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There are many excellences in plasma ignition for Electrothermal-Chemical Gun (ETCG)
    when compared with the normal ignition. In order to improve the ETC launch technique, it
    is necessary to study the propellant with plasma ignition thoroughly. The investigation of
    this thesis is to find out the temperature distribution of propellant in ETCG with plasma
    ignition. Firstly, at the surroundings of fearfully high or low temperature, Non-Fourier heat
    transfer whose heat transmission speed is a finite value is introduced, and analytical
    solutions of hyperbolic heat conduction model for a one-dimension sphere has been
    discussed, it is realized that whether the Non-Fourier heat transfer be considered is
    determined by the relaxation time, size, thermal conductivity of the particle and thermal
    effect time. Then, the Non-Fourier conduction heat transfer model which attention to the
    characteristics of ETCG is developed, which base on the characteristic of solid grains with
    plasma conduction and conventional ignition theory and some plasma ignition models
    established by scholars before. The one-dimension sphere and two-dimension cylinder
    plasma ignition model of propellant are established which are different from the
    conventional ignition models. The govern equation of this new model is hyperbolic partial
    differential equation of Non-Fourier heat conduction. Lastly, the numerical simulation of
    the model is used to rich the analysis under the suitable simple. The result show that: the
    ignition delay will be shortened while the energy of plasma increase; the two-dimension
    cylinder model with consideration of radial and axis temperature change is more feasibility
    when compared with the one-dimension sphere model with consideration of radial
    temperature changes; the comparisons of the results of classical Fourier heat conduction
    and Non-Fourier heat conduction model with considering of normal propellant and the
    propellant with protective films respectively, show that it is more feasibility to considering
    Non-Fourier heat conduction, and it agree with the practical situation better.
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