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According to the requirements of polymeric solar cells, aiming to combine the advantages of dye sensitizer and conjugated polymers, the metal complexes will be attached to conjugated main chain as side-chain pendants through a soft linkage. The conjugated main chain of the polymers can make them have high hole-tansporting ability. And the metal complexes can improve the absorption range and absorption intensity of conjugated polymers. Thus, these polymers should have excellent performance for photovoltaic appliction.
     Design and synthesis of conjugated polymers based on thiophene containing bipyridine unit. Dibromo thiophene connected with bipyridine through flexible chain monomer M1 and 2,5-dibromo-3-octyl-thiophene (compound 6) were successfully synthesized. M1 was not reported in the literature. Although compound 6 could be polymerized by GRIM method conveniently, the copolymerization of M1 and compound 6 using the same method was not successful. The reason may be that the bipyridine unit of M1 could damage Grignard Reagent. We also tried to convert the dibromo monomer M1 to dialdehyde monomer compound 8 in an adjusted route, but the target product was not obtained.
     Design and synthesis of conjugated polymers based on carbazole containing bipyridine unit. First, compound 11 will be synthesized by connecting carbazole unit with bipyridine unit through soft linkage. Then, M2 will be synthesized by attaching two aldehyde groups to the carbazole unit of compound 11 through Vilsmeier reaction. Finally, M2 and 1,4-phenylenediacetonitrile will be copolymerized through Knoevenagel reaction. The intermediate compound 11 was successfully synthesized. Whereas, the translation of compound 11 to M2 was not successful, The reason may be that the bipyridine unit adversely affected the Vilsmeier reaction.
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