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Based on an extensive survey of continuous quality improvement (CQI) situation of manufacturing industry in China, this dissertation takes considerable study on the theoretical feasibility and implementation of constructing an integrated quality system (IQS) for CQI with a comprehensive use of the tools and techniques in management science, information science and network technology, modern quality management theory as well as system engineering. The main contents and achievements are listed as follows:
     1.The dissertation first identifies the problems for domestic manufacturing companies to implement quality improvement and accordingly proposes a customer-oriented CQI mechanism.
     2.A new method of obtaining customer requirements weights is proposed based on the theory of fuzzy set theory. The process priority to improve is then evaluated by combining the Kano’s model and QFD method.
     3.The category of quality data within the manufacturing industry is studied and a method of quality BOM is thus designed to organize quality data. The major contribution of this part is developing a methodology of integrating current quality tools in effectively supporting CQI.
     4.A structural model of three-dimension IQS is first proposed in this dissertation to reduce the risk and complexity in developing a computerized quality improvement system.
     5.The information exchange mode between IQS and the other three subsystems of CIMS is identified based on the whole life circle of quality management. And a conceptual structure of IQS-centered quality information system is proposed for a typical CIMS manufacturing company.
     At last, a software package of IQS for CQI—IQMS 1.0 is developed to test the methodologies and techniques mentioned above. The successful use of the software in a manufacturing company proves the validity of the methodologies proposed in this dissertation.
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