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As a strategic new industry and leading industry in the post-industrial society and experience economy era, Cultural creative industries present characteristics of potential big, strong industry integration, low resource consumption and the high technology content. In the context of economic globalization and culture, cultural creative industries realize its own cross-industry, cross-regional and cross-border leapfrog development. At present, the global cultural creative industry creates the benefit of$22billion one day, and at a rate of5%increase. The development of cultural creative industry profoundly changes the world, with the enlargement of the participation main body and interaction, a new economic system based on knowledge, culture and creativity is gradually formed. Culture creative industry relies on its own special, superior and economic characteristics of multidimensional, is beyond the scope of its original connotation and industry and evolved into a form of special force of restructuring economic structure, a transformation of the mode of economic growth and economic development, has become national core competitiveness of the structural elements of the game system. Relying on copyright and high-tech as a strategic high ground in the United States,the European construction "creative Europe" as the strategic target, Japan's first anime power for the strategic direction and South Korea established "revitalization of the school" cultural industry as a strategic means, in according to the leap-forward development of cultural creative industries and emerging forms evolution law to realize the innovation and development.
     At the same time, developing the cultural creative industries, not only become an important strategic means for developed country for industrial structure adjustment and innovation and development, developing countries are also the unprecedented attaches great importance to and vigorously promote cultural creativity industry. In "the12th five-year plan" of our country:to promote the cultural industry transformation and upgrading, promote culture of science and technology innovation, transform and upgrade traditional industries, to develop emerging cultural industries.Will clear cultural industry as pillar industry of national economy; The cultural industry revitalization planning, clear requirements: focus on developing new forms of operation in the cultural industry, vigorously promote the structure optimization and upgrading of cultural industry. To upgrade the development of cultural creative industry to the national strategic level, from accelerating economic development mode change the height of the global and national development strategy, vigorously support the development of cultural creative industry. On the current situation of the development and research of cultural creative industry, though growing creative concept in the global range, cultural creative enterprises and cultural creative park in many countries and cities, more and more economists begin to pay close attention to this problem.However, through the study of existing comb,it can be seen that the study of the theory of the cultural creative industry development level lags far behind the practice, the research of cultural creative industry is at a very early stage, such as the definition of the concept of cultural creative industry ramifications, without distinction; Scoping is also differ in thousands ways of cultural creative industries, from a practical research to the longitudinal cutting industrial division;Noticed the cultural creative industry has extensive correlation, but to the creative industries to the mechanism of action of other leading industry without further analysis, only, learning and don't know why; Aware of the cultural creative industry huge role in promoting economic growth,but there is no in-depth study this huge role is through what way and way;,especially the current study ignores the development of cultural creative industry, and the development of the interactive development and mutual promotion of the two features.For the further study of cultural creative industry and economic development is undoubtedly a shortages and defects. Therefore, this thesis builds a cultural creative industry in transition and economic development in our country preliminary systematic study of the theory framework of the interactive mechanism, the cultural creative industry and the economic development of the internal interaction mechanism of in-depth, detailed and multi-levels, two-way and interactive study.
     The research idea of this article is from the cultural creative industries related to the concept of "the jungle",combining with historical investigation and logical analysis method to study the origin and evolution of the concept, essence in cultural creative industry, on the basis of connotation and practical significance, then analyzes its industry characteristics and mechanism of value creation. In the perspective of evolution economics, based on the cultural creative industry industry characteristics and mechanism of value creation. Using the theory of value chain analysis tool, on micro, meso and macro levels on the evolution of the cultural creative industry innovation and development of abstract internal logic and practice. And on this basis, the sorting out cultural creative industry and the inherent logic of interaction between economic development, construct the theory model of interaction. Then, focus on China's economic development and the cultural creative industry development present situation analysis, and the world's economic development and cultural creative industry international comparative analysis, empirical research for subsequent mechanism analysis to consolidate the realistic foundation. After theoretical model building and experience research, in-depth cultural creative industry to promote economic development, economic development to promote the study of the theory of the interaction mechanism of the cultural creative industry. Finally, the cultural creativity industry characteristics and interaction mechanism of the results of the study, under the guidance of put forward on how to construct a new kind of cultural creative industry policy.
     The structure of this paper is according to the above research thinking logic, altogether is composed of five large:preparation, theoretical model, empirical analysis, mechanism research and policy arrangement.
     First, the preparation part, including chapter one and chapter two.This part mainly study on the preparation, on the one hand, the background introduction, the theory and practice meaning. Gives a brief introduction of related domestic and foreign related to comb and on the other hand, introduces the theoretical basis of this study.
     Secondly, the theoretical model part, including chapter3.This part of the build process and the internal logic of a theoretical model is discussed. Mainly is to culture creative industry essential connotation and practical significance as the logical starting point of theoretical analysis, the use of cultural creative industry characteristics and value creation logic analysis, the "idea is introduced into-ideas spread-amplification" as the Angle of theoretical analysis, using value chain analysis tool, discusses the cultural creative industry value chain integration promote thickening, decomposition optimization, horizontal,vertical,fore and aft link, the proliferation of reticular and eventually form a complex shape, internal close contact, interactive development model,the value creation of galaxy evolution at the micro,meso and macro three levels of theoretical research on the evolution of the cultural creative industry innovation and development. Finally, based on the evolution of the cultural creative industry innovation development abstract internal logic and concrete practice, clarify the cultural creative industry inherent logic of interaction with economic development, construct the theory model of interaction.
     Again, the empirical analysis part, including chapter4and chapter5.This part of the cultural creative industry and economic development, practical development experience at home and abroad. The fourth chapter is the present situation analysis of our country economy development and the cultural creative industry development, the economic growth present situation and the development of our country transformation way leads to cultural creative industry history and logic, the system reform under the perspective of the cultural development of change of the pattern to understand the evolution of culture creative industry system logic, and straighten out the context of cultural creative industry development as well as the overall situation of our country. Then research Angle of view move to the situation of the transverse profile of the current industry development, the focus of analysis and new industry development space scanning, the regional development. Finally, on the basis of the development of three-dimensional analysis and practice summary, trend projections for the future culture creative industry in our country. The fifth chapter is the development of cultural creative industry international comparative analysis, first of all, reviews the rise of world culture creative industry dynamics, combing industry development, industrial layout, and analyzing the characteristics of the industry as a whole and the judgment to ascertain industry development trend. Then, based on analysis of the whole body, the typical countries of the world's leading cultural and creative industries are introduced with the development key, development situation, development model and development policy and the comparative analysis of the characteristics of the development, sort out the law of development of cultural creativity industry, its development experience to make a scientific judgment. Following by the analysis of international cultural creative industry development evolution trend and summing up experience and lesson.
     Then, mechanism research part, including chapter6and chapter7.This part is about the interactive mechanism of economic development with cultural creative industry. The sixth chapter is the intrinsic mechanism analysis of how does cultural creative industry promote economic development, respectively from five, expansion and transformation:the evolution mechanism of resources and upgrading and integration:value creation mechanism, support, and embedded: technical coupling mechanism, the growth and integration:structure evolution mechanism, cause and push:institutional change mechanism, the internal mechanism, the five comprehensive perspectives are the explanation of how does the inner mechanism of the cultural creative industry could promote economic development. Chapter vii is the inner mechanism of cultural creative industry promote the development of economy, from four perspectives respectively, the economic base to support mechanism, market environment, developing mechanism, the system safeguard mechanism, the demand structure drive mechanism, the four internal mechanisms, the interpretation of the comprehensive economic development promote feedback the inner mechanism of the cultural creative industry. So, based on theoretical model of the aboving two interaction and the empirical research of domestic and foreign practice about development of culture creative industry,clarify the cultural creative industry and the interaction of internal logic of economic development.
     Finally, the policy arrangement part, including chapter8.This part is the transition of our country culture creative industry policy considerations. First of all, our country culture creative industry policy review, on the basis of the reflection and summary. Then, based on the research content and conclusion, building a new China culture creative industry policy thinking:transition to policy nature and cultural creative industry characteristics as a starting point, the industrial policy requirements for policy goals and transformation development, with the theory of the interactive mechanism of international development experience to support policy content arrangement.
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