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1985年德国学者Depenbrock提出了异步电动机的直接转矩控制(Direct Torque Control)变频调速思想,DTC是继矢量控制之后发展起来的一种高性能交流调速技术。DTC具有结构简单、动态转矩好、鲁棒性好和易于数字化控制等优点。近年来DTC的研究虽然已经取得了很大的进展,但是它在理论和实践上还不够成熟,如低速性能差、脉动转矩大。
     (1) 提出一种新型的速度磁链观测器,新型的速度磁链观测器采用自适应闭环磁链观测器代替传统的积分器从而提高磁链观测的精度,并且根据Popov超稳定性理论推导出转速ω的新型自适应收敛律;
     (2) 改善系统的低速运行性能,主要从提高低速时对定子磁链的估计精度入手,提出了一种提高定子磁链观测精度的新思路——利用基于BP网络增广PIDBP学习算法来实时在线地修正定子电阻参数;
     (3) 采用数字信号处理器DSP实现系统全数字化硬件控制,结合TI公司生产的TMS320LF2407芯片,设计了直接转矩控制系统的实验装置;
     (4) 提出了基于SERCOS总线网络化分布式的直接转矩控制系统,SERCOS (Serial Real Time Communication System)是目前最适合同步和协调控制的串行实时通信协议;
     (5) 基本勾勒出整个控制系统的硬件和软件设计基本框架,详细描述一些实验中的具体的细节问题。
The strategy of Direct Torque Control is one of the variable frequency speed control scheme, which was developed in 1985 by Prof. Depenbrock and which was one of high performance control of Induction motor drives after Vector Control. The merits of DTC lie in the simplicity of the control structure , fast torque response , better robustness and being more prone to digital control. Although DTC have made fast progress in recent year, it has disadvantage in the theory and performance that not good at low speed operation and having serious pulsating torque .
    Aim at the DTC's blemish mentioned above and the direction of DTC technique development, the dissertation put great emphasis on the work as follows, with an eye to exalt DTC system function:
    (1) A new speed-flux observer of an induction motor is proposed to enhance the accuracy of flux observing, which is an adaptive closed-loop flux observer and different from the traditions. A new adaptive speed-observation-way is deduced out according to the Popov's stability theories;
    (2) To improve the performance of DTC at low speed operation, we have to exalt the accuracy of the stator flux estimation and a new way of BP neural network based on extended PIDBP algorithm is given to estimate and tune the stator resistance of an induction motor to increase the accuracy of the stator flux estimation;
    (3) Digital signal processor is adopted to realize digital control. An device of Direct Torque Control system is designed for experiment using TMS320LF2407 chip produced by TI company ;
    (4) Bring up a distributed Direct Torque Control system based on SERCOS bus, SERCOS stand for Serial Real Time Communication System agreement which is most in keeping with synchronous with moderate motor control;
    (5) The basic design frame of the hardware and software of the whole control system is given here and some concrete problem in the experiments is described here in detail.
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