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With the direction of Marxist meterialist conception of hisory ,this dissertation aims to investigate Mexican political reform durding the government of Carlos Salinas de Gortari (1988-1994). It is composed of the following five chapters:
     Chapter one discusses the historical necessity of the political reform during the Salinas Government. When President Salinas was in power, the situations had been changed greatly for Mexico. After the new liberalism economic reforming, Mexico abandoned the Import Substitution Industrialization Developing Model which had been applying for one half of the century, established the new liberalism market ecnomic model. The situation of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI)owing the absolute dominance and the predomination status in Mexico was over, the Partido Acción Nacional(PAN) and the Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) , standing for the right party and the left party respectively, made a pincer attack on PRI and challenged the PRI's predominent position. All this changes collapsed the Mexican traditional political foundations, and threated PRI's dominace seriously, so political reform has been necessary.
     Chapter two examines the contents of the electoral system reforms during the Salinas Government. During the six years of Salinas being in power, Mexico reformed electoral system in 1989, 1993 and 1994, including reinstitute the apportion exercise of the congress seats, reform the structures and duties of the federal electoral institutions, reform the electoral procedure such as registration of voters, electoral supevision and deal with the electoral disputes ect. These reforms democratized the way of apportioning congress seats preliminary, strengthened electoral institutions' independence and specialization, the electoral process became more transparent and equitable, which made the foundation for Maxican real multi-party politics in the future. But these couldn't make the real competitive democratic election come ture in Mexico , because the reform contents couldn't be implemented in the political practices for lacking specific policies to implement these reforms, , which made the reform effectiveness weaken.
     Chapter three examines the reform of PRI itself. PRI faced new embarrassments after 1980s. In order to preserve domination, PRI decided to change party strategies and reform itself. The reform included changing its' guiding ideology, in other words, from revolutionary nationalism to social liberalism , reforming the electing method of all ranks of PRI's candidates, from nominating to democratic election. By changing the ways to taking part in the PRI, abolishing traditional corporatism departments, establishing new type of corporatism departments, the reform weakened the strenth of the corporatism. PRI changed political strategies, developing cooperation with PAN.
     Chapter four examines the changing of the social structures during the government of Carlos Salinas. The relations between government and interest groups had been changed by the economic crisis and the new liberalism economic reforms.This changes destroyed the social foundations of PRI's domination. In order to preserve domination, the government of Carlos Salinas adopted a series of measures to regulate the relations between the government and interest groups.The government gained the supports of private sector, advanced new syndicalism and rebulided labor in order to keep it in PRI and weak its' strenth, promoted the National Solidarity Program(PRONASOL) ,which relieved poverty brought by the economic crisis and the new liberalism economic reforms , in order to put down the grievance of presents and regain their supports for PRI.
     Chapter five comments the political reforms during the government of Carlos Salinas. Comparing to the political reforms that have taken place before 1988, the political reforms during the government of Carlos Salinas appeared some defferent characteristics at goals ,proters, contents and means ect. So far as the cosequences are concerned, on the one side ,the political reforms during the government of Carlos Salinas removed some barriers for the new liberalism economic reform and accelerated it to develop furtherly on some degree, but the political reforms didn't get rid of the hidden dangers, such as social enquality, grievances of the populace ,social unrestect, which resulted the political circumstances got worse and worse , and destroied the new liberalism economic reform; on the other side, the political reforms alleviated the adverse circumstances for PRI temporarily, but didn't get rid of the crisises at all which acclerated the PRI to fall out of the power. Therely, the political reforms during the government of Carlos Salinas didn't neither defend the PRI's dominace, nor accerate the new liberalism economic reform.However, the political reforms brought some by-products, the real competitive multi-party structure.
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    2 曾照耀著:《政治稳定与现代化--墨西哥政治模式的历史考察》,北京:东方出版社,1996年。
    3 徐世澄著:《墨西哥政治经济改革及模式转换》,北京:世界知识出版,2004年。
    4 曾照耀:《发展中国家现代化进程中的政治发展问题--关于墨西哥政治改革的几点思考》,载《拉丁美洲研究》,1997年第6期。
    5 杨中林:《墨西哥的政治改革和政党制度的发展》,《拉丁美洲研究》,1989年第4期。
    6 杨中林:《萨利纳斯执政后墨西哥的政治改革》,《世界经济与政治》,1993年底8期。
    7 袁东振:《论墨西哥经济转型时期的政治变革》,中国社会科学院研究生院博士学位论文,2002年。
    8 刘新民:《浅论墨西哥政治改革的动力》,载《拉丁美洲研究》,1996年第1期。
    9 王志先:《执政老党大权旁落--墨西哥革命制度党丢失政权剖析》,《当代世界》,2001年第10期。
    10 详见徐世澄:《连续执政71年的墨西哥革命制度党缘何下野》,《拉丁美洲研究》,2001年第5期;
    11 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994.
    12 Judith Gentleman edited,Mexican Politics in Transition,Westview Press,1987.
    13 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship?",Westport,CT,Praeger,1994.
    14 Stephen D.Morris,PoliticaI Reformism in Mexico:an Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.1995.
    15 "A New Hope for the Hemisphere? "Interview with Carlos Salinas,New Perspective Quarterly 8,no.1(Winter 1991):8
    16 Cuauhtemoc Cardenas,"Free Tread Is Not Enough",New Perspective Quarterly 8,no.1(Winter 1991):21.
    17 Luis H.Alvarez,"Free Trade Without Free Debate?",New Perspective Quarterly 8,no.1(Winter 1991):22.
    18 Riordan Roett edited,Political and Economic Liberalization in Mexico:At a Critical Juncture? Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.1993.
    19 Judith A.Teichman,Privatization and Political Change in Mexico,University of Pittsburge Press,1995,P163.
    20 Judith A.Teichman,Privatization and Political Change in Mexico,University of Pittsburge Press,1995,P192.
    21 Maria Lorena Cook、Kevin J.Middlebrook and Juan Molinar Horcasitas edited,The Politics of Econmic Restructuring:State-Society Relations and Regime Change in Mexico,University of California,1994.
    22 Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998
    23 Kevin J.Middlebrook edited,Dilemmas of Political Change in Mexico,London:Institute of Latin American Studies,2003.
    24 Howard Handelman,Mexican Politics:The Dynamics of Change,New York:St.Martin's Press,1997.
    25 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams edited,Mexico Face the 21st Century,Greenwood Press,1995.
    26 Jorge I.Domi nguez and James A.McCann,Democratizing Mexico:Public Opinion and Electoral Choices,The Johns Hopkins University Press,1996.
    27 Jorge I.Dominguez and James A.McCann,Democratizing Mexico:Public Opinion and Electoral Choices,The Johns Hopkins University Press,1996,P47.
    2 杨仲林:《卡洛斯·萨利纳斯·德戈塔里--墨西哥革命制度党1988-1994年总统候选人》,《拉丁美洲研究》,1988年第2期,第59页。
    3 Washington Post,July 4,1988,p.A-4.
    4 Financial Times,May 26,1988,P.4,转引自George W.Grayson,Prospeects for Democracy in Mexico,Transaction Publishers,1999,Pxv.
    5 George W.Grayson,Prospeects for Democracy in Mexico,Transaction Publishers,1999,Pxv.
    6 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams,Mexico Faces the 21~(st) century,Greenwood Press,1995,P4.
    7 江时学:《拉美发展模式研究》,北京:经济管理出版社,1996年,第32-34页。
    8 孙若彦:《经济全球化与墨西哥对外战略的转变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年,第104页。
    9 江时学主编:《拉美国家的经济改革》,北京:经济管理出版社,1998年,第188页。
    10 转引自江时学:《拉美发展模式研究》,北京:经济管理出版社,1996年,第65页。
    11 陈芝芸等:《北美自由贸易协定-南北经济一体化的尝试》,北京:经济管理出版社,1996年,第59页。
    12 崔燕云译,叶可曼校:《墨西哥外国投资法(1993年)》,《外国法译评》,1997年第2期。
    13 江时学:《拉美发展模式研究》,北京:经济管理出版社,1996年,第97页。
    15 唐君、辛易主编:《国外政党执政镜鉴》,浙江:浙江人民出版社,2005年,第215页。
    16 Rob Aitken edited,Dismantling the Mexican State? St.Martin's,Inc.1996,p.136.
    17 转引自Judith Gentleman edited,Mexican Politics in Transition,westview Press,1987,p.275.
    18 Howard Handelman,Mexican politics:the dynamic of change,St·Martin's Press,Inc.1997,p.76.
    19 George W.Grayson Edited,Prospects for Democracy in Mexico,Transaction Publishers,New Brunswick,1990,p.43.
    20 Joseph L.Klesner,"Modernization,Economic Crisis,and Electoral Alignment in Mexico",Mexican Studies,Vol.9,No.2.(Summer,1993),p.194.
    21 Joseph L.Klesner,"Modernization,Economic Crisis,and Electoral Alignment in Mexico",Mexican Studies,Vol.9,No.2.(Summer,1993),p.197
    1 Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998,p.18.
    2 Howard Handelman,Mexican politics:the dynamic of change,St·Martin's Press,Inc.1997,P73.
    3 Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998,p.17.
    4 JorgeI.Dominguez,James A.McCann,Democratizing Mexico:Public Opinion and Electoral Choices,the Johns Hopkins University Press,1996,p.30.
    5 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship"?Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994,pp.193-194.
    6 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship"? Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994,p.198.
    7 见Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "PerfectDictatorship"?Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994,P199-203.
    8 参见Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,p.1-3.
    9 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,p.4.
    10 Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998,P173.
    11 La Jornada,Dec.24,1988,PP1,14转Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P67.
    12 La Jomada,Dec.26,1988,P1,转引自Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P66.
    13 Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998,P174;Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P70.
    14 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship"? Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994,PP187-188.
    15 Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998,P142.
    16 George W.Grayson edited,Prospects for Democracy in Mexico,Transaction Publishers,1990,P56.
    17 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P75.
    18 Rob Aitken edited,Dismantling the Mexican State? St.Martin's,Inc.1996,p123.
    19 姜士林主编:《世界宪法大全》,青岛出版社,1997年,第1631页。
    20 Renee G.Scherlen,"Lessons to build on:the 1994 Mexican presidential election",Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs,Vol.40,No.1(Spring,1998).
    21 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship"? Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994,P200.
    22 Victoria E.Rodriguez,Peter M.Ward,"Disentangling the PRI form the government in Mexico",Mexican Studies,Vol.10,No.1,(Winter,1994).
    23 Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998,P157.
    24 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams,Mexico Face the 21st Century,Greenwood Press,1995,p.33.
    25 Jorge G.Castaneda,translated by Padraic Arthur Smithies,Perpetuating Power:How Mexican Presidents Were Chosen,New York,2000,p.Ⅻ.
    26 在国民革命党(PNR)建它之前,议会与总统的关系处于一种抗争阶段,并没有完全依附于总统,这主要表现在议会试图建立议会政体、时常干预总统对官员的任命、总统的立法提案被议会通过的比率较低等。
    29 姜士林主编:《世界宪法大全》,青岛出版社,1997年,第1634页。
    30 Kevin J.Middleebrook edited,Dilemmas of Political Change in Mexico,Institute of Latin American Studies,2004,p.24.
    31 袁东振:《论墨西哥经济转型时期的政治变革》,[博士学位论文],北京:中国社会科学院研究生院,2002年,第56页。
    32 JorgeI.Dominguez,James A.McCann,Democratizing Mexico:Public Opinion and Electoral Choices,the Johns Hopkins University Press,1996,P194.
    33 Belden andRussonello,Press Release:Results of a National Poll of Mexican Voters,Washington,D.C,August 11,1994.专引自JorgeI.Dominguez,James A.McCann,Democratizing Mexico:Public Opinion and Electoral Choices,the Johns Hopkins University Press,1996,P197.
    34 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship"? Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994.
    35 Renee G.Scherlen,"Lessons to build on:the 1994 Mexican presidential election",Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs,Vol.40,No.1(Spring,1998).
    36 JorgeI.Dominguez,James A.McCann,Democratizing Mexico:Public Opinion and Electoral Choices,the Johns Hopkins University Press,1996,P198.
    37 Renee G.Scherlen,"Lessons to build on:the 1994 Mexican presidential election",Journal of Interameriean Studies and World Affairs,Vol.40,No.1(Spring,1998).
    38 Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998,P150.
    39 JorgeI.Dominguez,James A.MeCann,Democratizing Mexico:Public Opinion and Electoral Choices,the Johns Hopkins University Press,1996,P195.
    1 参见曾昭耀:《政治稳定与现代化--墨西哥政治模式的历史考察》,北京:东方出版社,1996年,第85-97页。
    2 塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿:《变动社会的政治秩序》,上海:上海译文出版社,1989年,第209页。
    3 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship"? Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994,Pxi.
    4 袁东振:《论墨西哥经济转型时期的政治变革》,[博士学位论文],北京:中国社会科学院研究生院,2002年,第21页。
    5 George W.Grayson edited,Prospects for Democracy in Mexico,Transaction Publishers,1990,P9.
    6 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams,Mexico Face the 21~(st) Century,Greenwood Press,1995,P46.
    7 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams,Mexico Face the 21~(st) Century,Greenwood Press,1995,P48.
    8 George W.Grayson edited,Prospects for Democracy in Mexico,Transaction Publishers,1990,P10.
    9 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P10.
    10 Jorge L.Dominguez,James A.McCann,"Shaping Mexico's Electoral Arena:The Construction of Parties Cleavage in the 1988 and 1991 National Election",The American Political Science Review,Vol.89,No.1(Mar.,1995),pp36.
    11 曾昭耀:《政治稳定与现代化--墨西哥政治模式的历史考察》,北京:东方出版社,1996年,第144-145页。
    12 卡洛斯·萨利纳斯:《墨西哥的新民族主义》,杨衍永译,《译丛》,1992年第5期。
    13 王绪苓:《新形势下墨西哥民族主义的内涵》,《拉丁美洲研究》,1992年第2期。
    14 卡洛斯·萨利纳斯:《墨西哥的新民族主义》,杨衍永译,《译丛》,1992年第5期。
    15 卡洛斯·萨利纳斯:《墨西哥的社会自由主义》,王绪苓译,《译丛》,1992年第5期。
    16 曾昭耀:《政治稳定与现代化--墨西哥政治模式的历史考察》,北京:东方出版社,1996年,第114页。
    17 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P82.
    18 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P95.
    19 Stephen D.Morris,"Political reformism in Mexico:Salinas at the brink",Journal of Interameriean Studies and World Affairs,Vol.34,No1(Spring 1992),P41.
    20 Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998,P80.
    21 曾昭耀:《政治稳定与现代化--墨西哥政治模式的历史考察》,北京:东方出版社,1996年,第101页。
    22 Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998,P81.
    23 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P94;Monlca Serrano Edited,Governing Mexico:Political Parties and Elections,Institute of Latin American Studies University of London,1998,P83.
    24 曾昭耀:《政治稳定与现代化--墨西哥政治模式的历史考察》,北京:东方出版社,1996年,第106页。
    25 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P84.
    26 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P92.
    27 Rob Aitken edited,Dismantling the Mexican State? St.Martin's,Inc.,1996,P133.
    28 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams,Mexico Face the 21st Century,Greenwood Press,1995,P6.
    29 Philip L.Russell,Mexico underSalinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P26
    30 Rob Aitken edited,Dismantling the Mexican State? St.Martin's,Inc.1996,P114.
    31 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P107.
    32 Instituto Federal Electoral,Codigo federal de instituci6nes y proedimientose lectorales(Mexico,D.F.,1991),Aritcle58.转引自 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship "?Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994,P191.
    33 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P99.
    34 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship"? Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994,P184.
    35 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P100.
    36 Philip L.Russell,Mexico underSalinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P106.
    37 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P100.
    38 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship " ? Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994,PP183-184.
    39 Stephen D.Morris,"Political reformism in Mexico:Salinas at the brink",Journal of Interarnerican Studies and World Affairs,Vol.34,Nol(Spring 1992),P41:Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P112.
    40 Philip L.Russell,Mexico underSalinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P111. Howard Handelman,Mexican politics:the dynamic of change,St· Martin's Press,Inc.1997,P91.
    3 参见曾昭耀:《政治稳定与现代化--墨西哥政治模式的历史考察》,北京:东方出版社,1996年,第89页。
    4 参见曾昭耀:《政治稳定与现代化--墨西哥政治模式的历史考察》,北京:东方出版社,1996年,第184页。
    5 Schmidt Schmidt,The deterioration of the Mexican presidency:the year of Luis Echeverria,University of Arizona Press,1991,p.20.
    6 迈克尔·P.托达罗:《经济发展与第三世界》,印金强等译,北京:中国经济出版社,1992年,第127页。
    7 Yoram Shapira,"Mexico:The Impact of the 1968 Student Protest on Echeverri a's Reformism",Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs,1977,19:pp.559-561.
    8 George W.Grayson edited,Prospects for Democracy in Mexico,Transaction Publishers,1990,P138.
    9 参见曾昭耀:《政治稳定与现代化--墨西哥政治模式的历史考察》,东方出版社,1996年,第91页。
    10 Thomas J.Kelly,"Neoliberal Reform and Rural Poverty",Latin American Perspectives,Vol.28,No.3,Mexico in the 1990s:Economic Crisis,Social Polarization,and Class Struggle,Part 1.(May,2001 ),P87.
    12 Dan A.Cothran,Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico:The "Perfect Dictatorship " ? Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.1994,PP64-66.
    13 Jorge L.Dominguez,James A.McCann,"Shaping Mexico's Electoral Arena:The Construction of Parties Cleavage in the 1988 and 1991 National Election",TheAmericanPolitiealScienceReview,Vol.89,No.1(Mar.,1995),pp36.
    14 George W.Grayson edited,Prospects for Democracy in Mexico,Transaction Publishers,1990,P267.
    15 Jorge L.Dominguez,James A.McCann,Shaping Mexico's Electoral Arena:The Construction of Parties Cleavage in the 1988 and 1991 National Election,The American Political Science Review,Vol.89,No.1(Mar.,1995),pp36.
    16 Kevin J.Middlebrook,Dilemmas of Political Change in Mexico,Institute of Latin American Studies,2004,P72.
    17 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P57-58..
    18 George W.Grayson edited,Prospects for Democracy in Mexico,Transaction Publishers,1990,P277-278.
    19 Thomas J.Kelly,"Neoliberal Reform and Rural Poverty",Latin American Perspectives,Vol.28,No.3,P90.
    20 Thomas J.Kelly,"Neoliberal Reform and Rural Poverty",Latin American Perspectives,Vol.28,No.3,P93.
    21 塞尔索·富尔塔多:《拉丁美洲经济的发展:从西班牙征服到古巴革命》,上海译文出版社,1981年,第243页。
    22 杨茂春、陈芝芸:《墨西哥农村资本主义的发展》,《拉丁美洲研究》1984年第1期。
    23 姜士林主编:《世界宪法大全》,青岛出版社,1997年,第1628页、第1629页。
    24 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,p192.
    25 Laura Randall,edited,Changing Structure of Mexico:Political,Social and Economic Prospects,New York:M.E.Sharo,1996,p.104.
    26 Christopher Thomas,The Inadequacy of Article 27 Reforms in Shaping SustainableEjidos,http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/archive/00000363/00/thomsc041400.pdf.
    27 Laura Randall,edited,Changing Structure of Mexico:PoliticaL Social and Economic Prospects,New York:M.E.Sharo,1996,p.103-110..
    28 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P53.
    29 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams,Mexico Face the 21~(st) Century,Greenwood Press,1995,P80.
    30 Michael Coppedge,"Parties and Society in Mexico and Venezula:Why Competition Matters",Comparative Politics,Vol.25,No.3,(Apr.,1993),PP.255-256.
    31 Philip L.Russell,Mexico underSalinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P7.
    32 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P11.
    33 La Jornada,April 25,1992,p9,转引自 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P85.
    34 James Gregory Samstad,Union Legacies and the Politics of Productivity:Corporatism.Clientelism,and Firm Reorganization during the Transition to Export-Led Development in Mexico,Berkeley,1998,p.114.
    35 Maria Lorena Cook,"Mexican State-Labor Relations and the Political Implications of Free Trade",Latin american Perspectives,Vol.22,No.1,(winter,1995).
    36 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,PP85-86.
    37 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P85.
    38 Howard Handelman,Mexican politics:the dynamic of change,St· Martin's Press,Inc.1997,P136.
    39 Gerardo Otero,ed.,Neoliberalism Revisted:Economic Restructuring and Mexico's Political Future,Boulder,Colo:westview Press,1996,P51.
    40 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P282.
    41 Howard Handelman,Mexican politics:the dynamic of change,St·Martin's Press,Inc.1997,P136.
    42 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P285.
    43 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P288.
    44 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P286.
    45 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P288.
    46 Philip L.Russell,Mexico under Salinas,Mexico Resource Center,1994,P286.
    47 周瑞芳,《墨西哥总统萨利纳斯及其内外政策》,《世界经济与政治》,1993年第8期。
    48 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P81.
    49 Garza Luis Angel and Fernando Ortega Pizarro,Monterrey tiene a la mitad de los bancos y el mayor consumo de tortibonos,Proceso 812(May 25,1992),转引自Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P81.
    50 Stephen D.Morris,Political Reformism in Mexico:An Overview of Contemporary Mexican Politics,Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.,1995,P82.
    1 杨中林:《墨西哥的政治改革和政党制度》,《拉丁美洲研究》,1989年第4期。
    2 Kevin J.Middlebrook,Dilemmas of Political Change in Mexico,Institute of Latin American Studies,2004,P70.
    4 参见曾昭耀:《政治稳定与现代化--墨西哥政治模式的历史考察》,东方出版社,1996年,第84页。
    5 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams,Mexico Face the 21~(st) Century,Greenwood Press,1995,P10.
    6 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams,Mexico Face the 21~(st) Century,Greenwood Press,1995,P10.
    7 Howard Handelman,Mexican politics:the dynamic of change,St·Martin's Press,Inc.1997,P15.
    8 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams,Mexico Face the 21~(st) Century,Greenwood Press,1995,P13.
    9 Foreigen Broadcast Information Service(FBIS),Daily Report:Latin America,April 19,1994.转引自 Donald E.Schulz and Edward J.Williams,Mexico Face the 21~(st) Century,Greenwood Press,1995,P14.
    11 徐世澄:《拉美政党在民主过渡中的作用--墨西哥的经验》,《太平洋学报》2002年第1期。
    12 Jorge I.Dominguez and Alejandro Poire,Toward Mexico's Democratization,Routledge,New York,1999,P.93.
    14 La Jornada,4 de Julio,2000.转引自徐世澄:《墨西哥政治经济改革及模式转化》,世界知识出版社2004年,第147页。
    15 徐世澄:《连续执政71年的墨西哥革命制度党缘何下野》,《拉丁美洲研究》,2001年第5期。
    16 李国伟:《墨西哥革命制度党失去政权的原因》,《当代世界与社会主义》,2005年第3期。
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