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1. The heavily polluted waters in Bohai Sea overall increase and it can rise and fall in different years. Two facts can be indicated, the first is that the Bohai sea has enough self-purification ability to make some heavily polluted waters clean. The second is that the pollution becomes more and more serious in Bohai Sea. Liaodong Bay is one of the most heavily polluted waters in Bohai Sea. Main pollutants are the inorganic nitrogen, active phosphate and oils. The seasonal variations of waters self-purification capacity and the regulation of the pollution discharge at the top of Liaodong Bay are studied in this dissertation. The research is helpful to economy development in harmony with the environment, as it is difficult to control the pollution sources and pollutants. The monsoon and water temperature as well as sea ice are the marine environmental conditions obviously changing with seasonal variations in the north of Liaodong Bay.
     2. Based on the Numerical simulations on two-dimensional current field of the Bohai Sea, the tracer particles are set up at the heavily polluted waters at the top of Liaodong Bay in the numerical model. The impact of the monsoon (and sea ice) on the sea water exchanges is researched by the method that the trajectories of the tracer particles at high tide are contrasted and analyzed during three-month calculation period under the action of the monsoon (and sea ice in winter) and without the action of the monsoon at the top of Liaodong Bay. The impact of water temperature on water quality indexes at the top of Liaodong Bay is researched by field surveys and laboratory tests. The change of the count of marine heterotrophic bacteria with the water temperature is regarded as the indicator that the microbiological condition is changing with seasons at the top of Liaodong Bay.
     3. Analysis of tracer particles trajectories show that there is a counterclockwise tide-induced lagrangian residual current at the top of Liaodong Bay, but the monsoon-induced current plays a more prominent role in water exchange in this sea area. The south wind-induced current is counterclockwise at the top of Liaodong Bay, being same as the direction of the tide-induced residual current in this sea area. The comprehensive result of the two currents can purify the heavily polluted water at the top of Liaodong Bay, by making the water enter the clean waters area at the center of the north of Liaodong Bay within two months. In winter, the wind-induced current resulted from strong north wind is clockwise at the top of Liaodong Bay, being opposite as the direction of the tide-induced lagrangian residual current in this sea area. The comprehensive result of the two currents can form the strong southward coast current along the east shore of Liaodong Bay. The coast current can purify the heavily polluted water along the east shore between the Xianren Island and the Changxing Island within three months, by making the water enter the clean waters area at the mouth of Liaodong Bay. The sea ice affects sluggishly the water exchange at the north of Liaodong Bay. The wind-induced current is clockwise at the top of Liaodong Bay, being opposite as the direction of the tide-induced lagrangian residual current in this sea area in spring and winter, and the wind-induced current is not very strong. The comprehensive result of the two currents is not conducive to water exchange at heavily polluted area at the top of Liaodong Bay. The surveys and laboratory tests show that the count of marine heterotrophic bacteria increases dramatically when the water temperature is over16℃. The count of marine heterotrophic bacteria in the water with a temperature of20℃is as32times as that in the water with a temperature of-1.8℃.
     4. Above all, the water in the heavily polluted area at the top of Liaodong Bay is most easily purified from May to September during a year from the comprehensive effect of the water exchange and the microbial degradation. The size of the heavily polluted area at the north of Liaodong Bay is the largest in autumn, the order of successively decreasing size being in winter, spring and summer. Offshore pollution discharge area should be in the wind-induced currents path in order to keep away from the disordered residual current field nearly to the shore. Meanwhile, offshore pollution discharge area should be close to the shore in order to save the investment. The area is not same in different seasons. In summer, it is a nearly circular area with a9km-diameter, the top of which is about6km away from the shore at the west of Liaohe river mouth. The southern part of the sea area is also suitable for spring and autumn.
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