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    法,即基于运动滤波的图象稳定和基于时- 空-频域遮挡模型的全景外极面图象分
    题。本文提出了主分量分析和 Fourier变换相结合的全方位图象数据压缩和旋转
Visual navigation of a mobile robot in the natural environment is a difficult and
     comprehensive subject which is related to almost every aspects of computer vision
     researches. The fundamental tasks of visual navigation are composed of global
     localization, road following and obstacle detection. Environment modeling is the
     foundation of visual navigation. This dissertation is devoted to the deep and
     systematic study on the visual environment modeling. The main contributions include:
     1. A task-oriented, multi-scale and full-view visual modeling strategy is proposed
     for the natural environment which combines the panoramic vision for scene modeling,
     omni-directional vision for road understanding and binocular vision for obstacle
     detection together. This approach overcomes the drawbacks of traditional visual
     navigation methods that mainly depended on local and/or single view visual
     information. In this direction sensor design, data processing and model representation
     are closely explored.
     2. A two stage method is presented for the 3D panoramic scene modeling from
     vibrated image sequences which consists of (I) image stabilization by motion
     filtering and (2) depth estimation and depth boundary localization. The two stage
     method not only combines Zheng and Tsuji抯 panoramic image method with Bakers
     epipolar plane image analysis, resulting the so called panoramic epipolar plane image
     method, but also generalizes them to handle image sequence vibrations due to the un-
     controllable fluctuation of the camera. The two stage method by-passes the
     correspondence problem and ill-posed problem encountered in the general motion
     analysis, and avoids the local minimum problem of the spatial-constrain-based
     iteration method.
     3. .A new road following approach . the Road Omni-View Image Neural
     Networks (ROVINN). is proposed which combines the omni-directional image
     sensing technique with neural networks. The ROVINN makes the robot never get lost
     and enables it to learn from the road images. The ROVINN approach brings Yagi抯
     COPIS to the outdoor road scene and provides a new solution from the CMU抯
     ALVINN. Compact and rotation-invariant image features are extracted by integrating
     the principle component analysis (PCA) and the Fourier transform (DFT). The
     modular neural networks can estimate road orientations more efficiently by first
     classif~抜ng the roads, and thus enable the robot to adapt to various road types
     4. A novel method called image reprojection transformation is presented for road
     obstacle detection based on binocular vision. Dynamic reprojection transformation
     algorithms are developed so as to work in un-even road surface. The novelty of the
     (dynamic) reprojection transformation method, which ensembles the gaze control of
     the human vision, lies in the fact that it brings the road surface to zero disparity so that
     the feature extraction and matching procedures of the traditional stereo vision are
     avoided in the obstacle detection task. The progressive processing strategy of
     reproj ection transformation, yes/no verification and obstacle measurement make the
     obstacle detection efficient, fast and robust.
     5. System implementations.(l) In the 3D panoramic scene modeling , the
     algorithms of motion filtering and image stabilization, kinetic occlusion detection and
     depth layering, have been developed so as to found a ground base for landmark
     selection of global localization and image synthesis of virtualized rea
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