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Maimonides is both an orthodoxy Jew who inherits the Jewish traditional culture and is quite familiar with Jewish classics, such as Torah and Talmud, and a student of Aristotle, who is acquainted with philosophy through Islamic philosophers. So the confrontation of religion and philosophy is represented in front of Maimonides as follows:on the one hand, philosophy is deemed as personal pursuit of intellectual perfection and as a knowledge system of human intellect, on the other hand, the revelation of prophets in the Jewish tradition provides behavioral principles for the people and represents their goal in ethics and morality, with moral perfection as the utmost felicity. How to deal with the relationship between the two systems in order to meet the challenges posed by the philosophical system against the religious tradition and maintain the Jewish belief, is just what Maimonides has to face and tackle. Maimonides's option is to defend the religious tradition with the philosophic method, and bridge the relationship between Judaism and philosophy in order to avoid the attacks of philosophy against the Jewish concept of God and the historical sense of prophecy. He tries to justify the particularity of Judaism through emphasizing the importance of the legal and moral system of Judaism in the realization of the utmost goal of intellectual perfection.
     This dissertation intends to study how Maimonides deals with the relationship of God and man in Judaism by analyzing how he discusses the important issues concerning basic principles of Judaism with a rationalized, philosophical method. The theme of the dissertation is to analyze how Maimonides proves the truth of the most important principle of Judaism, existence of God, with philosophical methods, and on the basis of that, he attempts to establish a rationalized relationship between the transcendent God and people living in the material world.
     In interpreting Torah Maimonides tries to broaden the meanings of religious language with a rationalized way of metaphorical interpretation in order to bridge the relationship between the traditional religious truth and philosophical truth. He proposes that some texts of Torah should be read metaphorically so as to solve the problems concerning a personal God. In the first seventy chapters of Book One in The Guide of the Perplexed, Maimonides interprets the meanings of some specific words or sentences concerning a personal God and diversity of God metaphorically. He emphasizes the transcendence and incorporeality of God against the personality of God.
     The secret of revelation that Maimonides tries to explain is fiqh, the science of laws, which is linked with the foundation of Jewish laws. The common legislators study morality and the norms of social behaviour which are necessary for Jews, while the science of laws is related to the justification of the laws which involves philosophy. The study of fiqh requires intellectual capacity and preparatory knowledge of sciences, which means the secret of fiqh is not suitable to be instructed to all Jews. The purpose of his philosophical work is to help those perplexed students who stepped in the field of intellect in order to reinforce their belief. To avoid undermining the religious belief of the common Jews, Maimonides chooses to write esoterically in the philosophical work.
     Maimonides believes there is a limit to the scope of human intellection beyond which are things unknowable for people. He approached the problem of possibility of human knowledge in the transcendental field with a mild skepticism, insisting that the divine knowledge is still a true and accurate science for the limited intellect of human being though it is not capable enough to acquire knowledge of all existences. Though human being cannot grasp the essence of God and other Intelligences, Maimonides believes the existence of God, his Oneness and incorporeality can be justified by philosophy.
     Maimonides is aware of the importance of the theory of God for Judaism and the existence of Jewish people as a community. When facing threats of foreign traditions, he believes one of the most important things to do is to justify the basic Judaic principle of the existence of a Jewish God.
     On the basis of twenty-six philosophical principles Maimonides proposes four proofs of God's existence which are featured with cosmological argument. He proves the existence of the First Reason on the principle that infinite regress is impossible which leads to the argument that an infinite causal sequence is impossible. The final reason of motion in the world is regarded as the Unmoved Mover or God by Aristotle. Maimonides follows Aristotle in his argument and regards the Aristotelian God as the Jewish God.
     Concerning the attributes of God, Maimonides resorts to theories of Negative Attributes and Behavioral Attributes to help confused Jewish students of philosophy clarify the doubts concerning expressions of anthropomorphism in Torah, and warn readers not to speak of nature of God mistakenly. Maimonides emphasizes the importance of pursuit of knowledge of the natural world for the study of the nature and natural law is one important approach to knowledge of God.
     On the origin of the universe Maimonides points out that Aristotle's theory of eternal universe is not more convincing than the Jewish story of Creation. Aristotle attributes the order of the material world and the reason of different forms of materials in the universe to the heavens, the problem still remains unsolved, for even in the heavens material took different forms, which is demonstrated with the differences in speed and direction of movement of stars and heavens. This order in the heavens is beyond the understanding of human intellect and hence can only be attributed to the free will of God. Thus it is clear that Maimonides does not support the Aristotelian theory of eternity as Shlomo Pines proposed. At the same time he absorbs philosophical thought into his theory of Creation by God so as to guarantee the order and law the physical world against the possibility of absolute chaos.
     The relation between God and human is a two-way interaction, with men's worship and respect for God on the one hand, and God's providence and protection of his chosen people on the other. When Maimonides thinks about the challenges against Judaism form a rational perspective, his priority is the problem of God and his relation with the Jewish people.
     In the rationalized context of Maimonides, man's love for God means his intellectual apprehension of God, i.e. acquiring as much knowledge related to God as possible within the scope of human rational capacity. And that topic is related to concepts like human soul and intellect, prophecy, human perfection and utmost felicity, etc. Maimonides proposes a rationalized theory of human soul and intellect to expound the nature of human being, his felicity and spirituality. He elaborates a naturalism theory of prophecy to reveal how prophets receive messages from God and the mechanism of the development of prophecy. Facing common religionists he supports the Jewish belief of resurrection of the dead, but at the same time he emphasizes the spirituality of this concept, i.e. the immortality of souls.
     Concerning the relation from God to man, Maimonides discusses the problems of divine providence and knowledge of God, existence of evil and perfection of God, God's determination and human freedom, from a rationalist perspective.
     Maimonides'rationalist tendency in tackling problems related to religious principles led to diverse reactions inside Judaism. Controversies over his rationalized concept of God, resurrection of the dead, nature of prophecy and his interpretation of Torah continued long afterward. As representatives of his followers and opponents, ben Gershom and Crescas both critisized and inherited from Maimonides in some capacity.
① Leo Strauss, Persecution and the Art of Writing. Glencoe, Illinois:The Free Press,1952.
    ② Leo Strauss, "How to Begin to Study The Guide of the Perplexed', in The Guide of the Perplexed, Trans. Shlomo Pines. (Chicago,1963), p. xv.
    ① Shlomo Pines, "The limitations of Human Knowledge according to Al-Farabi, ibn Bajja, and Maimonides", in Studies in MedievalJewish History and Literature, ed. I. Twersky. vol. I. Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1979.pp.82-109.
    ② Herbert Davidson. Maimonides on Metaphysical Knowledge, Maimonidean Studies 3:pp.49-103.
    ③ Al-Farabi on the Perfect State, trans, by R. Walzer, (Oxford,1985).
    ④ Alexander Altmann, "Maimonides on the Intellect and the Scope of Metaphysics, in Von der mittelalterlichen zur modernen Aufklarung. Tubingen:J. C. Mohr, pp.60-129.
    ①迈蒙尼德提出的犹太教十三条基本原则出现在《法庭篇》“导论”中,包括:相信上帝存在;相信上帝的 单一性;相信上帝没有形体;相信上帝永恒;相信唯有上帝可受敬拜;相信先知的预言;相信摩西是一切先知中的最伟大者:相信律法乃是上帝对摩西的启示;相信律法恒久不变,不可增减;相信上帝无所不知;相信上帝奖善惩恶;相信弥赛亚会降临;相信死者将复活。这是犹太教历史上第一次有人系统地概括宗教信仰原则,它涵盖了犹太教的核心内容,涉及一神论、先知预言、神启、神意、惩恶扬善、弥赛亚时代、死者复活等概念。
    ①这封信对于了解迈蒙尼德哲学思想渊源极为重要,关于这封信的部分内容,参阅Shlomo Pines, "Translator's Introduction:The Philosophic Sources of The Guide of the Perplexed", in Pines'English translation of The Guide of the Perplexed. The University of Chicago Press,1963. pp.lix-lx.
    ① Shlomo Pines, "Translator's Introduction:The Philosophic Sources of The Guide of the Perplexed", in Pines English translation of The Guide of the Perplexed (1963). p.lx.
    ①David Hartman, Maimonides:Torah and Philosophic Quest. The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, pp.8-20.
    ①David Hartman, Maimonides:Torah and Philosophic Quest, p.16.
    ①Isaac Husik, "The Philosophy of Maimonides", Maimonides Octocentennial Series,4 (New York:Maimonides Octocentennial Committee,1935), p.4.
    ② Leo Strauss, Persecution and the Art of Writing. Glencoe, Illinois:The Free Press,1952.
    ③一些犹太学者也持类似观点,参阅David Harrman在Maimonides:Torah and Philosophic Quest. Isadore Twersky, "Some Non-Halakic Aspects of the Mishneh Torah", in A. Altman, ed. Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University,1967); Arther Hyman "Maimonides'Thirteen Principles", in A. Altman, Studies; Aviezer Ravitzky. "The Secrets of the Guide to the Perplexed:Between the Thirteenth and Twentieth Centuries", Studies in Maimonides. Ed. Isadore Twersky. Cambridge, Mass.,1990.
    ②Whitman, Jon. "A Retrospective Forward:Interpretation, Allegory and Historical Change", Interpretation and Allegory:Antiquity to the Modern Period. Edited by Jon Whitman. Leiden, Boston, Koln:Brill,2000.
    ③Warren Zev Harvey. "On Maimonides" Allegorical Readings of Scripture", in Interpretation and Allegory: Antiquity to the Modern Period. Ed. Jon Whitman. Leiden, Boston, Koln:Brill,2000.
    ③ Eight Chapters, VIII:Concerning The Natural Disposition of Man; Mishneh Torah, Teshubah,5:1.
    ①Leo Strauss, "The Literary Character of the Guide of the Perplexed', in Maimonides:A Collection of Critical Essays. Edited with an introduction and bibliography, (Indiana:University of Notre Dame Press,1988). pp.49-51.
    ① Herbert A. Davidson, "Maimonides on Metaphysical Knowledge", in Maimonidean Studies 3:137-156.
    ②有意思的是,施特劳斯本人甚至将迈蒙尼德作为认同和模仿的对象,并模仿其写作方式在一篇讨论迈蒙尼德的写作风格的论文(即"The Literary Character of the Guide of the Perplexed")中实践隐秘之术,为自己的读者设立了迷局。他主张以隐秘主义的方法解读《迷途指津》,在论文中并未明言迈蒙尼德的隐晦教义的具体内容。但有学者提出,通过仔细阅读这篇论文可以发现施特劳斯本人的隐秘之义应该是,尽管迈蒙尼德表面上坚持上帝创世论,却暗地里支持亚里士多德主义的宇宙永恒论。鉴于施特劳斯与皮那斯的相关著作对于迈蒙尼德研究的重要性,在此特将其的相关著作专门集中列出,方便研究者参考。施特劳斯涉及迈蒙尼德的主要作品包括:①Persecution and the Art of Writing, Glencoe, Illinois:The Free Press,1952; Philosophy and Law, Translated by Eve Adler. State University of New York Press,1995; ②"How to Begin to Study The Guide of the Perplexed', in The Guide of the Perplexed, Volume One. Trans. Shlomo Pines. Chicago: University of Chicago,1963; ③"The Literary Character of the Guide of the Perplexed", in Maimonides:A Collection of Critical Essays. Edited with an introduction and bibliography, by Joseph A. Buijs. Notre Dame, Indiana:University of Notre Dame Press,1988; ④"Jerusalem and Athens", in Jewish Philosophy and the Crisis of Modernity:Essays and Lectures in Modern Jewish Thought. Edited with an introduction by Kenneth Hart Green. State University of New York, Albany,1997.皮那斯有关迈蒙尼德的主要作品包括:① "The Limits of Human Knowledge according to Al-Farabi, ibn Bajja, and Maimonides", in Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature, ed. I. Twersky. vol.1. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1979. ②"Les Limites de la Metaphysique selon Al-Farabi, ibn Bajja et Maimonide", in J.P. Beckmann et.al., eds. Sprache und Erkenntnis im Mittelalter, vol.1, (Berlin:de Gruyter), pp.211-225.
    ③ Leo Strauss, Philosophy and Law, trans Fred Bauman (Philadelphia,1987), pp.8-19.
    ④即"How to Begin to Study The Guide of the Perplexed'一文。
    ⑤ Leo Strauss, "How to Begin to Study The Guide of the Perplexed', in The Guide of the Perplexed, Trans. Shlomo Pines. (Chicago,1963), pp.xiii-xiv;引文翻译参照《犹太教中的柏拉图门徒》(华夏出版社,2007年)第2 至53页。
    ① Leo Strauss, "How to Begin to Study The Guide of the Perplexed', in The Guide of the Perplexed, Trans. Shlomo Pines. (Chicago,1963), p xv.
    ① Joseph A. Buijs, "The Philosophical Character of Maimonides" Guide—A Critique of Strauss'Interpretation'. in Maimonides:A Collection of Critical Essays (Notre Dame:1988).
    ③即"The Limitations of Human Knowledge according to Al-Farabi, ibn Bajja, and Maimonides"—文和'The Philosophical Purport of Maimonides'Halachic Works and the Purport of The Guide of the Perplexed一文。
    ① Shlomo Pines, "The limitations of Human Knowledge according to Al-Farabi, ibn Bajja, and Maimonides",in Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature, ed. I. Twersky. vol.1. Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1979. pp.82-109.
    ⑦ Herbert Davidson. "Maimonides on Metaphysical Knowledge", in Maimonidean Studies 3:pp.49-103.作者所针对的文章即皮那斯的"The Limitations of Human Knowledge".一文。
    ①Al-Farabi on the Perfect State, trans, by R. Walzer, (Oxford,1985).
    H. Davidson, Maimonides on Metaphysical Knowledge, Maimonidean Studies 3:p.70.
    ①卡拉派,英文为Karaites. Karaite Judaism或Karaism,,本义为“《托拉》的追随者”,是犹太教的一个派别。卡拉派犹太教徒坚持《托拉》的独特地位,强调《托拉》字面之义的重要性,他们与拉比犹太教派(Rabbinites)的显著区别在于他们拒绝对《托拉》进行任何深层的释注,否认口传律法即《塔木德》的重要性地位,认为其中充满了谬误与争论。
    ① Leo Strauss, Persecution and the Art of Writing, p.38.
    ② Leo Strauss, Persecution and the Art of Writing, p.41.
    ① Shlomo Pines,"A Note on an Early Meaning of the Term Mutakallim",IOS 1(1971),pp.224-228.
    ②Berman,"Maimonides,the Disciple of Alfarabi",IOS 4(1974),pp.163-164.
    ① Joel Kraemer, "Alfarabi's Opinions of the Virtuous City and Maimonides'Foundations of the Law", in Studia Orientalia (Jerusalem,1979), pp.108-110.,
    ② Warren Zev Harvey, "Why Maimonides Was Not A Mutakallim", in Perspectives on Maimonides:Political and Historical Studies, (London,1996), pp.105-114.
    ②Mishneh Torah,Yesode ha-Torah,i.1-2.
    ① Isaac Husik, A History of Medieva.Jewish Philosophy, p.253.
    ③ John O, Riedle, "Maimonides and Scholasticism", in New Scholasticism 10 (1936):27-28.
    ④ Alvin J. Reines, "Maimonides'True Belief Concerning God:A Systematization", in Maimonides and Philosophy, edited by Shlomo Pines and Yirmiyahu Yovel, (Dordrecht,1986).
    ③ Julius Gutmann, Philosophies of Judaism, p.186.
    ①关于这五类属性的详细内容,参阅Kenneth Seeskin, "Metaphysics and Its Transcendence", in The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides, (Cambridge,2005), pp.84-88.
    ① Saadia Gaon, The Book of Beliefs and Opinions, pp.101.转引自傅有德等著《犹太哲学史》,第172页。
    ①这一种解决思路可以追溯至亚里士多德对“一”与“多”的关系的论述。他认为主词和谓词完全不同的命题在逻辑上是不可能的,因为结构为“主词+系动词+谓词”的命题会导致作为主词的“一”丧失其纯粹的单一性而成为“多”。参阅Wolfson, "Maimonides on Negative Attributes", in Essays In Medieval Jewish And Islamic Philosophy, KTAV Publishing House, Inc. (New York:1977).
    ④将存在、生命、知识、单一性等看作是附加于除第一因外所有物体的本质之上的偶然属性,这一观点被迈蒙尼德归于亚里士多德,但事实上它来自阿维森那有关本质和存在关系的理论。参阅Alexander Altmann, "Essence and Existence in Maimonides", in Maimonides:A Collection of Critical Essays. University of Notre Dame Press,1988. pp.148-165.
    ①Abul-Barakat, Poetics and Metaphysics, pp.163-165,转引自Shlomo Pines, "The Philosophic Sources of The Guide of the Perplexed"(Chicago and London,1963),p.XCV.
    ②D. H. Frank and O. Leaman, History of Jewish Philosophy. London and New York,1997. p.256.
    ②Howard Kreisel, Maimonides'Political Thought. State University of New York Press,1999. pp.219-220.
    ③认为迈蒙尼德支持宇宙永恒论观点的代表性著作有:Shlomo Pines," The Philosophic Sources of The Guide of The Perplexed"; W. Z. Harvey, "A Third Approach to Maimonides'Cosmogony-Prophetology Puzzle"; Jonathan W. Malino, "Aristotle on Eternity:Does Maimonides Have a Reply?"等。认为迈蒙尼德支持上帝创世论观点的代表性著作有:Arther Hyman, "Interpreting Maimonides"; Marvin Fox, Interpreting Maimonides:Studies in Methodology, Metaphysics, and Moral Philosophy; Kenneth Seeskin, "Metaphysics and Its Transcendence"等。持其它观点的代表作有:Herbert Davidson, "Maimonides'Secret Position on Creation "; Alfred Ivry, "Maimonides'Secret Position on Creation"; Klein-Braslavy, "The Creation of the World and Maimonides' Interpretation of Gen. i-v"等。
    ① Julius Guttmann, Philosophies of Judaism, trans, by David W. Silverman.(Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.1964), pp.165-169.
    ②Kenneth Seeskin, "Metaphysics and Its Transcendence", in The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides, ed. Kenneth Seeskin,(Cambridge,2005). pp.82-104.
    ①《重述律法书》,第一卷,第二章,第二节。转引自A Maimonides Reader, (New York:Behrman House,1972).p.45.
    ① A. Altmann, "Das Verhaltnis Maimunis zur Judische Mystik", in A. Jospe(ed.), Studies in Jewish Thought(Detroit, 1981), pp.200-19.转引自Ithamar Gruenwald, "Maimonides Quest beyond Philosophy and Prophecy, in Perspectives on Maimonides:Philosophical and Historical Studies, (London,1996), p.141.
    ②迈蒙尼德认为,宇宙中存在着独立的理智,其数目与天体的数目相等;每一个天体都渴望拥有一个理智,于是该理智就成为该天体的“原则”,是它运动的原因;上帝与人类世界之间共有十个独立的理智存在,其中九个和九个天体相对应,而第十个即是“能动理智”。“能动理智”是十个独立性理智中离人类世界最 近的一个,他是一切有生有灭的物体从质料的潜在性转换为现实状态的原因,也是人类理智从潜在转换为现实、人获得其赖以存在的“形式”——理性灵魂的原因,同时还是人类理智认识过程得以实现的原因。参阅汉译本《迷途指津》,第二篇,第五章,第241页至243页。
    ① Friedlander英译本中将其译为“下界理智”(hylic intellect),参阅汉译本《迷途指津》,第178页。
    ② Eight Chapters, I.参阅A Maimonides Reader, pp.363-365.
    ① Shlomo Pines, "The Limitation of Human Knowledge according to Al-Farabi, Ibn Bajja and Maimonides", in Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature, ed. Isadore Twersky (Cambridge, Mass.,1979), pp.82-109.
    ② Alexander Altmann, "Maimonides on the Intellect and the Scope of Metaphysics", in Von der mittelalterlichen zur modernen Aufklarung. Tubingen:J. C. Mohr, pp.60-129.
    ① Herbert A. Davidson, Moses Maimonides:The Man and His Works, (Oxford,2005), pp.512-513.
    ② Mishneh Torah:H. Teshuva 8.1-3,8.转引自Herbert A. Davidson, Moses Maimonides:The Man and His Works, (Oxford,2005), pp.513-514.
    ③ Maimonides, Treatise on Resurrection 16-24,转引自Herbert A. Davidson, Moses Maimonides:The Man and His Works, (Oxford,2005), pp.529-531.
    ①BT, Berakot 17, 转引自Herbert A. Davidson, Moses Maimonides:The Man and His Works, p.531.
    ③一些重要的犹太思想家如萨阿底(Saadiah)、阿布拉巴奈(Abrabanel)等,也坚持一种相似的先知观。参阅C. Sirat, A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages. (Cambridge University Press:1985). p.192.
    ②Jeffrey Macy, "The Rule of Law and the Rule of Wisdom in Plato, al-Farabi and Maimonides", in Studies in Islamic and Judaic Traditions. (Scholars Press:1986). p.278.
    ④此处以及后面所提的三种不同的解释,详见A. J. Reines, Maimonides and Abrabanel on Prophecv. (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press,1970).
    ③参阅Youde, Fu, "Maimonides on Prophecy:Synthesis and Reconciliation", in The Journal of Progressive Judaism,1994.
    ②Lenn Evan Goodman, Rambam:Readings in the Philosophy of Moses Maimonides. (New York,1976), pp. 285-295.
    ① Idit Dobbs-Weinsein, "Matter as Creature and Matter as the Source of Evil:Maimonides and Aquinas", in Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought, ed. L. E. Goodman, (Albany,1992).p.217.
    ②Maimonides, Mishnah Commentary, Berakhot,9:7.
    ①Alexander Altmann, "Free Will and Predestination in Saadia, Bahya and Maimonides", in Essays in Jewish Intellectual History, (England,1981). pp.49-50.
    ①参阅Leo Strauss, "Notes on Maimonides'Book of Knowledge", in Studies in Mysticism and Religion (Jerusalem, 1967), p.281.
    ② Shlomo Pines, "Studies in Abul-Barakat al-Baghdadi's Poetics and Metaphysics", in Studies in Philosophy, Scripta Hierosolymitana, vol. VI (1960):pp.195-198.
    ④ ShIomo Pines, "Studies in Abul-Barakat al-Baghdadi's Poetics and Metaphysics", in Studies in Philosophy, Scripta Hierosolymitana, vol. VI (1960), pp.196-197.
    ①这封信是迈蒙尼德写给提本(Samuel Ibn Tibbon)的,参阅Jewish Quarterly Review (see N. S. XXV, pp.374 ff.).提本是第一位将《迷途指津》从阿拉伯语翻译成希伯来语的译者。
    ②Seymour Feldman, "Maimonides—A Guide for Posterity", in The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides. Edited by Kenneth Seeskin. (Cambridge University Press,2005). pp.324-325.
    ①Joseph Sarachek,Faith and Reason,(New York,1935),pp.5-6.
    ①关于迈蒙尼德在世时遭到的指责以及他为自己所做的辩护,详情可参阅Joseph Sarachek, Faith and Reason, (New York,1935), pp.27-46;以及Herbert A. Davidson,Moses Maimonides:The Man and His Works, (Oxford, 2005), pp.44-45, pp.66-67, pp.515-520。
    ①Samuel ibn Tibbon, Yikawu ha-Mayim,1837, pp.20-21,122;转引自Joseph Sarachek, Faith and Reason, (New York,1935), pp.182-183.
    ② Seymour Feldman,"Maimonides--A Guide for Posterity", in The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides. Ed. Kenneth Seeskin. (Cambridge University Press,2005), pp.328-329.
    ① Seymour Feldman, "Maimonides--A Guide for Posterity", in The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides, ed. Kenneth Seeskin. (Cambridge University Press,2005), pp.333-334.
    ①Menachem Kellner, Dogma in Medieval Jewish Thought:from Maimonides to Abravanel, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization,1986, pp.117-118.
    [1]The Guide of the Perplexed, trans, from the Arabic, introduction and notes by Shlomo Pines. Chicago and London:Chicago University Press,1963.
    [2]The Guide of the Perplexed, trans, from the original, and annotated by Michael Friedlander. London:1881.
    [3]The Book of Knowledge:Mishneh Torah, ed. according to the Bodleian (Oxford) Codex with introduction, Biblical, and Talmudical references, notes and English translation by Moses Hyamson. Jerusalem:Boys'Town Publishers,1965.
    [4]Maimonides'Introduction to the Talmud, trans, and annotated by Zvi L. Lampel. New York:Judaica Press,1975.
    [5]Maimonides'Commentary on the Mishnah:Tractate Sanhedrin, translated into English with Introduction and Notes by Fred Rosner, Foreword by Rabbi Aaron D. Twerski. New York:Sepher-Hermon Press, Inc.,1981.
    [6]The Commentary to Mishnah Avot, trans, with an Introduction and Notes, by Arthur David, D.H.L. New York:Bloch Publishing Company,
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