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Since 1980s, a large number of competitive dynamic industrial clusters emerged in the world's economic domain, which not only promoted regional economic growth, but also gathered a large number of talented people. While the agglomeration of talents also promoted the development of industrial clusters in turn and talents had become the key for industrial clusters to maintain sustainable competitive advantages. In the current context of global competition, many of our traditional advanced industrial clusters are facing problems of industrial upgrading and structural adjustment inevitably, while the shortage of skilled and quality talents has become a key factor. Therefore, there is an important theoretical value and practical significance for us to research the industrial cluster's talent attractiveness so that to exert the synergistic integration functions of industrial cluster in attracting and gathering more high-level talents. Based on the talent attractiveness of industrial clusters, this thesis carried out the research as followings:
     Firstly, this thesis summarized the main viewpoints of theatrical research literature that related to industrial cluster's talent attractiveness and theoretically explaned the talent attracting effects of the industrial cluster. Based on the two basic features of geographical proximity and industrial relevance in the theory of industrial clusters, this thesis analyzed the referenced object selection methods and the composition structure of talent attractiveness differentiations, designed the industrial cluster's talent attractiveness index by applying the organization attractiveness measurement method, and then conducted the empirically investigation by taking Foshan region as a typical sample, which confirmed the existence of the industrial cluster's talent attractiveness effect from both the theoretical and practical perspectives.
     Then, this thesis applied the multi-level theory, in accordance with the longitudinal structure method of the industrial clusters competitiveness research, and divided the influential factors of industrial cluster's talent attraction effect into regional level, clusters level and enterprise level, from the macro level to the micro level. And it also designed an industrial cluster's talent attractiveness influence factors scale, and conducted an empirical test. Then it established a multi-layer model, which distinguished the core factors, intermediary factors and external factors for the industrial cluster's talent attractiveness effect.
     Furthermore, by combining the migration theory, industrial cluster theory and organizational attractiveness theory, this thesis interpreted the influencing mechanism of the industrial cluster's talent attractiveness factors, analyzed the transformational relation among the regional, industrial clusters and enterprise layer, as well as their impact on the industrial cluster's talent attractiveness. Then the structural equation model was applied to conduct the empirical test that revealing the direct and indirect influence law of different factors from the macro to the micro-layers on the industrial cluster's talent attractiveness.
     Finally, this thesis analyzed the nurturing and enhancing approach of the industrial cluster's talent attractiveness power by the application of synergistic theory, revealed the synergy effect and self-reinforcing effect in the talent attracting process. Then, it proposed the policy recommendations in macro regional level and micro enterprises level, and interpreted the function of the industrial cluster as a medium organization in the synergistic integration process of talent attractiveness,explored the strategies of industrial synergy, market synergy, brand synergy and cultural synergy, and established a synergistic integration model of the industrial cluster in the process of nurturing and enhancing its talent attractiveness to provided a reference for the industrial cluster's talent attracting policy.
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