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The chemists in electroanalysis had attached the importance to supramolecular chemistry recently. Cyclodextrins with interior hydrophobic and exterior hydrophilic environment can accommodate organic, inorganic and biological molecules, therefore they have been paid much attention by the researchers of supramolecular chemistry. At present, there are developments in the study on the CD self-assembly behavior on the electrode surface and the construction of supramolecular devices with CDs. In this thesis, following researches are carried out in electroanalysis of CD supramolecular chemistry:
     (1) The interaction betweenβ-cyclodextrin and azobenzene was researched by Uv-vis spectroscopy, then fabricated the 6-OTs-β- cyclodextrin modified Au electrode and employed it to detect low concentration azobenzene. The results suggested that the detection sensitivity was high enough, and it was nonpoisonous.
     (2) From Uv-vis spectroscopy it can be seen that both benzoquinone and anthraquinone could be included by freeβ-cyclodextrin, but twoβ-cyclodextrin molecules only can included one anthraquinone molecules.
     (3) A new method for fabrication ofβ-cyclodextrin modified Au electrode was found. This method was easy, inexpensive and time saving. The cyclodextrin mondified on Au electrode could included azobenzene, so the modified Au electrode may be used as self-assembled monolayer sensors.
     (4) MCT-β-cyclodextrin modified Au electrode was used to investigate the solution of benzoquinone and anthraquinone, the results suggested that only proper size could be included by immobilizedβ-cyclodextrin, Soβ-cyclodextrin modified Au electrode has the probability to be used in fabrication of molecular size selective sensors.
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