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     本研究重点是中医基础理论病因学术语英译文的研究:对每一个术语在5部标准的不同的英译文进行研究和比较,从翻译原则、翻译方法,并结合医学技术层面的意义进行分析。根据中文术语的内在涵义,分析、比较各个标准中不同英译文的优缺点,从中选出或另给出新的比较合理的英译文。英文释义主要参考www.websters-online-dictionary.org/;美国传统辞典,网络版金山词霸2003;英文医学词汇意义主要参考W.B.Saunders Company.Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary,29thedition.Forum,Singapore Harcourt Asia Pte Ltd.2001;其他词汇意义主要参考Wikipedia.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/等英文网站提供的资料。
     英译文I级一致率的4条术语中,有3条术语中文定义无歧义,5部标准中英译文一致,所以采用了原标准的英译文,分别是“阳邪”、“阴邪”、“痰”。其中“风燥(wind-dryness pathogen)”是在原英译文的基础上加以改变的。
     英译文II级一致率的20条术语中,有16条采用原标准英译文;其中有5条我们研究的结果没有采用原标准中一致率最高的英译文,而是应用了一致率低的英译文。如“病因、外感、六淫、瘴气、瘀血“,应用直译和借用英语中相应的西医名词方法。有4条术语是在原标准英译文基础上加以改变的。分别是“风寒(wind-cold pathogen)”,“风热(wind-heat pathogen”,“风湿(wind-damp pathogen)”,“饮(stagnant fluid)”.
     英译文III级一致率的26条术语中,遵照一致率统计级别,完全采用原标准英译文的有21条,而有6条没有采用原标准中一致率最高的英译文,而是应用了一致率低的英译文。分别是“三因学说(theory of three categories of disease cause)”,“内因(endogenous cause)”,“外因(exogenous cause)”,“不内外因(non-endo-exogenouscause)”,“实邪(excessive pathogen)”,“七伤(seven injuries)”.属于在原标准英译文基础上加以改变的有5条术语,分别是“正邪(vital qi)”,“湿阻气机(damp pathogenhampering qi movement)”,“痰饮(phlegm and stagnant fluid)”,“湿邪(damp pathogen)”,“湿家(patient with damp)”.本研究遵循了科学性原则、同一性原则等,采用了直译、意译等方法。
     英译文IV级一致率的有67条术语。这个级别的英译文基本上是各个标准不相同或是缺失的,所以从中筛选、分析、比较,选择,最后完全采用原标准英译文的有30条。其余37条为自创英译文,其中32条是在原译文上加以改变的,5条是完全自创的,分别是:“饮食失宜(dietary intemperance)”,“饮食不洁(dietary unsanitary)”,“饮食偏嗜(dietary partiality)”,“过逸(over-ease)”,“虚邪(deficiency pathogen)”.主要是从语义角度上,重新选择一个恰当的词汇。对于占大多数的四字结构术语,采用的不同翻译方法和原则。一是应用“名词+动名词+名词”结构的复合短语。二是则采用意译的翻译方法,英译文不与原文一一对应,用解释性的语言来翻译术语。
     With the development of economic globalization, Traditional Chinese Medicine(hereinafter referred to as TCM) has been already accepted by more and more countries.English translation of terminology in TCM has become an irreplaceable bridge linking Chinaand world for TCM. To strengthen academic information exchange, promotingcommunication on TCM,the work to establish standard of English translation of terminologyin TCM is a key link for the development of modernization,internationalization in TCM.There have been5standards published by organizations in China and the World HealthOrganization during the different periods on terminology standard of English translation ofTCM. This Study comparatively analyzed English translation of etiology terminology in5Terminology Standards of TCM by linguistics,terminology and translatology,summing upprinciples on English translation of etiology terminology and method,and putting forwardproper English translation about etiology terminology. This study comparatively analyzed5Terminology Standards of TCM and thus summarized the problems and causes,whichprovides reference for studying and revising standards of English translation of terminologyin TCM.
     Subjects and Methods
     We select117entries of terminology about etiology in the5Terminology Standards ofTraditional Chinese Medicine:The Republic National Standard Terms of The Basic Theory ofTCM (GB/T20348—2006)(Standard①), English Translation of Common Terms inTraditional Chinese Medicine (Standard②),Chinese Terms in Traditional Chinese Medicineand Pharmacy (Standard③),International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature ofChinese Medicine (Standard④),WHO International Standard Terminologies on TraditionalMedicine in the Western Pacific Region2007(Standard⑤). English translation of these117entries of terminology about etiology were classified into four levels (I,II,III,IV),or fourconcordance rates,which goes from full agreement in5standards to complete inconsistency. The level III and IV translations of terminology were the essential part of our study.
     Chinese concept of terminology respectively refer to The Republic National StandardTerms of the Basic Theory of TCM (GB/T20348—2006) and Chinese Terms in TraditionalChinese Medicine and Pharmacy. This thesis emphasizes on contrast research of Englishtranslation of etiology terminology in TCM by analyzing English translation principles andmethods in5standards. Concepts of English vocabulary refer to:www.websters-online-dictionary.org/;English medical vocabulary refer to:W.B.SaundersCompany.Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary,29th edition.Forum,Singapore HarcourtAsia Pte Ltd.2001, and other websites such as Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/etc.
     This research reviewed the concepts of terminology,standardization of terminology,standardization of terminology in TCM,and outlined the principles and methods of Englishtranslation of terminology in TCM. Based on this,the author comparatively studied theterminology standard on etiology in TCM with the following respects.
     1. Consistence of English translation on etiology terminology in TCM in all the fivestandards
     Among117entries of etiology terminology in TCM,there are4entries with level Iwhich account for3.4%of the whole;20entries with level II which account for17.1%of thewhole;26entries with level III which account for22.2%of the whole;67entries with levelIV which account for57.3%of the whole. There are multiple translations for one terminologybecause of the authors with different ideas about TCM terminology and differences betweenTCM and west medicine.
     2. Comparative study of terminology standard on etiology in TCM
     We discuss briefly level I,II English translation terms,and mainly discuss level III,IVEnglish translation terms in all the five standards.
     Among the4entries with consistence level I,there are3entries selected from originalEnglish translation in the5standards,and1entry created in this study as a new Englishtranslation “wind-dryness pathogen” based on the original English translation.
     Among the20entries with consistence level II,there are16entries selected fromoriginal English translation in the5standards. There are4entries created in this study as a new English translation based on the original English translation. They are wind-coldpathogen,wind-heat pathogen,wind-damp pathogen,stagnant fluid.
     Among the26entries with consistence level III,there are21entries selected fromoriginal English translation in the5standards. There are5entries created by us as a newEnglish translation based on the original English translation. They are vital qi,damp pathogenhampering qi movement,phlegm and stagnant fluid,damp pathogen,patient with damp.
     Among the67entries with consistence level IV, there are30terms selected from originalEnglish translation in the5standards. There are32terms created by us as a new Englishtranslation based on the original English translation,5entries are completely created in thisstudy by ourselves,they are dietary intemperance,dietary unsanitary,dietary partiality,over-ease,deficiency pathogen.
     1. It is necessary that one should obey the principles of scientificity,arbitrariness,practicality,indentity,objectivity on English translation of terminology.
     2. Literal translation is the main approach used on English translation of terminology. It isappropriate to use transliteration for the TCM terminology which is puzzled. Free translationmay be keep the exact meaning and overall style of TCM terminology.
     3. There were117entries of terminology and their derived terms brought in the study, ofwhich4are reached to level I and account for about3.4%of all the terms,20are reached tolevel II and account for about17.1%,26are reached to level III and account for about22.2%,67are reached to level IV and account for about57.3%.
     4. This study confirmed117entries of English translation of etiology terminology. There are70terms selected from original English translation in the5standards,47entries ofterminology suggested to be used as a new English translation,including5created completelyby ourselves in this study.
     The results of this study will benefit the English translation of TCM terminology,whichalso provides reference for revision on English translation standard of terminology in TCM.
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