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     本文模拟了各关键因素(pH、液气比、初始SO_2浓度、烟气温度、浆液浓度)对脱硫率的影响,并将模拟值和实验值进行了比较,发现:低pH条件下,模拟值和实验值对脱硫效率的影响趋势不符,高pH在一定程度上相符,但存在较大的偏差;不同液气比脱硫效率的模拟值和实验值之间存在10%以上的偏差,液气比为10L/m~3时,模拟曲线出现转折点,实验曲线没有转折点;初始SO_2为3000 mg/m~3时,在液气比小于12L/m~3曲线段SO_2脱除率模拟值与实验值变化趋势相关性比较好,液气比大于12L/m~3时,变化趋势不相符。初始SO_2为1000 mg/m~3时,在液气比大于10L/m~3曲线段SO_2脱除率模拟值与实验值变化趋势相关性比较好,液气比小于10L/m~3时,变化趋势不相符。3000 mg/m~3和1000 mg/m~3初始SO_2浓度的脱硫率模拟值和实验值偏差较大;温度越高模拟的脱硫率越高,与实验结论不符;模拟的浓度为15%的浆液脱硫效率最高,实验结果6%和15%的浆液脱硫效率相当。在一定范围内,低浓度浆液的脱硫效率高,模拟结果和实验结果之间有一定的偏差。
The process of sintering and coking, to blast furnace, then to converter is the main technology practiced in iron and steel smelting in China. According to statistics, the sintering process results SO_2 emissions to total emissions of the steel industry for over 70% and rising. Desulphurization of sintering machine has become the focus of our energy reduction. For a long time, coking processes produce the waste ammonia can be difficulty deal with, which will greatly used to handle sintering machine coking produced SO_2 both saved the desulfurization cost, and solves the processing problem ammonia waste produced a resource and ammonium sulfate with the requirement of sustainable development.
     In this paper, an absorption model of SO_2 in the tower and a motion model of liquid and gas were established. The flow distribution and the concentration distribution of SO_2 were simulated using the FLUENT software and the results showed that spraying hardly influenced the gas flow distribution above the liquid surface, while when the spraying stopped the gas distribution was uniform in the spray section of the desulfurization tower. Besides, by the analysis of the SO_2 concentration distribution, we found that where the nozzle formed the liquid film was the point where the concentration of SO_2 had a sharp change, which indicated that, best desulfurization was achieved before the spray liquid film broke and. So, in a word, the removal of SO_2 was accomplished by the slurry around the nozzle and the model of SO_2 concentration distribution is a good method to optimize the desulfurization tower.
     In this paper, the discharged SO_2 from the sintering machine as a target was treated through ammonia desulfurization process, the key factors such as pH, the ratio of liquid to gas, the initial SO_2 concentration gas temperature, and slurry concentration, were all investigated in experiments. Moreover, the slurry after desulfurization was tested and we found that low pH value under 4.5 had no obvious effect on the desulfurization efficiency, yet high pH value showed the opposite. The ratio of liquid to gas correlated to the efficiency within certain limits. The higher was the initial SO_2 concentration, the poorer was the desulfurization performance. Within a certain range, temperature had no significant influence upon the performance. The higher concentrations of the slurry lead to the lower efficiencies.
     The simulation of the key factors affecting the desulfurization efficiency was compared to the experiment values. Results showed that, under low pH conditions, simulated and experimental values did not match, and under the high pH, two values corresponded to each other to a certain extent, but there was a large deviation. There was a more than 10% deviation between different the simulated and experimental values under different liquid-gas ratio. When the ratio was 10L/m~3, the simulation curve had a turning point while there was none in the experimental curve. Under the initial SO_2 of 3000 mg/m~3 and the liquid-gas ratio less than 12L/m~3, SO_2 removal efficiency curve segment simulated trends associated better with the experimental, but when the liquid-gas ratio was greater than 12L/m~3, trends did not match. With the initial SO_2 of 1000 mg/m~3, the liquid-gas ratio was greater than 10L/m~3 SO_2 removal efficiency curve segment between the simulated and experimental data showed better correlation between trends, yet with liquid gas ratio less than 10L/m~3, the trends did not match. 3000 mg/m~3 and 1000 mg/m~3 SO_2 concentration in the initial desulfurization rate of deviation of simulated and experimental values was relatively large; the higher the temperature the higher the desulfurization rate of the simulation, but experimental results did not match; simulated slurry concentration of 15% accorded to desulfurization efficiency maximum, while the experimental results showed that slurry concentration of 6% and 15% had same efficiency. Within a certain range, low concentration slurries had better desulfurization efficiency, but there was a big difference between simulation results and experimental results.
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