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     (2)用0.5μL·L-1的1-MCP在20℃下处理‘粉红女士’苹果24h ,显著降低0℃贮藏期间果实呼吸速率、乙烯释放速率和ACC氧化酶活性,延缓果实硬度和可滴定酸含量下降。虽然不同成熟度的果实呼吸高峰和乙烯释放速率到达平台期的时间不同,但1-MCP处理对成熟度不同的果实品质影响无明显差异。
     (3)在0℃1 80d的贮藏过程中,对照果实出现了37.1、18.0、16.6kD三条特异蛋白条带,0.5μL·L-11-MCP处理显著抑制37.1、18.0、16.6kD新蛋白质的表达,推测这些蛋白质与苹果衰老有关并受乙烯调控。
The storage behavior of‘Pink Lady’apples picked at 3 mature stages and the effects of 0.5μL·L-11-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on respiration, ethylene production, ACO (ACC oxidase) activity, storage quality and soluble proteins in apples with different maturity were studied during 6-months cold storage. The results were as follows.
     (1). Harvest maturity influenced storage quality of‘Pink Lady’apples stored at 0℃, especially when the fruits were stored over 3 months. The more mature the fruits were harvested, the more loss happened in flesh firmness, titratable acids and soluble solids after long-term storage. Therefore, it was recommended that the fruit expected for a long-term storage be harvested at the late middle of October and the fruit expected for a short-term storage be harvest by the end of October.
     (2). 1- MCP treatment (0.5μL·L-1 at 20℃for 24 hour) significantly inhibited the respiration, ethylene (C2H4) production and ACO activity, and slowed down the decrease in the flesh firmness and titratable acids of‘Pink Lady’apples during storage at 0℃. Some differences in the respiratory and ethylene peaks of fruits picked at three harvest dates were found. However there was no difference in the effects of 1-MCP on storage quality of 3-harvested fruits.
     (3). SDS-PAGE analysis of soluble proteins showed three new protein bands, 37.1, 18.0, 16.6kD, in untreated fruit during 6-months storage at 0℃. The appearance of these proteins were delayed in 1- MCP (0.5μL·L-1 )treated fruits. It is speculated that those new proteins are related to the apple senescence and their synthesis in apples is regulated by ethylene.
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