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     老年高血压组和对照组两组人群中APOA5基因-1131T/C多态性基因型频率存在明显差异(P=0.014),老年高血压组APOA5 -1131C等位基因频率明显高于对照组(0.419比0.296,P= 0.004)。C基因携带者(TC+CC基因型)患高血压的风险是TT基因型的2.03倍(95%CI:1.21~3.39),经校正年龄、性别、体重指数、吸烟史、饮酒、高血压家族史及血清HDL-C、LDL-C水平等相关影响因素,其差异仍具有统计学意义(OR=1.65 95%CI:1.04~2.61);老年高血压组APOA5基因-1131T/C多态性不同基因型亚组间的TG水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),CC、TC组明显高于TT组,而CC组的TG水平最高;其他血脂指标差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);老年高血压组的EP、β、IMT均明显高于对照组,而AC明显低于对照组(P<0.01),无论老年高血压组还是对照组中,三种基因型的EP、β、AC、IMT差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
     本研究证实APOA5基因可能是高血压的候选基因;APOA5基因-1131位点T/C多态性为老年高血压的遗传标记,-1131C等位基因可能与老年高血压的发生相关联, APOA5基因-1131T/C多态性对人群血清TG水平有重要影响,与EP、β、AC、IMT无明显关联。
     To investigate the distribution of apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) gene -1131T/C polymorphism in the Han population in Qingdao, and to explore its effects on lipid metabolism and artery elasticity, and the association between susceptibility to elderly hypertension and the -1131T/C polymorphism in the APOA5 gene.
     Using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and agarose gelelectrophoresis (AGE) methods, we analyzed the genotypes and alleles in 130 elderly patients with essential hypertension (mean age 71.24±5.72years) and 120 healthy controls (mean age 70.49±6.43 years).
     The levels of serum lipid profiles were studied by biochemicalmethods. Using color doppler ultrasound we measured systolic inner diameter (Ds), diastolic inner diameter (Dd) and intima-media thickness (IMT) of the right common carotid artery (RCCA) and calculated pressure-strain elastic modulus (Ep), stiffness (β) and the arterial compliance (AC). Results
     The frequency of APOA5 -1131TT, TC, CC genotypes were distinctlydifferent between groups of elderly patients with essential hypertension andcontrol (P=0.014). The frequency of the APOA5 -1131 C allele in elderly hypertensive patients was significantly higher than that of the controlgroup (0.419 vs 0.296 P=0.004).Compared with the wild type TT, TC heterozygote+CC homozygote had a significantly increased elderly hypertensionrisk (OR =2.03 and OR=1.65 using unadjusted and adjusted logistic regression models,respectively).This association still existed after adjustment for the sex, age, BMI, smoking, alcohol, hypertensive familial history and the levels of serumHDL-C and LDL-C.APOA5 -1131TT, TC, CC genotypes al-so showed a co-rrelation with plasma TG levels in elderly hypertensive pat-ients (P<0.01).The -1131C allele contributed to the increase of serum levels of TG but had no effect on profiles of TC, HDL-C, LDL-C in elderlyhypertensive pa-tients.In the elderly hypertensive group, the serumlevels of TG of CC ge-notype were significantly higher than those of TT genotype and TC genot-ype.The serum levels of TG of TC genotype was higher than that of TT genotype.Compared with the normal group,data of Ep,βweresignificantly hi-gher in hypertension group(P<0.01),while AC was obviouslylower(P<0.01). However, there was no significance in profiles of IMT, Ep,βand AC in va-rious genotypes in both groups.
     The APOA5 -1131T/C polymorphism might contribute to an increased risk of elderly hypertension among Chinese accompanied by an elevation of serum TG levels. The APOA5 -1131T/C polymorphism was not related with artery elasticity.
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