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Based on Ryder McKeown’s study that the corrosion of the legality ofinternational norms can influence the degradation of international norms andFinnemore Martha and Kathryn Sikkink’s study in international norms of power andpolitical change that the World Time–atmosphere plays an important role in therecession of old norms and the rise of the new norm, this paper proposes that thecompetition mechanism of the international norms can explain the corrosion of thelegality of international norms, with the world Time-the environment into thedegradation mechanism. The competition is the independent variables, whereas thelegitimacy of international norms as the intervention variable. In the stronger sense,the linear causal chain of competition to degradation is seen as a collection ofuniversal social mechanism. The mechanism-process model of competition,legitimacy and the veto points is being in the life trajectory among all the internationalnorms, and constitutes a permanent Inflection point for international change(evolution/degradation).
    2Robert O. Keohane, Lisa L.Martin. The Promise of Institutionalist Theory, International Security,Vol.20,No.1(Summer,1999)P47.
    3John J. Mearsheimer. The False Promise of International Institutions. International
    4Security,Winter1994/95(Vol.19,No.3) p.13Stephen D. Krasner. Structural Conflict----The Third World against Global Liberalism.(Los Angeles: Universityof California Press, Ltd),1985, P72.
    5Stephen D. Krasner.“Global Communication and National Power: Life on the Pareto Frontier”, in David A.Baldwin, ed. Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate(New York: Columbia UniversityPress,1993) p.235
    2Kenneth N. Waltz. Structural Realism after the Cold War. International Security, Vol.25, No.1(Summer2000),p.19
    1Elisabeth S. Clemen and James M. Cook.“Politics and Institutionalism: Explaining Durability and Change”, inB. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre,ed. Institutionalism. Vol IV,(London: Sage Publications Ltd) p.13.
    3B.Guy Peters. Institutional Theory in Political Science---The New Institutionalism, London: Pinter(A Cassellimprint),1999,p.33.
    2Robert E. Goodin.“Institutions and Their Design”, in B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre,ed. Institutionalism. Vol I,(London: Sage Publications Ltd) Pp.298,299.
    1Robert E. Goodin.“Institutions and Their Design”, in B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre,ed. Institutionalism. Vol I,(London: Sage Publications Ltd) Pp.298,299.
    3Thomas Doyle. Norm Decay and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Norm.http://www.allacademic.com/one/isa/isa08/index.php?cmd=Download+Document&key=unpublished_manuscript&file_index=2&pop_up=true&no_click_key=true&attachment_style=attachment&PHPSESSID=41bab773db1b78c5ebdb8fed3de4dba8
    4Ryder McKeown. Norm Regress: US Revisionism and the Slow Death of the Torture Norm. InternationalRelations2009;23. p.6
    2Thomas Doyle. Norm Decay and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Norm.http://www.allacademic.com/one/isa/isa08/index.php?cmd=Download+Document&key=unpublished_manuscript&file_index=2&pop_up=true&no_click_key=true&attachment_style=attachment&PHPSESSID=41bab773db1b78c5ebdb8fed3de4dba8
    1Thomas Doyle. Norm Decay and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Norm.http://www.allacademic.com/one/isa/isa08/index.php?cmd=Download+Document&key=unpublished_manuscript&file_index=2&pop_up=true&no_click_key=true&attachment_style=attachment&PHPSESSID=41bab773db1b78c5ebdb8fed3de4dba8
    1Vivien Lowndes.“Urban Politics: Institutional Differentiation and Enlargement”, in Jon Pierre, B. Guy Petersand Gerry Stoker, ed. Debating Institutionalism,(Manchester: Manchester University Press),2008, p.89.
    2Jeffrey Stacey, Berthold Rittberger. Dynamics of Formal and Informal Institutional Change in the EU. Journal ofEuropean Public Policy, December2003,Pp.864,865
    3Margaret Levi.“A Logic of Institutional Change”, in Karen Schweers Cook and Margaret Levi,ed. The Limits ofRationality,(Chicago: The University of Chicago Press),1990,p.415.
    4Adrienne Heritier. Explaining Institutional Change in Europe. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2007,p.18.
    5Ibid, p.19
    6Adrienne Heritier. Explaining Institutional Change in Europe. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2007,p.20.
    7Ibid, p.52
    1Ibid, Pp.47,48.
    1See Oran R. Yong.“Regime Dynamics: the Rise and Fall of International Regimes”.; Arthur A. Stein.“Coordination and Collaboration: Regimes in an Anarchic World”. in Stephen D. Krasner,ed. InternationalRegimes,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版.
    2Oran R. Yong.“Regime Dynamics: the Rise and Fall of International Regimes”, in Stephen D. Krasner,ed.International Regimes,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第108-109页.
    3Arthur A. Stein.“Coordination and Collaboration: Regimes in an Anarchic World”. in Stephen D. Krasner,ed.International Regimes,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第138页.
    4James D. Fearon. Bargaining, Enforcement, and International Cooperation. International Organization52,2,Spring1998,p.269.
    5Oran R. Yong.“Regime Dynamics: the Rise and Fall of International Regimes”, in Stephen D. Krasner,ed.International Regimes,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第109页.
    6Oran R. Yong.“Regime Dynamics: the Rise and Fall of International Regimes”, in Stephen D. Krasner,ed.International Regimes,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第110页.
    7B.Guy Peters. Institutional Theory in Political Science---The New Institutionalism, London: Pinter (A Cassellimprint),1999,p.137.
    3George Lawson. The Promise of Historical Sociology in International Relations. International Studies Review(2006)8,p.410.
    4B.Guy Peters. Institutional Theory in Political Science---The New Institutionalism, London: Pinter(A Cassell
    5imprint),1999,p.68.Kathleen Thelen and Sven Steinmo.“Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Politics”, in Kathleen Thelen,Sven Steinmo and Frank Longstreth, ed. Structuring Politics--Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Politics,(New York: Cambridge University Press),1992,p.15.
    6Stephen D. Krasner.“Approaches to the State: Alternative Conceptions and Historical Dynamics”, in B. GuyPeters and Jon Pierre,ed. Institutionalism. Vol I,(London: Sage Publications Ltd),p.446.
    2B.Guy Peters. Institutional Theory in Political Science---The New Institutionalism, London: Pinter(A Cassellimprint),1999,p.68.
    4Stephen D. Krasner.“Approaches to the State: Alternative Conceptions and Historical Dynamics”, in B. GuyPeters and Jon Pierre,ed. Institutionalism. Vol I,(London: Sage Publications Ltd),p.446.
    2See Emanuel Adler. Communitarian International Relations---The Epistemic Foundations of InternationalRelations.New York: Routledge,2005,Pp.32,38,39.秦亚青,《关系本位与过程建构:将中国理念植入国际关系理论》,载《中国社会科学》,2009年,第3期。
    6Scholte,Jan Aart.“The Globalization of World Politics,” in Baylis, John and Steve Smith, ed., The Globalizationof World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press,1999),p.14.转引自[日]星野昭吉著,刘小林,梁云祥译,《全球化时代的世界政治——世界政治的行为主体和结构》,.北京:《社会科学文献出版社》,2004年版,第4页。
    2参见[德]尤尔根·哈贝马斯著,曹卫东译.,交往行为理论》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年版,第121页。A.Schutz, GesammelteAufsatze,第Ⅰ卷,Den Haag,1971,p.6.转引自[德]尤尔根·哈贝马斯著,曹卫东译。《交往行为理论》,上海人民出版社,2005年版,第121页。
    3参见[美]亚历山大·温特著,秦亚青译,《国际政治的社会理论》,上海:上海人民出版社,2004年版,第272页。See Alexander Wendt.The State as Person in International Theory. Review of International Studies
    (2004),30. H.J.McCloskey. The State as an Organism, as a Person, and as an End in Itself. The PhilosophicalReview, Vol.72, No.3(Jul.1963). Andrew Vincent. Can Groups Be Persons? The Review of Metaphisics, Vol.42,No.4(Jun.,1989).
    4参见Buzan,Barry(1991)People, States, and Fear, Boulder:Lynne Rienner,2ndedn,pp.65-66.转引自[美]亚历山大·温特著,秦亚青译,《国际政治的社会理论》,上海:上海人民出版社,2004年版,第276页。
    6French,Peter(1984).Collective and Corporate Responsibility, New York: Columbia University Press, pp.46-47.转引自[美]亚历山大·温特著,秦亚青译,《国际政治的社会理论》,上海:上海人民出版社,2004年版,第278页。
    7参见French,Peter(1984).Collective and Corporate Responsibility, New York: Columbia University Press,.转引自[美]亚历山大·温特著,秦亚青译,《国际政治的社会理论》,上海:上海人民出版社,2004年版,第278页。
    1Michael N. Barnett. Dialogue in Arab Politics---Negotiations in Regional Order. NewYork: Columbia UniversityPress,1998,p.33.
    3Petr Drulak.“Reflexivity and structural change”, in Stefano Guzzini and Anna Leander,ed. Constructivism andInternational Relations---Alexander Wendt and his Critics.(New York: Routledge Press),2006,p.145.
    5内部学习意指给定外部环境条件下,社会行为体的自主学习。内部学习强调社会行为体的学习动力来自内部,而不仅仅是外部。当且仅当行为体在无明显外部激励下自主学习时,他们才能成为变化的施动者,而不仅仅是被动追随者,并且只有这样,他们才能被视为能做出创新之举的创新者。内部学习不仅改变行为体的行为,而且改变行为体的身份与偏好。规则改变型政治概念体现出作为政治实践之反思性的特殊性。规则改变型政治是相对于非反思的规则导向性政治(rule-directed politics)而言。规则导向性政治运行于给定规则之中,而规则改变型政治则致力于转变规则体系,且代之以新规则体系。See Petr Drulak.“Reflexivity andstructural change”, in Stefano Guzzini and Anna Leander,ed. Constructivism and International Relations---Alexander Wendt and his Critics.(New York: Routledge Press),2006,pp.141,143.
    4参见Theodore R. Schatzki. Social Practices---AWittgensteinian Approach to Human Activity and the Social.New York: Cambridge University Press,1996,p.11.
    1James G. March and Johan P.Olsen. The logic of appropriateness.http://www.arena.uio.no/publications/wp04_9.pdf
    2James Fearon and Alexander Wendt.“Rationalism v. Constructivism: A Skeptical View”, in Walter Carlsnaes,Thomas Risse and Beth A. Simmons,ed., Handbook of International Relations. London: SAGE Publications Ltd,2002,p.60.
    5James G. March and Johan P.Olsen. The logic of appropriateness.http://www.arena.uio.no/publications/wp04_9.pdf
    1James G. March and Johan P.Olsen. The logic of appropriateness.http://www.arena.uio.no/publications/wp04_9.pdf
    2江畅,戴茂堂,G.John M. Abbarno,Thomas Magnell主编《价值论与伦理学研究——2008年卷》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2008年版,第46页。
    4江畅,戴茂堂,G.John M.Abbarno,Thomas Magnell主编,《价值论与伦理学研究——2008年卷》,第44页。
    7Benoit Teste.“Conformity and Deviance”, in Nicole Dubois. ed., A Sociocognitive Approach to Social Norms.London: Routledge,2003,p.17.
    1江畅,戴茂堂,G.John M.Abbarno,Thomas Magnell主编,《价值论与伦理学研究——2008年卷》,第46—47页。
    3江畅,戴茂堂,G.John M.Abbarno,Thomas Magnell主编《价值论与伦理学研究——2008年卷》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2008年版,第52页。
    4江畅,戴茂堂,G.John M.Abbarno,Thomas Magnell主编《价值论与伦理学研究——2008年卷》,第46页。
    6Robert Axelrod. An Evolutionary Approach to Norms. American Political Science Review,VOL.80NO.4December,1986,p.1096.
    7江畅,戴茂堂,G.John M.Abbarno,Thomas Magnell主编《价值论与伦理学研究——2008年卷》,第363页。
    5See Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink. International Norm Dynamics and Political Change. InternationalOrganization52,4, Autumn1998, p.897. Ann Florini. The Evolution of International Norms. International StudiesQuarterly, Vol.40,No.3,(Sep.,1996), p.376.
    6Ann Florini. The Evolution of International Norms. International Studies Quarterly, Vol.40,No.3,(Sep.,1996),p.367.
    1正如吉登斯所言,任何制度都具有管制型作用与构成性作用。本文强调基础性国际制度的构成性作用,着眼于基础性国际制度的价值与观念向度,且视基础性国际制度为国际规范的一种。基础性国际制度意指国际行为体为解决协调与协作型合作问题而建立的基础性实践规则,以利于国家间的共存。See ChristianReus-Smit. The Constitutional Structure of International Society and the Nature of Fundamental Institutions.International Organization51,4,Autumn1997,p557.
    2See Christian Reus-Smit. The Moral Purpose of the State—Culture, Social Identity, and Institutional Rationalityin International Relations. Princeton: Princeton University Press,1999,p.6.
    2Christian Reus-Smit. The Moral Purpose of the State—Culture, Social Identity, and Institutional Rationality inInternational Relations.p.6.
    3Christian Reus-Smit. The Moral Purpose of the State—Culture, Social Identity, and Institutional Rationality inInternational Relations.pp.32-33.
    4Christian Reus-Smit. The Moral Purpose of the State—Culture, Social Identity, and Institutional Rationality inInternational Relations.p.6.
    5Christian Reus-Smit. The Moral Purpose of the State—Culture, Social Identity, and Institutional Rationality inInternational Relations.pp.33-34.
    2Neta Crawford.“Decolonization as an International Norm: The Evolution of Practices, Arguments, and Beliefs,”in Reed and Kaysen, Emerging Norms of Justified Intervention,p53. Cambridge, Mass.: Committee onInternational Security Studies, American Academy of Arts and Science,1999.转引自玛莎·费丽莫:《建构人道主义规范》,载[美]彼得·卡赞斯坦主编,宋伟,刘铁娃译:《国家安全的文化:世界政治中的规范与认同》,北京:北京大学出版社,2009年版,第167-168页。
    1Neta Crawford. Argument and Change in World Politics---Ethics, Decolonization, and HumanitarianIntervention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002,p113.
    2See Audi. Belief, Justification and Knowledge. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth,1988.转引自Neta Crawford.Argument and Change in World Politics---Ethics, Decolonization, and Humanitarian Intervention. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2002,p113.
    3Neta Crawford. Argument and Change in World Politics---Ethics, Decolonization, and HumanitarianIntervention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002,p113.
    5Friedrich V. Kratochwil. Rules, Norms, and Decisions---on the conditions of practical and legal reasoning ininternational relations and domestic affairs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1989,p69.
    6有关社会规范提高社会福利的探讨参见Thomas Voss.“Game-Theoretical Perspectives on The Emergence ofSocial Norms”, in Michael Hechter and Karl-Dieter Opp. ed., Social Norms. New York: Russell Sage Foundation,2001,pp110-112.
    7Friedrich V. Kratochwil. Rules, Norms, and Decisions---on the conditions of practical and legal reasoning ininternational relations and domestic affairs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1989,p70.
    1Ronald B. Mitchell.“Evaluating the Performance of Environmental Institutions: What to Evaluate and How toEvaluate it?” in Oran R. Young, Leslie A. King, and Heike Schroeder. ed., Institutions and EnvironmentalChange----Principal Findings, Application, and Research Frontiers. Cambridge: The MIT Press.2008,p79.
    3将规范视为博弈均衡的文献参见Christina Bicchieri.“Learning to Cooperate”, in Christina Bicchieri, RichardJeffrey and Brian Skyrms. ed., The Dynamics of Norms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1997,p25.Christina Bicchieri. The Grammar of Society---The Nature and Dynamics of Social Norms. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.2006,pp3-27. Masahiko Aoki. Toward a Comparative Institutional Analysis.Massachusetts: The MIT Press.2001,pp43-50.阿夫纳·格雷夫著,郑江淮等译:《大裂变——中世纪贸易制度比较和西方的兴起》,北京:中信出版社,2008年版。
    4有关多重均衡的探讨参见Masahiko Aoki. Toward a Comparative InstitutionalAnalysis.p15。[英]肯·肯默尔著,李晋译:《自然正义》,上海:上海财经大学出版社,2010年版,第21页。
    5参见Ronald B. Mitchell.“Evaluating the Performance of Environmental Institutions: What to Evaluate andHow to Evaluate it?” in Oran R. Young, Leslie A. King, and Heike Schroeder. ed., Institutions and EnvironmentalChange----Principal Findings, Application, and Research Frontiers.pp95-96.
    1Thomas Voss.“Game-Theoretical Perspectives on The Emergence of Social Norms”, in Michael Hechter andKarl-Dieter Opp. ed., Social Norms. New York: Russell Sage Foundation,2001,p110.
    2Arie M. Kacowicz. The Impact of Norms in International Society----The Latin American Experience1881-2001.Notre Dame: University of Norte Dame Press.2005,pp34-35.
    4图示来自于Christina Bicchieri. The Grammar of Society---The Nature and Dynamics of Social Norms.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.2006,p26.
    3Christina Bicchieri. The Grammar of Society---The Nature and Dynamics of Social Norms,p26.
    3本文借助埃里克森之文章《科斯与牛:沙塔县邻居纷争的化解》抽象出“竖栅栏博弈”——社会两难以及解决此一社会两难需要面临的“选择规范博弈”,同时借助其思想予以说明。这一模型与其原文不尽相符,尚不成熟,其严谨性有待继续探讨。参见Also see Robert C. Ellickson.“Of Coase and Cattle: DisputeResolution Among Neighbors in Shasta County”, in Mary C. Brinton and Victor Nee. ed,. The NewInstitutionalism in Sociology. New York: Russell Sage Foundation,1998.
    4沙塔县的传统牧人继续遵循着这个县最晚20世纪20年代普遍采用的畜牧习惯。作为传统牧人,他们的主要标志是,在夏季,它们让自己的大部分牲畜在无栅栏的山区中漫游,而无人看管。而沙塔县的现代牧人则是一直把自己的牲畜都关在栅栏内,以便增加对畜群的控制。参见罗伯特·C·埃里克森著.苏力译.无需法律的秩序——邻人如何解决纠纷.北京:中国政法大学出版社,2003年版,第28页. Also see Robert C.Ellickson.“Of Coase and Cattle: Dispute Resolution Among Neighbors in Shasta County”, in Mary C. Brintonand Victor Nee. ed,. The New Institutionalism in Sociology. New York: Russell Sage Foundation,1998,pp52-53.
    5此处的侵扰指走丢的牲畜损害其他牧人的栅栏、啃食草料、侵入房屋、破坏玻璃和菜园。更有甚者(尤指公牛),危及他人的人身安全。See Robert C. Ellickson.“Of Coase and Cattle: Dispute Resolution AmongNeighbors in Shasta County”, in Mary C. Brinton and Victor Nee. ed,. The New Institutionalism in Sociology.pp55-56.
    6See Robert C. Ellickson.“Of Coase and Cattle: Dispute Resolution Among Neighbors in Shasta County”, inMary C. Brinton and Victor Nee. ed,. The New Institutionalism in Sociology.p55.
    2Robert D. Benford and David A. Snow. Frame Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment.Annual Review of Sociology, Vol,26(2000),p614.
    4Rodger A.Payne. Persuasion, Frames and Norm Construction. European Journal of International Relations,Vol.7(1),2001,p43.
    5Rodger A.Payne. Persuasion, Frames and Norm Construction.p39.6在19世纪30年代之前,欧洲人仅把白人和基督徒看做“人”。在欧洲人看来,非欧洲人通过变成基督徒,通过采用欧洲式的产权结构,通过接受欧洲式的领土主权安排,通过进入发展中的以欧洲为基础的国际经济,而成为人。[美]玛莎·芬尼莫尔著,袁正清,李欣译:《干涉的目的:武力使用信念的变化》,上海:上海人民出版社,2009年版,第69页。
    2See Judith Goldstein and Robert O.Keohane.“Ideas and Foreign Policy: An Analytical Framework”, in JudithGoldstein and Robert O.Keohane, ed., Ideas and Foreign Policy---Beliefs, Institutions, and Political Change. Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993,p9.
    3See Judith Goldstein and Robert O.Keohane.“Ideas and Foreign Policy: An Analytical Framework”, in JudithGoldstein and Robert O.Keohane, ed., Ideas and Foreign Policy---Beliefs, Institutions, and Political Change. Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1993,p10.
    5Thomas Risse.“Let’s Argue!”: Communicative Action in World Politics. International Organization54,1,Winter2000,p4.
    1See Martha Finnemore. International Organizations as teachers of norms: the United Nations Educational,Scientific, and Cultural Organization and science policy. International Organization47,4,Autumn1993,pp577,585.
    2Martha Finnemore. National Interests in International Society. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1996,pp36-37.
    3See Kathryn Sikkink.“The Power of Principled Ideas: Human Rights Policies in the United States and WesternEurope”, in Judith Goldstein and Robert O.Keohane, ed., Ideas and Foreign Policy---Beliefs, Institutions, andPolitical Change. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1993.
    5Bierstedt, Robert. American Sociological Theory: A Critical History. New York: Academic Press,1981,p.461.转引自[波]彼得·什托,普卡著,林聚仁等译:《社会变迁的社会学》,北京:北京大学出版社,2011年版,第242页。
    2Antje Wiener. The Invisible Constitution of Politics---Contested Norms and International Encounters.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2008,p.2.
    4参见Thomas Doyle. Norm Decay and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Norm.http://www.allacademic.com/one/isa/isa08/index.php?cmd=Download+Document&key=unpublished_manuscript&file_index=2&pop_up=true&no_click_key=true&attachment_style=attachment&PHPSESSID=41bab773db1b78c5ebdb8fed3de4dba8
    5Jutta Brunne and Stephen J. Toope. Legitimacy and Legality in International Law---An Interactional Account.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2010,pp70-77.
    3Jutta Brunne and Stephen J. Toope. Legitimacy and Legality in International Law---An Interactional Account.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2010,p.70.
    4参见[美]玛莎·芬尼莫尔,凯瑟琳·斯金克著,秦亚青译:《国际规范的动力与政治变革》,载[美]彼得·卡赞斯坦,罗伯特·基欧汉,斯蒂芬·卡拉斯纳编,秦亚青,苏长河,门洪华,魏玲译:《世界政治理论的探索与争鸣》,上海:上海人民出版社出版,2006年版,第316-318页。Thomas M. Franck. Fairness in InternationalLaw and Institutions. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1996,pp25-46. Thomas M. Franck. The Power ofLegitimacy Among Nations. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1990,pp46-49.
    5Thomas M. Franck. Fairness in International Law and Institutions. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1996,p.30.
    6Thomas M. Franck. The Power of Legitimacy Among Nations. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1990,pp.46-49.
    7Also see Richard Price. Reversing the Gun Sights: Transnational Civil Society Targets Land Mines. InternationalOrganization52,3,Summer1998,p.631. Antje Wiener. The Invisible Constitution of Politics---Contested Norms andInternational Encounters. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2008,pp.4-5.
    8[美]玛莎·芬尼莫尔,凯瑟琳·斯金克著,秦亚青译:《国际规范的动力与政治变革》,载[美]彼得·卡赞斯坦,罗伯特·基欧汉,斯蒂芬·卡拉斯纳编,秦亚青,苏长河,门洪华,魏玲译:《世界政治理论的探索与争鸣》,上海:上海人民出版社出版,2006年版,第318页。朱立群:《中国参与国际体系的实践解释模式》,载《外交评论》,2011年第1期,第29-30页。Also see Richard Price. Reversing the Gun Sights: TransnationalCivil Society Targets Land Mines. International Organization52,3,Summer1998,p.628. Frank Schimmelfennig,Stefan Engert and Heiko Knobel. International Socialization in Europe----European Organization, PoliticalConditionality and Democraic Change. NewYork: Palgrave Macmillan,p.23. Trine Flockhart. ComplexSocialization and the Transfer of Democratic Norms,in Trine Flockhart,ed. Socializing Democratic Norms---TheRole of International Organizations for the Construction of Europe, New York: palgrave macmillan,2005.AmitavAcharya. Whose Ideas Matter---Agency and Power in Asian Regionalism. Ithaca: Cornell UniversityPress,2009,pp.1-30.
    12Thomas M. Franck. The Power of Legitimacy Among Nations. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1990,pp.43-44.Jutta Brunne and Stephen J. Toope. Legitimacy and Legality in International Law---An Interactional Account.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2010,p.313.
    3Helmut Breitmeier. The Legitimacy of International Regimes. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing House,2008,p99.
    1Abram Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes. The New Sovereignty---Compliance with International Regulatory
    2Agreements. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1995,p10.Abram Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes. The New Sovereignty---Compliance with International RegulatoryAgreements.p.11.
    3Thomas M. Franck. Fairness in International Law and Institutions. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1996,p.31.
    1Antje Wiener. Contested Compliance: Intervention on the Normative Structure of World Politics. EuropeanJournal of International Politics2004,10,p.192.
    3Antje Wiener. Contested Compliance: Intervention on the Normative Structure of World Politics. EuropeanJournal of International Politics2004,10,p.195.
    4Antje Wiener. The Invisible Constitution of Politics---Contested Norms and International Encounters.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2008,10.
    5See Andrew P. Cortell and James W. Davis, Jr. Understanding the Domestic Impact of International Norms: AResearch Agenda,2000, International Studies Association. Alexandra Gheciu. NATO in the “New Europe”---ThePolitics of International Socialization after the Cold War. Standford: Standford University Press,2005,pp.97-99.Thomas Risse and Kathryn Sikkink.“The Socialization of international human rights norms into domesticpractices: introduction”, in Thomas Risse, Stephen C. Ropp and Kathryn Sikkink, ed. The Power of HumanRights---International Norms and Domestic Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1999. FrankSchimmelfennig, Stefan Engert and Heiko Knobel. International Socialization in Europe----European Organization,Political Conditionality and Democraic Change. NewYork: Palgrave Macmillan,pp.1-26. Harold Hongju Koh.Review: Why Do Nations Obey International Law?, The Yale Law Journal, Vol.106,No.8.
    6Richard Price. Reversing the Gun Sights: Transnational Civil Society Targets Land Mines. InternationalOrganization52,3,Summer1998,p.641. Abram Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes. The NewSovereignty---Compliance with International Regulatory Agreements.p.14.
    1Abram Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes. The New Sovereignty---Compliance with International RegulatoryAgreements.p.14.
    2Abram Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes. The New Sovereignty---Compliance with International RegulatoryAgreements.p.15.
    3Jutta Brunne and Stephen J. Toope. Legitimacy and Legality in International Law---An Interactional Account.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2010,p.151.
    4Jutta Brunne and Stephen J. Toope. Legitimacy and Legality in International Law---An Interactional Account.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2010,p6.
    1Wayne Sandholtz.“Explaining International Norm Change”, in Wayne Sandholtz and Kendall Stile, ed.International Norms and Cycles of Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press,2009,p6.
    2Wayne Sandholtz.“Explaining International Norm Change”, in Wayne Sandholtz and Kendall Stile, ed.International Norms and Cycles of Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press,2009,p6.
    3M.Patrick Cottrell. Legitimacy and Institutional Replacement: The Convention on Certain ConventionalWeapons and the Emergence of the Mine Ban Treaty. International Organization63, Spring2009,p222. See also,Ian Hurd. After Anarchy---Legitimacy and Power in the United Nations Security Council. Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press,2007,pp66-71. Helmut Breitmeier. The Legitimacy of International Regimes. Burlington: AshgatePublishing House,2008,pp19-20.
    5M.Patrick Cottrell. Legitimacy and Institutional Replacement: The Convention on Certain ConventionalWeapons and the Emergence of the Mine Ban Treaty. International Organization63, Spring2009,pp.225-226.
    6Herbert C. Kelman.“Reflections on Social and Psychological Processes of Legitimization and Delegitimization”,in John T. Jost and Brenda Major, ed. The Psychology of Legitimacy—Emerging Perspectives on Ideology, Justice,and Intergroup Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2001,p59.
    1Wayne Sandholtz.“Explaining International Norm Change”, in Wayne Sandholtz and Kendall Stile, ed.
    2International Norms and Cycles of Change.p15.M.Patrick Cottrell. Legitimacy and Institutional Replacement: The Convention on Certain ConventionalWeapons and the Emergence of the Mine Ban Treaty. International Organization63, Spring2009,p226.
    3Wayne Sandholtz.“Explaining International Norm Change”, in Wayne Sandholtz and Kendall Stile, ed.International Norms and Cycles of Change.p15.
    4M.Patrick Cottrell. Legitimacy and Institutional Replacement: The Convention on Certain Conventional
    1Weapons and the Emergence of the Mine Ban Treaty. International Organization63, Spring2009, pp.222,225.M.Patrick Cottrell. Legitimacy and Institutional Replacement: The Convention on Certain ConventionalWeapons and the Emergence of the Mine Ban Treaty. International Organization63, Spring2009.
    2Sanjeev Khagram, James V. Riker, and Kathryn Sikkink.“From Santiago to Seattle: Transnational AdvocacyGroups Restructuring World Politics”, in Sanjeev Khagram, James V. Riker, and Kathryn Sikkink,ed.Restructuring World Politics---Transnational Social Movements, Networks, and Norms, Minneapolis: Universityof Minnesona Press,2002,p14. See also, Martha Finnemore. National Interests in International Society. Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1996.
    34Martha Finnemore. National Interests in International Society. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1996.Arturo Santa-Cruz. International Election Monitoring, Sovereignty, and the Western Hemisphere Idea---TheEmergence of an International Norm. London: Routledge,2005. See also, Audie Klotz. Norms in InternationalRelations---The Struggle against Apartheid. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1995.
    1Bruce Russett, Harvey Starr, David Kinsella. World Politics-The Menu for Choice. Beijing: Peking UniversityPress,2005,p297.
    1Bruce Russett, Harvey Starr, David Kinsella. World Politics-The Menu for Choice. Beijing: Peking University
    2Press,2005,p297.Katharina P. Coleman. International Organizations and Peace Enforcement---The Politics of InternationalLegtimacy. New York.:Cambridge University Press,2007,p19. See also.Inis L.Claude,Jr.“Collective Legitimizationas a Political Function of the United Nations”, in Friedrich Kratochwil and Edward D.Mansfield,ed. InternationalOrganizations and Global Governance: A Reader. Beijing: Peking University Press,2007.
    4Katharina P. Coleman. International Organizations and Peace Enforcement---The Politics of International
    5Legtimacy.p58.Martha Finnemore. National Interests in International Society. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1996.
    1Deborah D. Avant, Martha Finnemore, and Susan K.Sell.“Who governs the globe?”, in Deborah D. Avant,Martha Finnemore, and Susan K.Sell,ed. Who Governs the Globe? New York: Cambridge UniversityPress,2001,p11.
    2R. Charli Carpenter.“Governing the global agenda: gatekeepers and issue adoption in transnational advocacynetworks”, in Deborah D. Avant, Martha Finnemore, and Susan K.Sell,ed. Who Governs the Globe? New York:
    3Cambridge University Press,2001, p220.Bob Reinalda and Bertjan Verbeek.“The issue of decision making within international Organizations”, in BobReinalda and Bertjan Verbeek, ed. Decision Making Within International Organizations. London: Routledge,2004,p15.
    1E. Allan Lind and Tom R.Tyler. The Social Psychology of Procedural Justice. New York: Plenum Press,1988,p3.
    1Ian Clark. International Legitimacy and World Society. New York: Oxford University Press,2007,p4.
    2Ian Hurd. After Anarchy---Legitimacy and Power in the United Nations Security Council. Oxford: PrincetonUniversity Press,2007,pp40-41.
    3Herbert C. Kelman.“Reflections on Social and Psychological Processes of Legitimization and Delegitimization”,in John T. Jost and Brenda Major, ed. The Psychology of Legitimacy—Emerging Perspectives on Ideology, Justice,and Intergroup Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2001,p57.
    4Ryder McKeown. Norm Regress: US Revisionism and the Slow Death of the Torture Norm. InternationalRelations2009,23;5,p12.See also, Christian Reus-Smit. International Crises of Legitimacy. InternationalPolitics,44,pp166-167.
    1See, Nicole Dubois.“Introduction---The concept of norm”, in Nicole Dubois, ed. A Sociocognitive Approach toSocial Norms. London: Routledge,2003,p3.
    2Tom R. Tyler.“A Psychological Perspective on the Legitimacy of Institutions and Authorities”, in John T. Jostand Brenda Major, ed. The Psychology of Legitimacy—Emerging Perspectives on Ideology, Justice, andIntergroup Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2001, P419
    3See,Tom R. Tyler.“A Psychological Perspective on the Legitimacy of Institutions and Authorities”, in John T.Jost and Brenda Major, ed. The Psychology of Legitimacy—Emerging Perspectives on Ideology, Justice, andIntergroup Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2001, p418,419.
    4Ryder McKeown. Norm Regress: US Revisionism and the Slow Death of the Torture Norm. InternationalRelations2009,23;5,p12.See also, Christian Reus-Smit. International Crises of Legitimacy. InternationalPolitics,44,pp9-10.
    1Ian Clark. International Legitimacy and World Society. New York: Oxford University Press,2007,p16.
    2Ian Clark. International Legitimacy and World Society. New York: Oxford University Press,2007,p182.
    3Helmut Breitmeier. The Legitimacy of International Regimes. Farnham: Ashgate,2008,p20.
    1M.Patrick Cottrell. Legitimacy and Institutional Replacement: The Convention on Certain ConventionalWeapons and the Emergence of the Mine Ban Treaty. International Organization63, Spring2009,p222.
    2制度化规避意指,对制度性规则的抗拒,当它们属于下列情况时本身即被制度化:(1)相当明确的行为类型;(2)被大多数人采纳,而不是只被分布于各地的成员私下接受;(3)在组织形式上,有相当完善的社会机制,它由暗中合作的参与者构成,包括那些社会中的执行者;(4)他们较少受到惩罚,即使受到惩罚,也多是象征性的,这主要在于重申规则的尊严。See, Merton, Robert K. Social Research and Practicing Profession,Cambridge: Abt Books,1982,p.76.转引自:[波]彼得·什托姆普卡著,林聚仁等译:《社会变迁的社会学》,第
    2Tom R. Tyler.“A Psychological Perspective on the Legitimacy of Institutions and Authorities”, in John T. Jostand Brenda Major, ed. The Psychology of Legitimacy—Emerging Perspectives on Ideology, Justice, andIntergroup Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2001,416.
    3Tom R. Tyler.“A Psychological Perspective on the Legitimacy of Institutions and Authorities”, in John T. Jostand Brenda Major, ed. The Psychology of Legitimacy—Emerging Perspectives on Ideology, Justice, and
    4Intergroup Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2001,p421.om R. Tyler.“A Psychological Perspective on the Legitimacy of Institutions and Authorities”, in John T. Jost andBrenda Major, ed. The Psychology of Legitimacy—Emerging Perspectives on Ideology, Justice, and IntergroupRelations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2001,p424.
    5E. Allan Lind and Tom R.Tyler. The Social Psychology of Procedural Justice. New York: PlenumPress,1988,pp147-172.
    1Tom R. Tyler.“A Psychological Perspective on the Legitimacy of Institutions and Authorities”, in John T. Jostand Brenda Major, ed. The Psychology of Legitimacy—Emerging Perspectives on Ideology, Justice, andIntergroup Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2001,p416.
    2Druckman, Daniel. Negotiating in the International Context, in I. William Zartman and J.L.Rasmussen,ed.Peacemaking in International Conflict. Washington,DC: United States Institute of Peace Press,1997,p92.转引自Druckman, Daniel. Negotiation and Political Psychology: A Comparative Analysis of Turning Points, in MargaretG. Hermann, ed. Advances in Political Psychology Volume1.Amsterdam: Elsevier,2004,p108.
    4See, Druckman, Daniel. Negotiating in the International Context, in I. William Zartman and J.L.Rasmussen,ed.Peacemaking in International Conflict. Washington,DC: United States Institute of Peace Press,1997,p92.转引自Druckman, Daniel. Negotiation and Political Psychology: A Comparative Analysis of Turning Points, in MargaretG. Hermann, ed. Advances in Political Psychology Volume1.Amsterdam: Elsevier,2004.
    5权威型规范通过奖惩迫使行为体采取特定的行为,而咨询型规范则允许行为体自主行动。此处的定义并不意味着本文排除了国际规范由于突遭巨变而消亡的可能性。本文着重于解释国际规范的渐次性变化,而非巨变。在解释规范巨变之现象上,历史制度主义的间断性均衡研究路径比本文的理论更有说服力。See,Thomas Doyle. Norm Decay and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Norm.http://www.allacademic.com/one/isa/isa08/index.php?cmd=Download+Document&key=unpublished_manuscript&file_index=2&pop_up=true&no_click_key=true&attachment_style=attachment&PHPSESSID=41bab773db1b78c5ebdb8fed3de4dba8
    1See,Thomas Doyle. Norm Decay and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Norm.http://www.allacademic.com/one/isa/isa08/index.php?cmd=Download+Document&key=unpublished_manuscript&file_index=2&pop_up=true&no_click_key=true&attachment_style=attachment&PHPSESSID=41bab773db1b78c5ebdb8fed3de4dba8
    3Wayne Sandholtz.“Explaining International Norm Change”, in Wayne Sandholtz and Kendall Stile, ed.International Norms and Cycles of Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press,2009,p6.
    4Jeffrey W.Legro. The Transformation of Policy Ideas, American Journal of Political Science, Vol.44,No.3
    1See,Laurent Dubois.“Slavery in the Age of Revolution”, in Gad Heuman and Trevor Burnard,ed. The RoutledgeHistory of Slavery, New York: Routledge,2011.
    2Kendall Stiles.“Slavery: Liberal Norms and Human Rights”, in Wayne Sandholtz and Kendall Stile, ed.International Norms and Cycles of Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press,2009,p169.
    3掠夺战败国之文化财产规范规定战胜国有权掠走战败国的艺术和文化财产。自古罗马开始,艺术掠夺便在战争中有着重要的象征作用。通过抢占战败国的艺术文化作品,战胜国象征性地吸收了战败国的低等文化。或者正如休·特雷夫-罗珀所言,就文化财产赋予政体以声望来说,战争中的对手会寻求摧毁这一光环,并力图抢占它以为己所用,这正如野蛮人试图通过吞噬敌人的身体以获得他们的力量。See, Wayne Sandholtz.“Protecting Cultural Treasures in Wartime”, in Wayne Sandholtz and Kendall Stile, ed. International Norms andCycles of Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press,2009.
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