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In this dissertation, the properties of spin-polarized carriers in ferromagnetic materials and diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs), which are of great importance for spintronics applications, are studied.
     In the first part of this dissertation, we summarized and developed a spin rectification effect (SRE) theory. Basing on the SRE theory, we studied the magnetic dynamics of a permalloy (Py) strip. The experimental observation of a time-independent photo-voltage resulting from the coupling between magnetization procession and microwave current was well interpreted.
     Based on the SRE and the above study, a new technique is developed to electrically detect the spin dynamics in the ferromagnetic material. The spin dynamics is probed in different configuration. With the Laudan-lifshitz-Gilbert equation and the boundary condition for the Maxwell Equation, we discussed the physical original of various spin wave modes, such as ferromagnetic resonance, perpendicular standing spin wave, magneto-static mode and localized mode.
     By measuring and analyzing the angular dependence of the photovoltage induced by the spin rectification effect, a new approach is demonstrated for making novel microwave detectors capable of detecting the rf magnetic field vector at sub-wavelength scale.
     In the second part of this dissertation, we studied the magneto-optical properties of ZnMnTe/ZnMgTe hetero structure by using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy at low temperature. The circularly-polarized PL measurements in an increasing magnetic field were performed. Detailed characteristics of the level crossing behavior for the spin polarized excitonic states due to the giant Zeeman splitting were observed. These features are conformed by the behavior of the PL intensity in magnetic field, and agree well with the theoretical expectation basing on the sp-d exchange interaction.
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