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The past two thousand years is an important period in the climate change research, and there is a lot of Paleoclimatic Records during this period in China. So China is the ideal area to study this programe. At present, there are relatively few alternative indicators integrated analysis, and comprehensive research of climate proxies in various paleoclimate carrier contribute to the establishment of regional climate characteristics from multiple perspectives.
     Based on the records of historical documents, I reconstruction the0~1000aAD coldness index sequence in eastern region. Combined with the38high-resolution temperature and precipitation of alternative sequences to summed up the characteristics and spatial distribution of the three regional temperature and humidity in China during the past2000years. Selected five typical temperature sequences to compared with the records of polar ice cores and sea surface temperature. Then combined with the typical wet and dry sequences to calculate periodic variation through power spectral analysis method. In order to study response mechanism of the decadal to centennial variability of china climate in Global environment. The past2000years also contains the unusually intense human activities for nearly200years, therefore, this reasearch also contribute to examine theimpact of human activities on climate change.
     Studies have shown that:Sui and Tang Warm Period in the records of the eastern monsoon region is not obvious in other regions. But the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age are widespread in China. The Little Ice Age can be divided into three coldness period in most regions of China, The change trend of the start and end time is from western China to the eastern.20th century warming is an indubitable fact. Temperature and humidity configuration space distribution is mainly reflected in the Medieval Warm Period when the western China humid, eastern China drought; Little Ice Age period, the Western drought, the eastern humid;20th century warming period, relatively wet in the western,the eastern and northern Xinjiang are dry. Selected five typical sequences are teleconnection with the polar temperature, the western Pacific SST and the North Atlantic SST. On the long time-scales, the wet and dry change in China is also a negative correlation with sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic and West Pacific. Solar activity, volcanic activity are the main driving factors to affect regional temperature and humidity changes in China, concrete manifestation of weak solar activity, volcanic activity, the strongtemperature decreases, and vice versa. Nearly a hundred years of human activities on the regional temperature influence obviously exist.
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