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Justice is an important topic in the field of Human Resource Management. From the origin of organization justice, justice in HRM received broadly attention and research. And the related research topics almost cover all the functions of HRM. Performance appraisal is core of the functions of HRM, it will directly influence the employee’s salary, promotion, re-employment, and so on. Especially, the justice perception of performance appraisal is the key factor that affects the working attitudes and working behaviors straightly. Hence, justice is the core of performance evaluation. According to the literature reviews, it concludes that organization justice plays an important role in the process of performance, not only on the enhancement of evaluation satisfaction, but also on the encouragement of performance improvement. Consequently, it will increase the effectiveness of performance appraisal largely.
     Based on the survey on performance appraisal system with its model and the implement, and on the literature reviews on the related theories, this thesis puts focus on the followed two problems desiderate to be resolved. The first one, what is the configuration of factors dimensionality for the employee’s justice perception on performance appraisal in China with the influence of high power distance and high context culture. And the differences between in China and in foreign country are compared. While the second one is, whether the knowledge worker’s justice perception of performance appraisal has multi-focus affection on his/her work attitude or not, and what is the affection route of the justice perceive on the variables of working attitude which represented three different level, emotion, perceive and behavior, and what is the correlative affections. Theoretic research and empirical study were adopted according to the essence of these problems. Followed are the main conclusions.
     Firstly, justice perception of performance appraisal is a tri-factor configuration model under the background of Chinese culture. After having a study on traditional justice perceive model of performance appraisal, and based on the analysis of the connotation and configuration dimensionality of organization justice, this thesis sets up the configuration framework, has a deep inquiry from top to bottom, forms a original scales, and then analyzes and filters the project with the quantitative methods of PH-value, correlation analysis, and standard deviation. From the explored factor analysis in the formal research, it gets the tri-factor dimension configuration of justice perception of performance appraisal, and that is interactive justice, procedural justice and distributive justice. The fit index of Tri-factor configuration is better than two-factor configuration which is popular in western research according to the validate factor analysis. And it also makes clear that the questionnaire used in this research has a good reliability and effectiveness.
     Secondly, the factor configuration and connotation of justice perception of performance appraisal are different between in China and in western. The primary and secondary sequence of justice perception dimension derived from this research is followed, interactive justice, procedure justice and distributive justice. And the corresponding square deviation is 26.422%, 20.933% and 14.628% respectively. It is absolutely a converse to the sequence of foreign research, and that is result justice, procedure justice and interactive justice (interpersonal justice and information justice). The most important difference of this thesis’research from formal literature is, that the interactive communication during performance interview and the doubt on the evaluation results are regarded as one part of interactive justice, which is belongs to procedure justice. Furthermore, impersonality and definitude are inducted in procedure justice in this research.
     Thirdly, it concluded that the justice perception of performance appraisal has multi-focus affection on knowledge worker’s work attitude. Hence it proved that there are at least two kinds of social exchange relationship during the procedure of performance evaluation. The first one is exchange between the employee and his/her director, the other is between the employee and the organization. And it also proved that the procedural justice can make a better forecast on the knowledge worker’s organization-focused work attitude (includes organization satisfaction, organization commitment and job involvement), through the intermediate of perception of organization support. While interactive justice perception can make a better on the supervisor-focused working attitude (supervisor satisfaction, and supervisor commitment and job involvement) through the intermediate of perception of supervisor support.
     Finally, it found that the justice perception of performance appraisal has different affection route and extent on different level working attitude. For the affection of interactive justice perception on supervisor-focused work attitude, supervisor support is absolutely an intermediate, while its forecasting sequence is cognition factor, emotion factor and behavior factor. For the affection of procedural justice on organization-focused work attitude, organization support is a comprehensive intermediate only to organization promise and working devotion, procedural justice has directly affection on commitment, its forecasting sequence is emotion factor, cognition factor and behavior factor.
     This thesis has a comprehensive induce and analysis on the research conclusions. And it also put forwards some future research direction.
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