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     4、通过生物信息学分析得出,在下一步的生物学实验中,可将POU3F3、POU5F1、UTF1、KGF、Integrinα6、Trk C及BMP2作为重要的候选基因进行分析。
The quantity and quality of cashmere are associated mainly with the gene expression mode of skin. So it is crucial to character the mode of gene expression in skin in anagen and telogen.in this study, we analyze the gene expression profile of Cashmere goat skin in anagen and telogen via Functional Classification Microarray. We chose BMP2 for real-time PCR to confirm our result. The results agree with the microarray data. Finally, we investigated the expression of BMP2 gene during anagen and telogen by situ hybridization. The results suggested as following:
     1. Analyzed transcriptional differences between adult goats on May and newborn goats on March at gene expression level. Compared with the newborn goats on March, 33 different genes of total 288 genes on the array were differentially two-fold or greater. Among these 33 genes differentially expressed, 8 genes were up-regulated, the percentage was 3%, whereas 25 genes were down-regulated with the percentage 9.5%.
     2. Analyzed transcriptional differences between adult goats adult goats on May and adult goats on September at gene expression level. Compared with the adult goats on September, 35 different genes of total 288 genes on the array were differentially two-fold or greater. Among these 35 genes differentially expressed, 4 genes were up-regulated, the percentage was 1.5%, whereas 31 genes were down-regulated with the percentage 11.8%.
     3. Analyzed transcriptional differences between newborn goats on March and adult goats on September at gene expression level. Compared with the adult goats on September, 49 different genes of total 288 genes on the array were differentially two-fold or greater. Among these 49 genes differentially expressed, 5 genes were up-regulated, the percentage was 1.9%, whereas 44 genes were down-regulated with the percentage 16.8%.
     4. After bioinformatics analysis for all genes differently expressed two-fold or more above, 6 genes associated with hair follicle development were found: POU3F3, POU5F1, UTF1, KGF, Integrinα6, Trk C and BMP2, which can be recognized as candidate gene in future studies.
     5. Bioinformatics analysis results reveal that most differently expressed genes were monitored to be relative with cell signal transduction and cell development, which were mainly belong to nucleotide binding, protein binding, DNA binding and ion binding molecule. And these genes were usually located at cell envelope.
     6. Real-time quantitative PCR was employed to quantify the BMP2 expression in adult Inner Mongolia Cashmere goat skin. The expression of BMP2 in telogen was 27.8 times greater then expression during anagen phase. No significant change in the level of the expression ofβ-actin (house-keeping gene) was observed at anagen phases. Results of in situ hybridization indicated that BMP2 expressed at hair shaft in secondary hair follicle in telogen. However, it was found to be absent in anagen.
     7. Telogen could be recognized as the reference phase and BMP2 gene could be recognized as the reference gene in hair follicle development in future study.
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