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The Popularization of higher education is an important issue of higher education policies in Britain. The dissertation not only explains the characters, the path and the impetus of higher education policies' evolution in Britain, but analyzes the influencing factors and their interaction from a view of policy-making. Furthermore, all levels of governments, elite, interest groups, office and civil servants' roles will be discussed deeply so as to unfold their endeavor for the maximal interests. The dissertation gives a thorough review for higher education popularizing policies in Britain based on problem research and policy-analyzing.
     The preface investigates the importance of the study of higher education in Britain, discusses the reason and the value of the issue, defines some key words, summarizes the research situation home and overseas, and expounds the dissertation's research layout and research methods further.
     The first four chapters give a review about policy-making during the Popularization of higher education in Britain respectively.
     Chapter one: the policies' outset of the Popularization of higher education in Britain: war andprofessional(post-world warII——early days in 1960s). In the reconstructed period, realizing the lackof scientist and technologist from world warII, everyone appealed to expand in higher education. The universities with elitism were averse to take on technology, but the technical colleges were earnest to assume more work independently. Opinions diverged from each other on the status and rank between universities and technical colleges. After Percy Report, Barlow Report and White Paper on Technical Education, both universities and technical colleges made progresses, the latter got more progresses so as to compete with universities in future. During this time, the policies of the Popularization of higher education are in a threshold, it still didn't come into the decision-makers' eyes, the social circumstances and interest groups were the crucial factors of policy-making.
     Chapter two: the policies' primary issues of the Popularization of higher education in Britain:scale and structure(early days in1960s——metaphase in 1970s). Robbins Report which resulted inexpansion and the Binary System which designed administrant system were important issues this period. Despite agreeing to expand, both of them had different plans about the administrant system. Robbins Report with elitism made by the Conservative Party claimed that there should be a unified system based on ladder principle. The Labor Party claimed that another system should be set up which consisted of technical college and educational colleges as egalitarian. The public higher education sector and the universities co-operated, that was so-called binary system. During this time, conflicts of interests arose between universities and technical colleges, the Labor Parry and the Conservative Party, the central and the local authorities and so on, which made for the policies' process. The conflicts of interests were the crucial factors of policy-making.
     Chapter three: the policies' second issues of the Popularization of higher education in Britain:grants and obligation (metaphase in 1970s——metaphase in 1980s). Because of economic crisis inthe middle of 1970s, the state broke its promise and cut the expenditure of higher education, especially in the Thatcher Government The cut was full of conflicts between the government and universities, universities and polytechnics, the central and the local authorities. On the impact of social changes, the traditional decision-making in group was broken in place of decision-making by elite. The elite were the crucial factor of policy-making.
     Chapter four: the policies' deep issues of the Popularization of higher education in Britain:quality and efficiency(metaphase in 1980s——now). The higher education popularizing policies' pathhad transformed from extension to intension which put emphasis on educational quality and efficiency. In this period, problems in higher education itself were focus in the policies' process, so there were only some interest groups adhere to higher education. Issues would be discussed in the branch sector rather than state level. Thatcherism was the major guideline in the higher education. Conflicts between universities and polytechnics, polytechnics and the local authorities, the central and the local authorities were coming to an end, the relation of the state and the higher education began to a new era. Interest groups were the major factor of policy-making.
     According to the first four chapters, the dissertation analyzes the policies' process from three aspects: First, the dissertation studied the stage characters approach, the continuity and the reason of higher education popularizing policies from a view of holistic. Second, after commenting on some conclusions about the drive of higher educational system in Britain, the dissertation brought forward the interests' driving by reference to System Changes theory of new institutional economics. Third, the dissertation analyzes the influencing factors and their interaction in policy-making in virtue of the Advocacy Coalition Framework of Paul A.Sabatier.
     Epilogue, on the one hand, the dissertation sums up the interest groups during policy-making of the Popularization of higher education in Britain. On the other, gives some viewpoints about the methodology of educational history research.
    [1]漂移理论认为,高等教育机构为了适应竞争,并不一定永远忠实于创办时期制定的目标,反而会随着社会发展的需求而灵活调整,由此产生漂移现象。持此观点的包括梯若·布杰斯(Tyrrell Burgess)、约翰·普然特(John Pratt)、伯顿·克拉克(Burton Clarke)等学者。趋同理论原指全球化背景下不同文化之间的整合,越来越显示出“相关性”。就高等教育而言,随着全球化的到来,各大学在职能、培养目标、拨款机制、面临的问题等方面都逐步相似,趋向同质。张建新的博士论文就是运用这两种理论解释英国高等教育的二元制向一元制的转化。
    [3]保罗·A.萨巴蒂尔著,彭宗超等译:《政策过程理论》,生活·读书·新知 三联书店2004年版,第97页。
    [1]孙绵涛教授在其著作《教育政策论——具有中国特色的社会主义教育政策研究》(华中师范大学出版社2002)中列举了教育政策的多种含义;易红郡博士在其著作《从冲突到如何——20世纪英国中等教育政策研究》(湖南教育出版社2005)中列举了国内外比较权威的9个关于“政策”或“公共政策”的含义。袁振国教授在著作《教育政策学》(江苏教育出版社2001)中列举了美国学者伊根·古巴(Egon G.Guba)关于政策的8种定义。
    [1]阿什比著,滕大春 滕大生译:《科技发达时代的大学教育》,人民教育出版社1983年版。
    [1]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,168.
    [2]Harold Silver.Higher Education and Opinion Making inTtwentieth-Century England.London;Portland,OR:Woburn Press,2003.217.
    [1]Kenneth Harris.Thatcher.London.1988.88.
    [1]C.D Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):187.
    [2]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Perfornance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,38.
    [4]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):171.
    [4]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.104.
    [5]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,137.
    [1]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.91.
    [2]Roy Lowe.Education in The Post-war Years:A Social History.London;New York:Routledge,1988.57.
    [3]Roy Lowe.Education in The Post-war Years:A Social History.London;New York:Routledge,1988.56.
    [1]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.92.
    [2]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrrence & Wishart,1991.92-93.
    [4]1919年大学拨款委员会建立之初授权负责的范围是“调查英国大学的经济需求,向政府建议满足这些需求所需的由议会制定的拨款数额”,1943年时又增加了一些权限,“在全国范围内搜集、检查和制定与大学教育相关的信息.”由此可见,当时的大学拨款委员会的功能定位仅止于咨询和执行,并没有真正干涉大学的发展。参见Michael Shattock.The UGC and the Management of British Universities.The Society for Research into Higher Education&Open University Press.1994.2-3.
    [5]W.A.C.Stewart,Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.49.
    [1]W.A.C.Stewart,Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.268.
    [2]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.58.
    [1]W.A.C.Stewart,.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.51.
    [4]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hamoshire:Macmillan,1989.80.
    [5]瞿葆奎 金含芬主编:英国教育改革,人民教育出版社1993年版,第228页。
    [1]Roy Lowe.Education inTthe Post-wat Years:A Social History.London;New York:Routledge,1988.58.
    [2]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.149.引注133.
    [3]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.82.
    [5]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.80.
    [1]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.260.
    [1]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.67.
    [2]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.72.
    [3]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.69.
    [1]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.68.
    [2]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:programme and perforrmance,1960-1980.
    [3]New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,10.
    [1]Roy Lowe.Bducation in The Post-war Years:A Social History.London;New York:Routledge,1988.59.
    [1]Roy Lowe.Education in The Post-war Years:A Social History.London;New York:Routledge,1988.59.
    [2]John Carswell.Government and The Unversities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,11.
    [1]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):187.
    [1]Michael Sanderson.Educational Opportunity and Social Change in England London:Faber and Faber,1987.72.
    [2]C John arswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,26.
    [1]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,19.
    [2]Michael Sanderson.Educational Opportunity and Social Change in England London:Faber and Faber,1987.73.
    [3]Michael Sanderson.Educational Opportunity and Social Change in England.London:Faber and Faber,1987.72.
    [5]Denis Lawton.Education and Labour Party Ideologies 1900-2001 and Beyond.London:Routledge falmer,56.
    [1]即后来的Quintin Hogg,是工党的活跃分子,1963年时积极参加工党的竞选活动,在1964年成立的教育与科学部任第一国务大臣。
    [4]莫里斯是伯里斯托大学的副校长,在当时的大学内外部都具有显赫的地位,曾任大学副校长和学院院长委员会的主席和UNESCO的英国代表,也是默里的亲密朋友,对报告的影响很大,被成为“报告的设计师”。林斯丹 德是当时帝国理工学院的院长,是委员会中科学界的唯一代表,在当时英国的科学领域具有重大的影响力.默里是当时大学拨款委员会的主席,他并不是委员会的正式成员。只是委员会邀请的顾问之一.
    [1]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,33.
    [2]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.225-226.
    [1]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrrence&Wishart,1991.226.
    [2]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary Svstem.History of Education.1998.(2):175.
    [2]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):176.
    [1]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,38.
    [2]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.242.
    [3]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):177.
    [1]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):178.
    [2]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,40.
    [1]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):182.
    [1]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):183.
    [2]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):181-182.
    [3]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):182.
    [1]Deni s Lawton.Education and Labour Party Ideologies 1900-2001 and Beyond.London:Routledge falmer,63.
    [2]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,172.
    [1]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,172-173.
    [2]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:The Macmillan Press LTD,1989.138.
    [3]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.249.
    [4]Lord Robbins.The University in the Modern World and Other Papers on Higher Education.Macmillan St.Martin's Press 1966.156-157.
    [1]Anthony Crosland.Socialism Now and Otber Essays.London:Jonathan Cape,1975.211.
    [2]Anthony Crosland.Socialism Now and Other Essays.London:Jonathan Cape,1975.212.
    [3]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985.75.
    [1]Anthony Crosland.Socialism Now and Other gssays.London:Jonathan Cape,1975.218-219.
    [2]John Pratt.The Polytechnic Experiment 1965-1992.Buckingham,Bristol:Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press,1997.15.
    [1]C.D.Godwin."A Most Cantankerous and Awkward Bunch":The Study Group on Government and Weaver Report(1966).History of Education,2000.(3):258.
    [2]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:The Macmillan Press LTD,1989.140.
    [3]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System,History of Education,1998.(2):172.
    [2]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):191.
    [3]C.D.Godwin.The origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):190.
    [4]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):190.
    [1]C.D.Godwin.The Origin of the Binary System.History of Education,1998.(2):171.
    [2]John Carswell.Government and The Universities in Britain:Programme and Performance,1960-1980.New York:Cambridge University Press,1985.76.
    [3]Michael Shattock.The UGC and the Management of Brirish Universities.The Society for Research into Higher Education&Open University Press.1994.9.
    [1]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:The Macmillan Press LTD,1989.125.
    [1]“Barber Cut”,的削减总数为1,100百万英镑,其中教育为182百万,军事防御为178百万,工商业为290百万,公路、住房等为392百万,健康和社会服务为111百万。
    [2]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.405.
    [3]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.425.
    [1]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.392.
    [2]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.280.
    [1]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.394.
    [5]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.397.
    [6]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.397.
    [7]阿什比看,臊大春 滕大生译:《科技发达时代的大学教育》,人民教育出版社1983年版,第71页。
    [2]Maurice Kogan&Stephen Hanney.Reforming Higher Education.London;Philadelphia:Jessica Kingsley Publishers,2000.11.
    [3]“新右派”(NewRight)并非指一个统一的运动或某一种“主义”的实体。作为一个政治词汇它最早出现于1969年。当时,英国经济事务研究所(IEA)出版了大量有关著作,极力鼓吹经济自由主义,被费边社成员讥评为“新右派的崛起”。此后,这一术语不胫而走,其内在涵义远远超过了费边社成员最初的意蕴。一般认为,新右派的宗旨在于“重新界定国家、市场与政治体制之间的关系”。新右派是由经济自由主义和社会权威主义两个部分组成的松散的混合体,即经济上的自由主义与政治上的保守主义,“现代”因素与“传统”因素的结合。新右派思想与经济学联系密切。新右派的两位最重要的代表人物冯·哈耶克(Friedrich August yon Hayek)和米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Frieden)都是曾获诺贝尔奖的卓越的经济学家。“不干预”是弗里德曼思想的中心。在弗里德曼看来,国家对经济活动的任何干预都是徒劳的,只有市场机制才是唯一正确而有效的途径。在《资本主义与自由》(1962年)和《自由选择》(1979年)两部著作中,弗里德曼将自由与资本主义这一市场体制的现代形式联系起来,宣称只有自由市场的资本主义才能使经济自由达到最大限度,并进而促进政治自由,即“选择的自由和自我决定的自由。”哈耶克则从其所谓进化理性主义的认识论出发,坚决反对经济的集中计划,认为国家统制经济在政治上是危险的,经济上也毫无成效。哈耶克的一些重要著作,如《通向奴役的道路》(1944年)、《自由宪章》(1960年)、《法律、立法与自由》(三卷,1973-79年)、《致命的自负》(1988年),最系统最全面地阐发了以个人主义、自由市场和有限的国家为核心的自由主义原则。
    [1]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.38.
    [1]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.38.
    [2]Geoffrey Wal ford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.44.
    [3]Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.519.
    [1]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.42.
    [2]此图表转引自 Brain Simon.Education and The Social Order 1940-1990.London:Lawrence & Wishart,1991.518.
    [1]W.A.C.Stewart,Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.225.
    [1]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.80.
    [1]Michael Shattock.& Gwynneth Rigby.Resource Allocation in British Universities.Guildford,Surrey:Society for Research into Higher Education,1983.14.
    [2]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.48.
    [3]转引自Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.53.
    [1]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postwar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.226.
    [1]Janet Finch.Education as Social Policy.London;New York:Longman,1984.224.
    [2]Archie Kleingartner&Evelyn Hunt.Academic Unionism in British Universities.Institute of Industrial Relations,University of California,Los Angeles,c1986.128.
    [1]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.55.
    [2]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London:New York:Croom Helm,c1987.129.
    [3]Archie Kleingartner.Evelyn Hunt.Academic Unionism in British Universities.Institute of Industrial Relations,University of California,Los Angeles,c1986.125.
    [1]Geof frey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.45.
    [1]W.A.C.Stewart.Higher Education in Postrar Britain.Basingstoke,Hampshire:Macmillan,1989.234-235.
    [1]转引自Michael Sanderson.Educational Opportunity and Social Change in England.London:Faber &Faber,1987.74,有所删减
    [1]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm.c1987.55.
    [2]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm.c1987.55.
    [1]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm.c1987.63.
    [2].Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.91.
    [1]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm.c1987.75.
    [2]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm.c1987.90.图表.
    [1]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.92.
    [2]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.72.
    [4]John Taylor.Sticks&Carrots:The Effectiveness of Government Policy on Higher Education in England Since 1979,Higher Education Management and Policy,Volume 15,No.1,@OECD 2003.
    [1]Geoffrey Walford.Restructuring Universities:Politics and Power in the Management of Change.London;New York:Croom Helm,c1987.76.
    [1]Maurice Kogan&Stephen Hanney.Reforming Higher Education.London;Philadelphia:Jessica Kingsley Publishers,2000.137.
    [2]John Pratt.The Polytechnic Experiment 1965-1992.Buckingham,Bristol:Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press,1997.283.
    [1]Maurice Kogan&Stephen Hanney.Reforming Higher Education.London;Philadelphia:Jessica Kingsley Publishers,2000.136.
    [2]Maurice Kogan&Stephen Hanney.Refoming Higher Education.London;Philadelphia:Jessica Kingsley Publishers,2000.136.
    [3]Maurice Kogan&Stephen Hanney.Reforming Higher Education.London;Philadelphia:Jessica Kingsley Publishers,2000.135.
    [4]John Pratt.The Polytechnic Experiment 1965-1992.Buckingham,Bristol:Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press,1997.248.
    [5]Maurice Kogan&Stephen Hanney.Reforming Higher Education.London;Philadelphia:Jessica Kingsley Publishers.2000.127-128.
    [2]John Pratt.The Polytechnic Experiment 1965-1992.Buckingham,Bristol:Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press,1997.248.
    [1]Maurice Kogan&Stephen Hanney.Reforming Higher Education.London;Philadelphia:Jessica Kingsley Publishers,2000.129.
    [2]Maurice Kogan&Stephen Hanney.Reforming Higher Education.London;Philadelphia:Jessica Kingsley Publishers,2000.130.
    [1]Maurice Kogan&Stephen Hanney.Reforming Higher Education.London;Philadelphia:Jessica Kingsley Publishers,2000.132.
    [2]John Pratt.The Polytechnic Experiment 1965-1992.Buckingham,Bristol:Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press,1997.290.
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