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Train operation diagram is production plan of the railway transportation enterprises, that can ensure train safety and the punctual operation and cost-effective organization of railway transportation. With the gradual perfection of the national railway network and in-depth development of the transportation products to meet market demand, the train diagram update frequency will be faster and faster, and, alternation between the current train diagram and the new one will appear more and more frequently. Currently, the domestic research on alternation between the new train diagram and the current one is less, and, in railway work site, staff can only plan manually based on experience, lack of means of information to support plan, constraint the level of organization in alternation between the new train diagram and the current one of China's railway transportation.
     Alternating business between the new train diagram and the current one of China's railway transportation is analyzed, planning optimization model is established, an effective algorithm is designed, planning system building program of alternation between the new train diagram and the current one is discussed to improve the intelligence level of the plan work. Main research contents are as follows:
     1. Alternating business between the new train operation diagram and the current one of China's railway transportation is analyzed, the nature of business at the present stage is revealed, that is to determine the source of new carriages running the new train plan and the destination of old carriages running the current train plan. Cause of the new train diagram and train diagram changes are analyzed, combined with experience in railway work, planning methods and the law of alternating plan between the current train diagram and the new one are summarized, the impact of the alternating plan on transportation organization is studied preliminarily.
     2. Based on the analysis of calculation methods of the number of passenger train stock turnover and the impact factors for passenger train stock operation, the models of passenger carriage scheduling in alternating periods and algorithm are researched respectively according to different passenger carriage application mode. Based on the application mode of passenger carriage operation in the fixed section, the constraint satisfaction optimal problem model of passenger carriage scheduling in alternating periods is established, in the model, the object is to reduce the withdrawal of train number, the constraints include carriage technical working duration and other operation rules. Based on the application mode of passenger carriage operation in the unfixed section, the passenger carriage scheduling in alternating periods problem is divided into three categories according to the size of the number of passenger carriage running the current train operation diagram and the number of passenger carriage running the new one, the models for passenger carriage scheduling are established respectively, combined with model characteristics, ant colony algorithm is designed.
     3. Intercity EMU can round-trip run multiple times in the fixed section and be overnight or repair at station or depot. In the case, the impact factors and the operation rules of train-set scheduling in alternating periods between the current train diagram and the new one are analyzed, the EMU scheduling problem is transformed into the connection problem of the current EMU sub-routing and the new one, the connection cost is discussed under various conditions, the least connection cost as the target, EMU scheduling in alternating periods optimization model is established, more, Hungarian algorithm is used to solve the problem.
     4. Trains are operating in accordance with different train diagram in alternating periods, conflict may exist between trains. In view of this, refined train operation diagram in alternating periods between the current train diagram and the new one compilation method is proposed. The difference and connection between the train operation plan in alternating periods between the old train diagram and the new one and the general train working diagram, and the train operation adjustment are discussed, refined train operation diagram in alternating periods optimization model is established, and heuristic algorithm based on earliest conflict optimal idea is designed.
     5. Alternation planning system requirements is analyzed, and overall system architecture is constructed, furthermore, subsystems function is designed.
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