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In recent years, with the development of computer3D technology, more andmore demands of3D printing emerge.3D printing becomes a new direction for thedevelopment of inkjet printing technology, with good development potential andbroad prospects for application. Howerver, as there is no uniform definition andconcept on3D printing in the industry, researches are focused on3D rapidprototyping field, which has great differences with traditional printing applications.Therefore, aiming at the key and difficulties of3D printing, a3D printing robotsystem is built in this thesis. Based on this system, which has combined robotics andprinting technologies, the mechanism and key technology of3D printing aredeveloped and also the basic theory of3D printing system has been built.
     Based on the research of the mechanism and key technology of3D printing,3Dprinting robot using a3-DOF cartesian-coordinate robot as platform is built. Byinvestigating the reason of color distortions in3D printing, a novel multi-stepcompensation algorithm is developed. Futher more, the application of3D printingrobot is explored, and the method of manufacturing3D photo and true-color terrainmodel is developed.
     The main outcomes can be cited as follows:
     (1) Research on3D printing mechanism. First, the working principle andoperating flow of3D printing is developed and the technical scheme of inkjet methodand ink is confirmed. Then, the principle and scheme of3D ink supply system isstudied. The research on the core modules provides a theoretical basis and guidanceto the design of3D printing robot.
     (2) The general planning and structure design of3D printing robot are presented,including mechanical system, control system and software system. Then systemcapability is checked, laid a foundation for further development of proprietary3Dprinting robot.
     (3) The factors that cause color distortion and printing errors in3D printing process have been summarized. Then, to overcome the problems which affect theprinting result: the coloring area being larger caused by3D model surface, printaverage distance much larger then2D printing and the regularity stripes caused by thenozzle blockage and mechanical error, three optimization algorithms have beenproposed in Chapter3: three dimensional halftoning algorithm based on surfacefeatures, an error statistical and angle optimization method in3D printing and amulti-pass trajectory optimization methods in3D printing.
     (4) Method of making true-color terrain model. Based on the geographicalinformation service provided by Google, the extraction methods of DEM and satelliteimage have been proposed. To improve the compatibility of3D printing, twoalgorithms are developed: model optimization and image compensation in3Dprinting and multi-resolution analysis of grid point clouds based on wavelet transform.Then, a fast processing method of high precision and true color actual scene model isimplemented. The experimental results demonstrate the performance of the3Dprinting robot platform and the proposed algorithms.
     (5) A method of basal depth estimation from a single image using MRF-MAP.According to the limit of manufacturing3D photo, the rough depth is extracted andoptimized firstly. Then the depth of details is obtained by using the texture andshadow of the image. The rough depth and the details depth are superposition toachieve the image’s relief model. Finally,3D photo’s manufacture is implemented,including carving and printing using the relief model and image data by3D printingrobot.
     (6)3D printing experiments have been designed to verify the accuracy,functionality and reliability of3D printing robot. The experments include the highprecision terrain model of Shenzhen, the large format terrain model of Taiwan, thesplicing terrain model of Diaoyu Island and3D photo named “Linyin”.
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