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As the Law of the People's Republic of China on Soil and Water Conservation and theRegionalization of the National Soil and Water Conservation were promulgated andimplemented, regionalizations and ecological functions of soil and water conservationbecome the important contents of soil and water conservation works and the basis of soiland water loss control in the new era. However, it is too rough of the nationalregionalization to apply in the provincial dimention. By the first time, the Law of thePeople's Republic of China on Soil and Water Conservation proposed the demands ofecological vulnerability areas, but the research of ecological vulnerability evaluation wasnot enough in methods and modes exploration, which is not benefit to carry out the work ofsoil and water conservation. Therefore, it is necessary to do research on provincialregionalization and ecological vulnerability based on ecological functions of soil and waterconservation, which could offer scientific basis for the regionalization of soil and waterconservation and the control of soil and water loss.
     Based on the principles, index, methods and chievements of the national regionalizationof soil and water conservation, we chose Shanxi province as the study area, and proposed thesystem of two-degree regionalization of soil and water conservation in Shanxi, by methods oftechnology of spatial overlaying and spatial analysis of dominant factor. By dividing Shanxiinto6first-degree regions and13second-degree regions, we evaluated the ecologicalvulnerability of the first-degree and second-degree regions; by analyzing the functions of soiland water conservation and vulnerability, the focus of soil and water loss control was showed,and the suggestions and measures were formed.
     The achievements of the thesis are as follows:
     (1) The first-degree regions of soil and water conservation in Shanxi
     According to the mapof landform type, of basin distribution in Shanxi, and thethematic map of the national third-degree regions of soil and water conservation, combiningthe administrative division of Shanxi, the spatial overlaying and pattern analysis of thethematic map were done by GIS. By using index of altitude, cumulative temperature above10℃, and average precipitation,6first-degree regions were devided. The name offirst-degree region was defined as “geographic location and landform type”:
     1) ⅠThe mountainous and hilly area in the north-west of Taihang Mountain
     2) ⅡThe mountainous and hilly area in the south-west of Taihang Mountain
     3) ⅢThe loess hilly and gully area in the north-west of Shanxi
     4) ⅣThe hilly-gully area in the middle Fen river
     5) ⅤThe hilly terrace in the south of Shanxi
     6) ⅥThe loess gully area in Shanxi, Shanxi and Gansu
     (2) The second-degree regions of of soil and water conservation in Shanxi
     Based on the first-degree regions,13second-degree regions were divided in Shanxi byusing the index of reginal landform type, soil type, altitude in county dimention, surfaceslope, type and proportion of soil and water loss, temperature, and grass and forestcoverage.8ecological functions of soil and water conservation, which were soilconservation, wate holding and storage, sand interception and reduction, farmlandprotection, water conservation, wind prevention and sand fixationm, ecology maintaince,and living environment maintaince, were proposed. The ecological function roles ofsecond-degree regions were determined according to the methods in the guide of soil andwater conservation regionalizations.The name of second-degree region was defined as“geographic location and dominant landform type and dominant function of soil and waterconservation”:
     1) Ⅰ-1The wind prevention, sand fixation and soil conservation regionof the hilly andsandy area in the west of the western Yanmenguan
     2) Ⅰ-2The farmland protection and water storage region of themountainous area inDatong basin and its surrounding area
     3) Ⅰ-3The water conservation and ecology maintenance region of the mountainous andhilly area of Heng Mountain and Wutai Mountain
     4) Ⅱ-1The soil conservation and disaster prevention and mitigation region inmountainous and hilly area of the the middle of Taihang Mountain
     5) Ⅱ-2The water conservation and ecology maintaince region of the mountainous areain Changzhi basin and its surrounding area
     6) Ⅲ-1The wind prevention and sand fixation region of the hilly and sandy area in thewest of Xinzhou
     7) Ⅲ-2The ecology maintaion and soil conservation region of the mountainous andhilly area in the upstream of Fen river
     8) Ⅲ-3The sand interception and reduction, and disaster prevention and mitigationregion of the Loess hilly and gully area in the west of Shanxi
     9) Ⅳ-1The living environment maintaince and soil conservation region of the Jinzhongbasin and piedmont terrace area in Taiyuan
     10) Ⅳ-2The soil conservation and water storage region of the hilly terrace area in thenorth of Linfen basin
     11) Ⅴ-1The water storage and soil retention region of the hilly terrace area in Jincheng
     12) Ⅴ-2The soil conservation and farmland prevention region of the hilly terrace areain southern Shanxi and Zhongtiao Mountain
     13) Ⅵ-1The soil conservation and water conservation region of the plateau and gullyarea in the south-west of Shanxi
     (3) The ecological vulnerability evaluation of soil and water conservation in Shanxi
     By analyzing the natural, social and economic factors and soil and water erosioncharacteristics in Shanxi, the index system of ecological vulnerability bevaluation ased on soiland water conservation was built; by the method of AHP, the evaluationg system ofecological vulnerability was established based on the uniti of county. Then, we analized andevaluated the ecological vulnerbilites of the first-degree and second-degree regions in Shanxi.
     The ecological vulnerability evaluation of first-degree regions:
     1) Regions of severe vulnerablility:ⅠThe mountainous and hilly area in the north-west of Taihang MountainⅡThe mountainous and hilly area in the south-west of Taihang MountainⅢThe loess hilly and gully area in the north-west of Shanxi
     2) Regions of mild-medium vulnerablility:ⅣThe hilly-gully area in the middle Fen river
     3) Regions of medium-severe vulnerablility:ⅤThe hilly terrace in the south of Shanxi
     4) Regions of severe-ultra severe vulnerablility:ⅥThe loess gully area in Shanxi, Shanxi and GansuThe ecological vulnerability evaluation of second-degree regions:
     1) Regions of severe vulnerablility:Ⅰ-2The farmland protection and water storage region of the mountainous area inDatong basin and its surrounding areaⅠ-3The water conservation and ecology maintenance region of the mountainous andhilly area of Heng Mountain and Wutai Mountain Ⅱ-1The soil conservation and disaster prevention and mitigation region in mountainousand hilly area of the the middle of Taihang MountainⅡ-2The water conservation and ecology maintaince region of the mountainous area inChangzhi basin and its surrounding areaⅢ-1The wind prevention and sand fixation region of the hilly and sandy area in thewest of XinzhouⅢ-2The ecology maintaion and soil conservation region of the mountainous and hillyarea in the upstream of Fen river
     2) Regions of severe-ultra severe vulnerablility:Ⅴ-1The water storage and soil retention region of the hilly terrace area in JinchengⅥ-1The soil conservation and water conservation region of the plateau and gully area inthe south-west of Shanxi
     3) Regions of mild-medium vulnerablility:Ⅳ-2The soil conservation and water storage region of the hilly terrace area in the northof Linfen basinⅤ-2The soil conservation and farmland prevention region of the hilly terrace area insouthern Shanxi and Zhongtiao Mountain
     4) Regions of mild-medium vulnerablility:Ⅰ-1The wind prevention, sand fixation and soil conservation region of the hilly andsandy area in the west of the western Yanmenguan
     5) Regions of mild-medium vulnerablility:Ⅳ-1The living environment maintaince and soil conservation region of the Jinzhongbasin and piedmont terrace area in Taiyuan
     6)Regions of ultra severe vulnerablility:Ⅲ-3The sand interception and reduction, and disaster prevention and mitigation regionof the Loess hilly and gully area in the west of Shanxi
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