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     7、经过几代离体扦插繁殖,芽变黄檵木性状稳定。笔者认为当材料繁殖达到一定数量后,像红檵木Loropetalum chinense var.rubrum一样可以把它作为檵木家族中一新变种看待,可定名为:Loropetalum chinense var.auratum。
Loropetalum chinense var . auratum(Huangjimu) is a new bud mutation from L chinense oliv(Jimu) . It is important to study it' s heredity and mutation, genetic expression and regulation and metabolizability process for it' s enormous potential economy value. This article studied on the similarity and difference of shape, chloroplast ultrastructure, physiology and biochemistry characteristics, POD and RAPD among L. chinense. L. chinense var . auratum and L. chinense var. rubrum(ftongjimu). Based on the study ,the system of culture in vitro .which is the foundation for Huangjimu' s commercial production was established.
    Following are the main results:
    1. The color and shape of leaf and the chloroplast ultrastructure of Jimu are different from Hongjimu and Huangjimu. The chloroplast of Hongjimu are crystal latticed and some disaggregated . In chloroplast, there are a lot of strained powder, and the segments were closely arrayed.
    2. The content of pigment and anthocyanin varied among the three species. The contents of chla, chlb, and chlk in Jimu and Hongjimu leaves were higher than that in Huangjimu .The content of anthocyanin in Hongjimu leaf are nearly two times higher than that in Jimu .while Huangjimu is less than Hongjimu .Thus, the main reason that leaf color changed is the decrease of chloroplast content.
    3. The POD of three species has similarity and diversity. They all have 3 common strips and also have their own special strip.
    4. The membrane permeability that is widely used on the research of plant physiologial resistance is one of the important physiological index of adversity injury. The tolerance ability of Huangjimu is stronger than that of Jimu (L. chinense) .
    5. An optimal reaction system that is suitable to the RAPD assay was established. RAPD markers were generated by 10 arbitrary primers ,44 of total 74 bands were polymorphics . The genetic similarity was 0. 887 between Jimu and sport Huangjimu, and was 0. 796 between Jimu and Hongjimu.
    6. The culture in vitro system of Huangjimu (L. chinense var . aura turn) has been established and produced hundreds of plantlet.
    7. The genetic character of Huangjimu is stable through cutting in vitro .and thus, it could be considered as a new variety of L. chinense .named L. chinense var . auratum.
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