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     金属酞菁作为模拟酶催化剂主要以模拟氧化物酶、模拟过氧化氢酶、模拟过氧化物酶三种机理催化反应。本文选择两类反应:1) 2-巯基乙醇(MEA)的室温氧化反应(模拟氧化酶);(2) 过氧化氢的室温分解反应(模拟过氧化氢酶),测定了2,9,16,23-四马来酰胺基钴(铁)酞菁对上述反应的催化性能。与四羧基钴酞菁、四磺酸基钴酞菁相比,四马来酰胺基钴酞菁催化MEA氧化反应的速率常数k_5值为503.8 min~(-1),大大高于四磺酸基钴酞菁和四羧基钴酞菁的速率常数(分别为300.1min~(-1)和224.3 min~(-1)),并且该反应符合Michaelis—Menten公式,其米氏常数K_m为4.2×10~(-3) mol·L~(-1),小于四磺酸基钴酞菁(3.17×10~(-2) mol·L~(-1))和四羧基钴酞菁(5.31×10~(-2) mol·L~(-1)),表明2,9,16,23-四马来酰胺基钴酞菁对MEA的亲和力更强,MEA易与酞菁平面轴向配位,并与O_2分子生成三元配合物(RS~-—酞菁—O_2),进而加速MEA氧化反应的进程。另外,本文也考察了2,9,16,23-四马
    米氏常数Km为。.0877 mol.L一1,分解速率常数场=7.g6min一,。
Metallophthalocyanine complex is a class of synthetic compounds, which consists of macrocyclic tetraazaporphyrin structure. Because of its structural similarity to the active center of cytochrome P-450, it can promote many reactions through oxidase-like, catalas-like, as well as peroxidase-like mechanism.In this dissertation, a novel series of aqueous soluble phthalocyanine were synthesized by modification of cobalt or iron tetraaminophthalocyanine with maleic anhydride. Compared with normal aqueous soluble phthalocyanines, such as cobalt terasulfo-phthalocyanine(Co-SuPc) and cobalt tetracarboxyphthalocyanine(Co-CPc), cobalt tetra(N-carbony!acrylic)aminephthalocyanine(Co-MPc) was synthesized under ambient conditions(60 ℃, DMF as solvent) and obtained higher yield(79.6%).The product was characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, TGA, and so on. UV-VIS spectra showed that the aggregation of the Co-MPc molecular was mostly restrained due to the bulky peripheral substitutions on the cobalt phthalocyanine rings.The catalytic activity of Co-MPc and Fe-MPc was investigated upon two kinds of reactions, which were the oxidation of 2-mercaptoethanol (MEA) and the decomposition of H2O2. The outcome stated that Co-MPc had the best catalytic activity for the oxidation of MEA and Michaelis constant (Km) was 4.2×10-3mol·L-1, much lower than Co-SuPc(3.17× 10-2 mol·L-1) and Co-CPc(5.31 ×10-2 mol·L-1). It was shown that Co-MPc had the greatest affinity with MEA than other phthalocyainines as oxidase-like enzyme. Furthermore, as a catalas-like enzyme, Fe-MPc decomposed with higher rate than Co-MPc at the same conditions. For Fe-MPc, the Michaelis constant, Km, was 0.0877 mol·L-1 and the decomposition rate constant, k3, was 7.96min-1.Because of unsaturated double bonds in the side chains of Co-MPc (or Fe-MPc), a novel thermosensitive copolymer (Co-HG, or Fe-HG) was prepared after Co-MPc (or Fe-MPc) copolymerized with N-isopropylacrylamide. The copolymer could be dissolved in most of solvents except hexane. It also revealed a lower critical solution temperature phenomenon (LCST) at 34.2℃ in water, higher than the LCST of
    Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)(32.5℃). As a novel polymer catalyst, the catalytic activity for the oxidation of MEA and the decomposition of H2O2 was examined. This polymer catalyst served as a homogeneous catalyst of oxidation of MEA below LCST and precipitated from the solution with the steep drop of catalytic activity above LCST. The Michaelis constant of the oxidation of MEA was 0.011 mol·L-1 under the catalysis of Co-HG, and the rate constant was 289min-1. Furthermore, the kinetics of the decomposition of H2O2 was also investigated and Km was 0.1012 mol·L-1 under the catalysis of Fe-HG.Since the phthalocyanine/isopropylacrylamide copolymer had great solubility and catalytic activity, the hydrogen peroxide oxidation of dyes was studied under the catalysis of the copolymer. Two different structural dyes, C. I. Reactive Blue 19 (KN-R) and C. I. Reactive Red 2 (X-3B), were selected in the experiment. Fe-HG had higher catalytic activity than Co-HG, which may be owing to the involvement of PcFeIV=O. Effects of different parameters like initial concentrations of dye, H2O2, phthalocyanine in copolymer, pH of solution, reaction temperature and added electrolytes on the oxidation process had been studied. The results indicated that 3.19 × 10-4moI·L-1 KN-R could be most effectively degraded at a dye:Pc:H2O2 molar ratio of 1:0.031:10.9 at pH=2 and 25°C, while 0.813X 10-4mol·L-1 X-3B could be decomposed with the dye:Pc:H2O2 molar ratio of 1:0.023:10.9. A detailed investigation on the kinetics of the oxidative degradation of two dyes was carried out. The initial rates of degradation of KN-R and X-3B were RKn-r = 321.1[KN-R]0.37[Pc]0.90[H2O2]0.57 and RX-3b = 836.3 [X-3B]0.27[Pc]1.06[H2O2]0.57, respectively. Significantly, the thermosensitive copolymer could be separated easily from the dye solution when the solution temperature was above LCST. After recycling experiment for six times, the copolymer still kept most of
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