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近年来电力市场不断发展和完善,电力体制改革不断深化,厂网分开、试行竞价上网等市场化运作方式对发电企业提出了新的要求。电厂除了重视关口表电量外,内部的发电量、厂用电损耗的考核也越来越受到重视。目前电厂现有的生产管理信息系统MIS(Management Information System)虽然具有强大的功能,但是在某些具体的管理应用上不能满足更深层次的要求,例如市场化运行后,不但要计量有功电能,还要记录无功电能,以便进行电价结算等。
     本文实现的电厂电能计量管理系统主要包括:数据采集子系统、设备管理子系统、数据处理查询子系统。数据采集子系统利用三相电子式多功能电能表直接带有的RS-485或RS-232数字信号出口,将各电能表485输出并联,直接通过通讯电缆采用485模块引入计算机,由计算机负责接收各电能量参数数据采集模块所采集的数据,并将所接收的数据保存到SQL SERVER服务器中。设备管理子系统主要是对电表等设备进行管理,其主要功能有:电表参数管理,旁路管理,峰谷平时段管理,换表管理。数据处理查询子系统是在企业内部的一个局域网上运行的,数据处理查询子系统软件是安装在客户端的,它完成查询、报表生成及打印等功能。其中,查询模块可以查询各条输电线路、发电机组的任一时间区间段的各种数据(如有功、无功正反向电量等)。
At present, the widely-used three-phase electron multifunction energy meter has the function of measuring direct and indirect active component, direct and indirect reactive component, maximum demand, and power factor. It can collect various electric data via RS485 and export interface of long-distance reading meter impulse as well as process kinds of information and manage electric volume. The electric volume data it provides is of high precision.
     RS485 serial communication is very convenient to use because it can avoid disturbance from yawp signal. RS485 standard serial communication port is taken as communication port for meter in DL/T645-1997 communication protocol which defines physical data link network layer in detail. In this thesis, various electric data collection for three-phase electron multifunction energy meter is realized via RS485 bus according to DL/T645-1997 communication protocol. The collected data will be saved to SQL SERVER and the system can process various data.
     Starting from the analysis of Electric Power Measurement System, and according to the further requirements power plants making to the concrete administration and application after their marketing operation, this article researches and realizes the Electric Power Measurement System software for power plants. The basic principles for the design and realization of Electric Power Measurement managing System are experimented in a system in reality.
     This system includes three parts: The subsidiary system for data collection, the subsystem for equipment administration, and the subsystem for data disposal and query. The subsidiary system for data collection and process makes use of the RS-485 or RS-232 digital signal output on intellectual electric energy meters, and puts the parallel 485 output of the electric energy meters to a computer with 485 module via communication cable. The computer is responsible for receiving the data collected by each electric energy data collection module and saving them to SQL Sever. The subsystem for equipment administration mainly charges equipment administration: meter parameter administration, changing meter administration et al. The subsystem for data disposal and query mainly charges data statistic, data analysis, inquiry, displaying and printing report forms et al.
     The whole system uses third class truss or multi-hierarchy system designing technology which has such advantages: 1. Convenient to install client procedure. 2. Efficient. 3. Safer. 4. More commonly-used because of stability. The client software is designed with multi-thread technology. Multi-thread technology can strengthen capability of procedure from these aspects: 1. Avoid bottle neck phenomenon.2. Parallel operation. 3. Multi managing.
     The system can collect data from electric energy meters accurately and efficiently, as well as monitor the system parameters, analyze energy measure, skim through the data, print report forms, give an alarm when there is an abnormal phenomenon et al.
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