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To regional economic integration, the systematizing of regional logistics network is a leading force, and the regional logistics network structure is the basis of the regional logistics network. Now, it still is a lack of systematic study about regional logistics network structure, therefore, in this paper, system engineering theory, network theory, and so on, are applied to comprehensively study the characteristics, evolution, optimization, constructing, etc, of regional logistics network structure. There is great significance to perfect the theory of regional logistics network and build an efficient regional logistics network system. The main research as follows:
     (1) The structural analysis and expression model constructing of regional logistics network. The regional logistics network structure system is considered to be made from logistics node, logistics line and logistics zone after analyzing it. The structure characteristics of regional logistics network is put forward, and the expression model of regional logistics network weighted network and weighted super-network is built
     (2) Structural features analyzing of regional logistics network. The structural characteristics of regional logistics network is analyzed, which is a scale-free network, with a dual power-law behavior, a phenomenon of rich man's club, and logistics network topology being a non-similar characteristics of hybrid networks. It is analyzed about degree centrality, betweenness centrality, cohesive subgroup and core-periphery to relationship features of regional logistics network.
     (3) The evolution of regional logistics network structure. First, to study the mechanism of regional logistics network structure evolution, we know that evolution is influenced by internal and external factors, and the evolution driving force is space interaction, aggregation and proliferation. The regional logistics network space structure development showed there are some stages such as low-level equilibrium, concentration polarization, radiation expansion, high-level equilibrium stages based on regional economy, urban systems, logistics elements movement. In the development process, the regional logistics network structure evolves from a simple point-linear network to a complex level network. Second, the evolution model of regional logistics network structure were built and analyzed. The space-time evolution model of the regional logistics network structure is constructed, and Hunan province as its example is analyzed. Logistics nodes growth model is constructed, and the logistics node characteristics of selecting merit, attractiveness, empower will lead the regional logistics network to hierarchical network. Evolutionary model based on logistics zone growth is constructed, which would be evolved hierarchy network, and some useful conclusions can be seen that growing the key routing capacity of zone could improve network throughput capacity but remained similar network structure, and so on.
     (4) The regional logistics network structure optimization. First, we know that hierarchy structure space integrated network is more efficient, and our optimization should focus on developing hub node, expanding the trunk and critical path capacity, developing a hierarchical integrated structure, building a regional logistics backbone network structure by researching the regional logistics network structure optimization strategy. Another regional logistics network function optimization strategy is proposed. According to optimization strategy, regional logistics network structure optimization model is proposed, which is network based on hub-spoke. Second, it is constructed that non-strict hub-and-spoke regional logistics network hub node optimization model and non-strict hub-and-spoke logistics network line optimization model with node costs. We solve hub node optimization mode by Tabu search algorithm combined with the Floyd algorithm. Further, we obtained its logistics network hub nodes optimized by all certain parameters numerical values of Hunan province regional logistics network as an example.
     (5) The construction and test of regional logistics network. The basic idea and principles to construct regional logistics network is systematically put forward, and how to construct logistics nodes, lines and networks is analyzed. The AHP is applied to filter regional logistics network nodes in the external environment. Finally, we test Hunan province regional logistics network according to the construction idea and methods.
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