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As a classic multivariate data analysis method, canonical correlation analysis (CCA) extracts features through studying the correlation between two groups of variables and has been widely applied in pattern recognition and machine learning recently. However, on one hand, as a global linear method for feature extraction, CCA cannot deal with non linear problems and also it is lack of the robustness to local variants. On the other hand, under the rise of semi-supervised learning, original CCA model can be further extended to semi-supervised case for better use of prior information. In this thesis, we focus on the extending original CCA model for classification problems in machine learning and pattern recognition addressing the two problems above. The main constributions of this thesis are summarized as follows:
     (1) In order to overcome the disadvantage of CCA which cannot describe nonlinear problems, we have proposed a new supervised learning analysis called Local Discrimination CCA (LDCCA) which considers a combination of local properties and discrimination between classes. Besides considering correlations between sample pairs as in original CCA, LDCCA also uses correlations between samples and their local neighborhoods. Besides, a kernelized LDCCA (KLDCCA) is also proposed to extract nonlinear features in datasets. Furthermore in LDCCA and KLDCCA, effective discrimination is achieved by maximizing local within-class correlations while minimizing local between-class correlations. A series of experimental results on an artificial dataset, multiple feature databases and facial databases including ORL, Yale, AR validate the effectiveness of our proposed methods.
     (2) A semi-supervised canonical correlation analysis algorithm called Semi-CCA is developed, which uses supervision information in the form of pair-wise constraints in canonical correlation analysis (CCA). In this setting, besides abundant unlabeled data examples, the domain knowledge in the form of pair-wise constraints which specify whether a pair of data examples belongs to the same class (must-link constraints) or not (cannot-link constraints) is also available. Meanwhile, the relative importance of must-link constraints and cannot-link constraints is also validated. Inorder to sovle the nonlinear problems, we proposed KSemi-CCA. Experimental results on multiple datasets show that the proposed Semi-CCA can effectively enhance the classifier performance by using only a small amount of supervision information.
     (3) Based on the study of activity recognition, we use the four proposed methods (Semi-CCA, KSemi-CCA, LDCCA, KLDCCA) as the feature extraction methods for avtivity recognition. The experimental result indicates that our feature extraction methods have done well on the final activity recognition problem.
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