;但同时美国的资本净流入额大约为5,750亿美元,还高过了美国的贸易逆差数字。经常账户(current account)上的赤字被资本账户(capital account)上的黑字轧平了且还有盈余。Council of Economic Advisers 2004, table B-103. Quote from Douglas A. Irwin, Free Trade under Fire, pp.125-126.
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