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吉兰-巴雷综合征(Guillain-Barre syndrome,GBS)是周围神经系统中引起弛缓性瘫痪的常见疾病之一,临床表现为对称性进行性瘫痪,症状持续一段时间后可逐渐恢复。GBS是指急性炎性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病(acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies, AIDP),其病理特征是主要累及周围神经脊髓前根、后根及其远端神经纤维的节段性脱髓鞘,严重者伴继发性轴索变性,病灶中可以有大量炎性单核细胞浸润。电生理学特征为周围神经传导速度明显减慢,F波异常。近年来发现有一类临床表现与AIDP相似的GBS患者,病理改变仅累及脊髓前根和周围运动神经,以轴索变性为主,未见明显的脱髓鞘,且病灶中少量或无炎性单核细胞浸润;电生理检查发现感觉、运动神经传导速度正常,但运动诱发波幅明显降低,有学者将之称为急性运动性轴索型吉兰-巴雷综合征,即AMAN(acute motor axonal neuropathy)。现在认为AMAN是GBS的一个新亚型。与AIDP相比,临床症状相对较重,可累及呼吸肌,部分遗留有后遗症,严重者引起死亡。目前还不明确AMAN的病因和发病机制。有证据表明AMAN与空肠弯曲菌(campylobacter jejuni, Cj)的前驱感染有密切关系,是周围神经系统的自身免疫性疾病。国内李春岩等对AMAN进行了一系列研究,在AMAN病人粪便中分离出致病Cj菌株,经美国疾病控制与预防中心鉴定为PennerO:19型,随后应用PennerO:19型Cj菌株及其脂多糖诱发出动物模型,并证实AMAN病人血清中存在抗PennerO:19型Cj及其脂多糖抗体。另外,一些(不是所有的)病人经血浆交换或/和静脉点滴免疫球蛋白治疗后有效,这也说明病人的循环血清中存在某些致病成分,它(们)对AMAN的发病及治疗均有重要的意义。虽然AMAN的发病机制尚不清楚,但免疫机制(包括细胞免疫和体液免疫)在该病发生、发展过程中起着至关重要的作用。有研究表明,在AMAN的病理中,发现神经纤维的郎飞结有补体存在,轴索周围间隙有补体活
    目的:首先建立脊髓运动神经元的体外培养,并对分离的细胞进行鉴定,以确定为脊髓运动神经元;在此基础上,观察了不同溶剂溶解稀释的多聚赖氨酸(poly-l-lysine, PLL)对脊髓神经元体外生长的影响,确定一种较好的方法以便进行以后的实验;随后,选取多种包被底物如PLL、Ⅰ型胶原、层粘连蛋白(laminin, LN)以及PLL和LN联合等进行包被,观察不同底物对胚胎大鼠脊髓运动神经元在体外存活生长的影响。
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis and an autoimmune disorder of the peripheral nervous system characterized by the progressive weakness, usually symmetrical, evolving over a period of several days or more. The classical is also called acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP) characterized by an immune-mediated demyelination and varying degrees of lymphocytic infiltration in pathologic techniques and decreased conductive velocity of motor and sensory nerve by electrophysiological examination. Until recently, a new type of GBS with the same clinical manifestation has been found with different electrophysiological and pathological characters, especially in North China. The axon of ventral roots and distal motor fibers appears wallerian-like degeneration with myelin sheath relatively preserved and less infiltration of inflammatory mononuclear cells. This pattern was termed as acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) with a relatively severe clinical course and a poor recovery. The etiology and pathogenesis of the condition has not been established. In recent years, the association between AMAN and preceding campylobacter jejuni (Cj) infection has been noticed. Professor Li in our department isolated campylobacter jejuni with O serotyping O:19 from an AMAN patient and developed an animal model of AMAN using this Cj strains with O serotyping O:19 and one of Cj structure-lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Anti-Cj or LPS antibodies were also found in the serum from AMAN patients. Plasmapheresis and intravenous human immunoglobulin administration are effective to lower the patient fatality, indicating some pathogenetic factor(s) exist in the circulation of AMAN patients and play an important role in the etiology and pathogenesis, even treatment in the AMAN. AMAN is an autoimmune disorder of the
    peripheral nervous system and the target of immune attack is axon of motor nerve. How the immune factors exert the damage is unclear, but the host immune system also play an even more important role in the developing AMAN. In some studies, complement C3d was found existing on the node of Ranvier using immunostain and complement activation presented in the periaxonal space, electron micrograph showing a macrophage surrounding the motor axon in patient with AMAN form of GBS. We established primary dissociated spinal motor neuron culture from embryonic rat to investigate the pathogenesis of AMAN. This culture system may take advantage in observing the axon damage from AMAN serum due to no limphocytes, mononuclear cells and complements exited which could not be eliminated in vivo and the axon-like neuritis extended from motor neurons without myelin out.
    Neuron is difficult to survive in vitro in dissociated cell culture because it is a kind of cell with high degree of differentiation and has soma and neuritis, especially for spinal motor neurons (SMNs) that are sensitive to environment and need nutrition as the lowest motor neurons. So in the first two parts, we established the SMNs dissociated culture in vitro and compared the influence of different substrates coated and a kind of neurotrophin-glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) on the growth condition of SMNs, the third part is to investigate the effect of AMAN serum on the SMNs cultured.
    Part Ⅰ Influence of different substrate coated on spinal motor neurons cultured from embryonic rats
    Objective: To isolate and incubate spinal motor neurons from embryonic rat and identify motor neurons in the culture firstly to develop the primary SMNs dissociated cell culture, then observe the influence of poly-L-lysine (PLL) dissolved in different solution on the growth of SMNs, and last to investigate the effect of different substrates coated including PLL, collagenⅠ, laminin and PLL combined with laminin on the cell survival and neurite outgrowth of SMNs.
    Methods: The spinal cords were carefully isolated aseptically from embryo of pregnant 15 days Sprague-Dawley rat with all the roots and meninges dis
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