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The research of "thematic project" curriculum and teaching mode of vocational education has been profoundly discussed on the research content as originality, value, theory basis, structure element, constructing principles, operation model, means of construction, practice effect, etc, which is accomplished through three layers:background analyzing, theory modeling, practically evidential exploration.
     1. This study make a thorough investigation characteristics in curriculum and teaching mode of vacation education from domestic and overseas, and sum up problems and their causes existing curriculum and teaching activities in current Chinese vocational education. After careful analysis and comparison of the features of development among several world-famous courses teaching mode, the current "project-drive" model of curriculum and teaching reform activity in China, has been changed from criticize curriculum and teaching system and despise total copy foreign experience to the pattern of reconfiguration academic system deconstruction and combine overseas introduction with the local generation, but this reform activity failed to completely eradicated defects of curriculum and teaching activities, sometimes even brought in some new problems.
     2. In order to clarify in the fields of the curriculum and teaching activities defects and new problems, the researcher based on questionnaire survey method, found that the main reason of cause those defects and problems are six areas:" the localization and humanism missing of concept instruction, the object location liberalization and generalization coexist, the contents of the subject and obsolescence offside, three parts mode of system structure and modular popular, personality of organize and actualize and clear evidence of situation, enterprise tide and the inferiority obvious of examination and evaluation", and this one of the six areas reasons more or less relevance with vocational education course and teaching mode, so the study think try to increased education reform to ease problems or defects of the vocational education curriculum and teaching. The research has a rational thinking development of vocational education in the curriculum and teaching mode of the current situation, under the scientific examination of the value connotation and reform direction of the " thematic project " curriculum and teaching mode. The research suggest that the "mode critical complex "exist on general education in current social, and lead to " mode critical complex "is due to the abuse to type of courses and teaching mode, exaggerate fundamental of the courses and teaching mode, vanity effect function of the curriculum and teaching mode, inflexible process of the curriculum and teaching mode. Therefore, the research based on the view of vocational education carefully analysis the causes in "model critical complex", from after six aspects to expounds the connotation of the vocational education curriculum and teaching mode, and try to integrate clarify the ways of the vocational education and teaching reform, they are "professional structure and occupational classifications relative connection, curriculum setting and position relative connection, teaching content and vocational ability connection, teaching situation and work situation relative connection, evaluation content and occupation standards relative connection ".
     After determining the way of the vocational education "project theme" curriculum and teaching research and from those four aspects about value:" inherent problem, ideological problems, practical problem and evaluation problem" to research.
     The author think of from four aspect to expound nature of value, they are "cognitive development, technology mode social standard and humanist rationality", meanwhile emphasize three dimension to representation of practical value problem, they are "ontology effect, instrumental effect and occupational effect", we need from multiple angle to analyze the curriculum and teaching evaluation mode, just like "analysis the reason of value evaluation, value judgment standard grasp and value judgment efficacy looked" and so on.
     3.Based on the carefully attribution to the thematic project of curriculum and teaching model's theoretical basis, the study made an illustration of the construction and other R&D activities towards this curriculum and teaching model.
     The study holds that the thematic project curriculum and teaching model of vocational education is based on the concept of the meaning of life, the Comprehensive concept of development, the style of harmonious coexistence and other education theory:the Situated Cognition, Closed-loop theory, schematic theory and other Psychological theory; the communities of practice, the Peripheral Participation and other Anthropological theory; the Fordist mode of production and other Economic theory; the team cooperation, the social morals, the interpersonal relationships, the exploration and innovation and other Sociological Theory; the theory of Practice, contact, structure, theme, constructivist, Regression, results, basis and the other philosophy. All above provide the Theoretical basis and framework support of this curriculum and teaching model'Survival and development.
     After a carefully clarify towards the thematic project curriculum and teaching model's theoretical survival and development basis, in order to ensure the effective operation and positive development of this model, the study take the example of human resource management, e-commerce and application of electronic technology. By analyzing the curriculum development lesson and instructional design, the study made a carefully construct towards the contents of the model development process, and security systems for a positive discussion on the connotation of elements of the overall construct of the thematic project curriculum model. That should be in clear outline of the curriculum organization of the work system concepts and action-oriented programs on the basis of macro-development model and micro-development path of the thematic project curriculum model, earnestly follow the "implementation of the principle", fully reflects the "social progress, and perfection of personality, and development of the subject integrated value orientation", to demonstrate the behavioral goal, generated goals and performance targets through taking the three into a combination of the hybrid target. Thus, in advance of "the three sections of linkage, four in one "security system, through the kind of action-oriented curriculum system and the" thematic "continuous construction of the course structure to try to highlight the" schools, businesses, and curriculum specialists philosophy of the together governance handling of the "course management model and the main body of the diversity of the appropriateness of evaluation methods, evaluation and evaluation of object integrity" of the course evaluation.
     At the same time, the study made a careful consideration towards the elements of the theoretical basis of the thematic project model of vocational education, functional objectives, conditions, the operating level, appraisal and consistent with the characteristics of the teaching mode, in line with the vocational education law, in line with individual construction of the professional growth of the principles and determine the teaching and learning materials, remodeling project situation, decomposition of the thematic mandates, expand specific task to generate the typical products, optimize the construction of the path of the process of teaching and other related aspects carefully consider.
     4. On the basis of the full proof to the feasibility, scientific and effectiveness of the thematic project curriculum and teaching model of vocational education, the study made a serious reflection and prospects to the building process and development trend of this curriculum and teaching model.
     The thematic project of curriculum and teaching model in vocational education is a scientific, effective and practical new course and teaching model. In order to fully explain this curriculum and teaching model's function that to lead the curriculum development and guide the instructional design features, the study not only take the case of the successful development of the installation and commissioning of the pressure bias amplifier secondary vocational education " Points of the installation and commissioning of the pressure bias amplifier member " and "Human Resources Training Specialist" two "project thematic courses and professional electronic materials-motor control and inverter technology ", the success of the project themed materials published, for example, practical description of the curriculum and teaching model to lead curriculum development. But also vocational schools e-commerce, application of electronic technology, professional flower garden, for example, floral materials processing and modeling, sub-pressure bias amplifier installation and commissioning job requirements, set up the five project themes of teaching programs to effectively verify the guiding function of the Course Design class in the teaching mode. Furthermore, the study selects80students from a demonstration secondary vocational schools as the experimental samples, take the two projects:floral materials processing and modeling, as a carrier, with the real effect of the curriculum and teaching experiments and decent course and teaching evaluation scale to the detailed description of the thematic project curriculum and teaching model of vocational education, whether in culture or to form a comprehensive vocational ability, and overall professionalism of the vocational school students, the action ideas and thinking, or in the increase or the students'hands-on level and degree of skilled, innovative spirit and cooperation in awareness levels have positive significance and the leading role.
     After demonstrated the feasibility, scientific and effectiveness of the thematic curriculum and teaching model in vocational education, the study made an deeply consideration towards the representation of the experimental sample, the scientific nature of research process, the complexity of the object of study, the effect of lag depth of reflection, and the limitations of the research methods that the thematic project curriculum and teaching model to promote efforts to increase monitoring efforts, concerned about the efforts to know the intensity and evaluation efforts and other means to effectively enhance the representativeness of the experimental samples, to reinforce the validity of the research process, a clear understanding of the complexity of the research object, clear study the effect of lag and improve the scientific nature of the research methods. It is based on the depth of care and overall grasp of the basis of the essential characteristics and the operating rules of the experimental samples, the research spread from the long-term development strategy point of view, made a scientific prediction about the course and the future development of the teaching model, it hold that the thematic project curriculum and teaching model's research trend will show these characteristics:Deepening of the empirical research, deepening theoretical connotation and improving operating environment and so on.
     In short, the thematic project curriculum and teaching model in vocational education taking a fully drawing on the experience and efforts of the development of domestic and foreign advanced vocational education to conform to cultivate qualified" world-class, application type, entrepreneurial, versatile, and information "workers meeting the needs of the times, the study took the development of domestic and international vocational education's characteristics of curriculum and teaching model as a starting point; take the overall understanding of existing problems and the generated source in the vocational education curriculum and teaching activities as the entry point; take the rational clarification to the misunderstandings towards the reformation of the curriculum and teaching model in vocational education and the scientific examine to the essential connotation of the vocational education curriculum and teaching activities as an reference point. The study not only based on the theoretical modeling level to analyze the vocational Education " thematic project's courses and teaching model elements and operating principles, the development model and design path, but also based on the empirical exploration level to verify the feasibility of the vocational education " thematic project curriculum development, lesson plans designed scientific validity of the experimental effect, and even still developing trend level to reflect on " thematic project curriculum and teaching model representative of the experimental sample, the nature of validity and regularity of the problem of the research process, outlining the curriculum and the teaching mode of the empirical studies deepen, reinforce the theoretical connotation and blueprint for the development of the operating environment improvement. Such exploration activities play a positive role in promoting, guiding and referencing our country's curriculum and teaching activities in vocational education, so as to enrich the teaching activities, improve the teaching quality and the education and teaching theory.
    [3]Edited by Gerard M. Dalgish, Ph.D. Webster's dictionary of American English[M].New York:Random House,Inc.1997, (8):1027.
    [4] Kilpatrick, W. H.1918.The project method.Teachers college Record,19,319-335.
    [5]Dewey,J.1938.Experience and education,The Later Works of John Dewey (Vol.13).carbondale:Southem Illinois University Press,1-61.
    [6]Written by Lilian G. Katz and Sylvia C. Chard. Issues in Selecting Topics for Projects[J].ERIC/EECE Publication—Digests.1998, (10).
    [1]Knoll,.M.(1997).the project method:Its Vocational Education Origion and International Development.Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, Vol.34.no.3
    [4] Written by Margaret Berry. Meaning and form:systemic functional interpretations[M]. Copyright 1996 by Ablex publishing corporation.1996:1.
    [1]Written by Lydia DeSantis. The Concept of Theme as Used in Qualitative Nursing Research[J]. Western Journal of Nursing Research.2000.
    [5]R. Weade(1987). Curriculum and Instruction:The Construction of Meaning, Theory into Practice, 26(1):PP.15-25.
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    [2] Bartlett, F. C. Remembering:A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology [M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1992.32-35.
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    [2]Greeno, J. G. Moore, J. L. Situativity and Symbols:Response to Vera and Simon[J]. Cognitive Science,1993, (17):49-61.
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    [3]Dewey,J.1938. Experience and education, The Later Works of John Dewey. (Vol.13).carbondale:Southern Illinois University Press,1-61.
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    [24]Bartlett, F. C. Remembering:A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology [M].Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1992.32-35.
    [25]Edited by David H. Jonassen&Susan M. Land Learning Environment[M].Laurence Erlbaum Associate,2000.28.
    [26]Greeno, J. G. Moore, J. L. Situativity and Symbols:Response to Vera and Simon[J]. Cognitive Science,1993, (17):49-61.
    [27]J. S. Brown, A. Collins,&P. Duguid. Situated cognition and the culture of learning[J]. Education Research,1989, (1):32-41.
    [28]Wenger, E. (2004). Knowledge management as a doughnut:Shaping your knowledge strategy through communities of practice. Ivey Management Services, January/February.
    [29]Wenger, E. Communities of Practice:Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press,1998:26-29.
    [30]Albritton, R, Itoh, M. Westra, R. & Guege, A.(Eds.)(2001).phase of Capitalist Development:Booms, Crises and Globalizations.
    [31]Amin, A.(ed).Post-Fordism:A reader [M].Cambridge:Blackwell,1994.
    [32]Reetz,L.Handlung,Wissen und Kompetenz als strukturbildene Merkmal von Lemfeldern,In Bader,R.&Sloane,P.F.E.(Hrsg):Lernen in Lernfeld, Eusl-Verlag, Markt Schwaben 2000,S.141-150.
    [33]Rauner, F.:Berufliche Kompetenzentwicklung-vom Noviaen zum Experten. In:Dehnbostel, P.Elsholz, J., Meister, J.&Meyer-Menk, J.:Vernetzte Kompetenzentwichklung:Alternative Positionen zur Weiterbidung, Berlin:edition sigma.2002, S.117.
    [34]Satchwell, R. E.(1996). Using Functional Flow Diagrams to Enhance Technical Systems Understanding. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, Vol.34, No.2.
    [35]Joyce,B. & weil.M.Modles of Teaching (third edition)[M].New Jersey, Prentive Hail, 1986,pp.2-3.
    [36]德国联邦职业教育研究所(1991).见Hopp,M/Frede,W:Handlungsorientiert lernen,Dr.-Ing.Paul Christiani Verlag,Konstanz,2002,s.13.
    [37]Sekretariat der staendigen der Kultusminister der Laender in der Bundesrepubilk Deutschland (Hrsg.) Handreichung fuer Erarbeitung von Rahmenlehrplaenen der Kultusministerkonferenz(KMK)fuer den berufsbezogenen Unterricht in der Bernfsschule und ihre Abstimmung mit Ausbildungs-ordnungen des Bundes fuer anerkannte Ausbildungsberufe,Bonn,1999,S.10.

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