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Market failure of rural finance is found because of the deficiency of farmers endowment and high risk of agriculture. In this paper, performance and gap of rural financial in China are studied systematically, adopting survey data and statistical data, creating and applying some econometric models, according to the research route of endowment difference,financial performance, mechanism incentive.
     The dissertation goes as follows:following two chapters in introduction to the research, literature review on its theoretical bases, respectively, the third paper examines the relationships of household endowments、financial knowledge and financing will by MNL model.The reasons for difference of rural financial resource distribution are focused on in the fourth chapter,by applying spatial econometric model. In the fifth chapter, the paper discusses dual credit constraints which are due to credit supply rationing and demand depression. In the sixth chapter, the gap between supply and demand of rural financial is discussed. In the sevevnth chapter, the paper discusses how the factors affect loan for farmer by Heckman model;and the household welfare in the case of dual credit constraints is evaluated by ERSM model. In the eighth chapter, the main variables which lead to enhance the farmers' income are discussed, the regional difference of the efficiency of rural finance is evaluated as well. The theoretical research on incentive model、signal model and the financial linkage is carried out, respectively, in the ninth、tenth and eleventh chapter.
     In the twelfth chapter, the dissertation offers several policy recommendations based on the above research,which would contribute to alleviate the market failure and promote inclusion of rural financial in China.
① 拉丰、马赫蒂摩:《激励理论(第一卷):委托代理模型》导言pⅢ(中国人民大学出版社,2002年)
    ① 本节部分内容以《信誉机制、信号显示与集群信用增级》发表于《征信》,2011年第4期。
    ① 中国人民银行农村金融服务研究小组.中国农村金融服务报告(2010),P32-22.北京:中国金融出版社,2011.
    ① 本节部分内容以《金融多样化、民间融资生态位与发展规管》,发表于《浙江金融》,2011年第12期。
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