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Transnational corporations as one of the main world economic entities is playing a more and more important role in nowadays increasingly globalized economy. What roles do transnational corporations play in the economy of developing countries? How should the host developing countries deal with the relationship with transnational corporations? These are two controversial questions on which Liberalism, Dependency Analysis and Structuralism have given different views. The verification of these opinions requires solid positivistic analysis. This paper combines historical method and economic method to study in details the effects of transnational corporation on the economy of Mexico and the reaction of Mexican state to transnational corporations during the 1940-1982 import-substitution industrialization period under the guidance of Marxist historical materialism and dialectical materialism.
     Around 1940, the economic development of Mexico entered a period of import substitution industrialization, which has gone through three stages, namely the non-durable consumer goods import substitution phase (1940-1955), durable consumer goods import substitution phase (1955-1970), advanced import substitution and export promotion combination phase (1970-1982). A large number of transnational corporations entered Mexico's manufacturing industry, promoting the industrialization and the growth of the whole economy of Mexico during the second phase. However, with the arrival of "Mexican miracle" emerged a series of structural problems that foreshadowed the subsequent crises. Influenced by Mexican revolution and the 1917 Constitution, the Government of Mexico has taken a combined policy both utilizing and limiting foreign capital with different focus and degree of tightness at different points in time. For extractive industries, public facilities, and basic industries, the Mexican government sticked to the principle of nationalization, while for the manufacturing industry, it adopted Mexicanization and production integration approaches. During the first and second phase (especially the second phase), the foreign investment policies were quite loose; in the third phase, the control of transnational corporations was strengthened. Mexican State played multiple roles in the game with transnational corporations, including business owners, policy controller, promoter of manufacture exports, technological innovator, and fiscal and financial operators, some of which are the basic successful, maintaining the country's sovereignty independence and directly introducing foreign investment to the industries and regions that needed development. However, in advocating technological innovation and the implementation of fiscal policy and monetary policy, failure overshadowed success eventually. This became an important cause of the debt crisis.
     Compared to East Asian countries (regions), the use of transnational corporations in Mexico has flaws. From the view of the efficiency of macro resource allocation, transnational corporations in Mexico did not contribute to the fully utilization of the comparative advantage of local resources; from the view of the efficiency of micro resource allocation, transnational corporations did not promote the growth of local businesses nor enhance their competitiveness. Even though transnational corporations improved the structural efficiency of the manufacturing industry, this improvement was achieved by the entrance of transnational corporations into the "modern" departments of the industry without affecting the "traditional" departments and the technology progress rate of the whole industry. From the perspective of " linkages effective", the major parts of the industrial chain as well as the key technology of transnational corporations remained abroad, resulting small linkage effects on local economy. In contrast, transnational corporations in East Asian countries (regions) made use of the rich local labor resources and promoted the growth and upgrading of local business. The different effects of transnational corporations result not only from the different negotiation capacity of the two governments, but also from the different strategies of economic development in two regions, which are determined by a variety of internal and external factors.
     In short, based on the study of the transnational corporations and economic development in Mexico during the year 1940-1982, the author concludes that:
     First, the transnational corporations has made relatively important contributions on economic development in Mexico on a variety of aspects, including capital accumulation, tax, employment, technology, and export. However, transnational corporations are a double-edged sword which also brought many problems to the economic development in Mexico, such as the denationalization of the manufacturing industries in host countries discussed in the case studies of Chapter III and Chapter VI to VIII, the international balance of payments deficit, uneven regional development, income distribution inequalities, dependence on the strengthening of technical, changes of the market structure of host country, interference of political process in host country and so on. There is an inherent connection between transnational corporations and the 1982 debt crisis. Compared to East Asian countries (regions), the transnational corporations played a more active role in East Asian countries (regions). The economic proliferation effect brought by transnational corporations to East Asian countries (regions) almost did not occur in Mexico.
     Second, in the process of economic development, the relationship between the government on behalf of the benefits of the host country and transnational corporations can be viewed as a game, because the pursuit of the strategic objectives of both are very different, the host country can bargain with transnational corporations, guide and regulate the conduct of transnational corporations through a variety of policies. The case studies of Mexican auto industry, pharmaceutical industry and food industry show that: when the host country policies and the business strategy of transnational corporations were in the same general direction, transnational corporations would make a lot of improvements and concessions; when the host country policies and strategies of transnational corporations were in conflict, the transnational corporations would ignore national policy constrains, adopting a defensive status-quo position. At the trial of strength with the transnational corporations, the adoption of a proactive stance usually promises success of host country; the success or failure of the host country in the game depends on the balance of power as well as the international environment. The host country often succeed when it holds the trump card and also conforms to the international situation changes, making the negotiating parties feel that the common interests are greater than differences.
     Third, in the process of economic development, the character of transnational corporations on the one hand, depends on its inherent nature of seeking the maximum interest and their global business strategies, on the other hand, depends on the host country's negotiation capacity, economic policies and development strategies. The comparison to East Asian countries (regions) shows that Mexico's selection of economic development strategy and implementation of economic development polices had flaws, which limited the positive role that transnational corporations could play. In a sense, transnational corporations are only a means of economic development, whose role is only magnifying the effect of economic development strategies. Of course, such a selection of country development strategies is subjected to many objective constrictions and cannot be decided merely by subjective factors. The state can only exert initiative in the framework of certain constraints. But this is not fatalism, instead, the point to be emphasized is that national policy-makers should respect history, conform to the premise of the current situation, exert a positive initiative, master the opportunities and avoid the harmfulness, make use of transnational corporations, rather than be controlled by them.
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    3 特奥托尼奥·多斯桑托斯:《帝国主义与依附》,第324-326页。
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    2 Osvaldo Sunkel:Big Business And "Dependencia":A Latin American View,Foreign Affairs,Vol.50(April 1972).p521.
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    2 Osvaldo Sunkel:Big Business And "Dependencia":A Latin American View,Foreign Affairs,Vol.50(April 1972).p528.
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    1 David Collier:Industrial Modernization and Political Change:A Latin America Perspective,World Politics,Vol 30,No 4(Jul 1978).pp596-600.
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    2 Peter Evans,Dependent Development,The Alliance of Multinational,State,and Local Capital in Brazil.New Jersey,Princeton University Press.1979.pp32-33.
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    2 Peter Evans,Dependent Development,The Alliance of Multinational,State,and Local Capital in Brazil.p47;52.
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    2 Raul Prebisch:The Economic Development of Latin America and Its Principal Problems,in Economic Bulletin For Latin America,Vol.7,No.1,1962.p18;3.
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    2 Paul Prebisch:Towards A Dynamic Development Policy for Latin America.pp54-55.
    1 Anivar Pinto:La Internacionalizacion de La Economia Mundial,Una Vision Latinoamericana.Madrid Ediciones de Cultura Hispanica.1980.p140.
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    2 劳尔·普雷维什著:《外围资本主义:危机与改造》,第314页。
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    1 Michael Novak and Michael P.Jackson(edited):Latin America:Dependency or Interdependence? American Enterprise Institute For Public Policy Research,Washington,D.C.1985.p16.
    1 Peter Hertner and Geoffrey Jones(eds),Multinationals:Theory and History,Aldershot,England:Gower.1986.p1.转引自(美)弗雷德里克·皮尔逊和西蒙·巴亚斯里安著:《国际政治经济学——全球体系中的冲突与合作》,杨毅等译,北京大学出版社,2006年版,第308页。
    1 Peter Hertner and Geoffrey Jones(eds),Multinationals:Theory and History,Aldershot,England:Gower.1986.p27.转引自(美)弗雷德里克·皮尔逊和西蒙·巴亚斯里安著:《国际政治经济学——全球体系中的冲突与合作》,第309页。
    2 藤维藻、陈荫枋主编:《跨国公司概论》,人民出版社,1991年版,第34页。
    3 特奥托尼奥·多斯桑托斯:《帝国主义与依附》,毛里金等译,社会科学文献出版社,1999年版,第63页。
    1 Peter Diken,Global Shift:The Internationalization of Economic Activity,New York,The Guilfoud Press,1992.p51,转引自(美)弗雷德里克·皮尔逊和西蒙·巴亚斯里安著:《国际政治经济学——全球体系中的冲突与合作》第316页。
    3 刘研:《跨国公司与中国企业国际化》,中信出版社,1992年,第36页。
    2 藤维藻、陈荫枋主编:《跨国公司概论》,第1-7页。
    3 戴维·赫尔德等著《全球大变革:全球化时代的政治、经济与文化》,冬雪等译,中国社会科学出版社,2001年版,第325页。
    4 United Nations,Department of Economic and Social Affairs:Foreign Capital in Latin America,New York,1955.p3.
    1 Robert Grosse:Multinationals in Latin America,Routledge,London and New York,1989.p19.
    1 Robert Grosse:Multinationals in Latin America.p16.
    2 Robert Grosse:Multinationals in Latin America.p20.
    1 世界银行:《1985年世界发展报告》,中国财政经济出版社,1985年版,第126页。
    2 联合国:《世界发展中的多国公司》,商务印书馆,1975年版,第173页。
    3 Luiz Claudio Marincho,The Transnational Corporations and Latin America's Present Form of Economic Growth,Cepal Review,August,1981.p14.
    4 Robert Grosse:Multinationals in Latin Americ.p18.
    1 B.Lietaer:Europe + Latin America + The Multinationals,ECSIM,1980.p13.
    2 其余为加拿大(大约6-7%)和日本(大约2-3%)所控制。见B.Lietaer:Europe+Latin America+The Multinationals.p23.
    3 B.Lietaer:Europe + Latin America + The Multinationals.pp23-24.
    4 张森根、高铦:《拉丁美洲经济》,人民出版社,1986年版,第311页。
    1 B.Lietaer:Europe + Latin America + The Multinationals.p21.
    2 联合国:《再论世界发展中的跨国公司》,商务印书馆,1982年版,第316页。
    3 联合国:《再论世界发展中的跨国公司》,商务印书馆,1982年版,第323页。
    4 Robert Grosse:Multinationals in Latin America.p24.
    1 联合国:《再论世界发展中的跨国公司》,商务印书馆,1982年版,第94页。
    2 李滨:《国际政治经济学——全球视野下的市场与国家》,南京大学出版社,2005年,第193-194。
    1 联合国:《再论世界发展中的跨国公司》,商务印书馆,1982年版,第284页。
    2 高铦:“拉美外资政策的新发展”,《拉丁美洲丛刊》,1985年第3期:吴国平:“90年代初以来外资流入的变化于拉美经济的影响,”《拉丁美洲研究》,1994年第6期。
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies,Chapel Hill,The University of North Carolina Press,1971.p52.
    1 郝名玮等著:《外国资本与拉丁美洲国家的发展:历史沿革的考察》,东方出版社,1998年版,第47页。
    1 何塞·路易斯·塞塞尼亚:《在帝国轨道中的墨西哥》,1976年西班牙文第7版,第63页。转引自张文阁等《墨西哥经济》,社会科学文献出版社,1986年版,第216-217页。
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p55.
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p59;57.
    1 《1976年墨西哥:实施、数字、趋势》墨西哥外贸银行,1976年英文版,第37页,转引自张文阁等《墨西哥经济》,第218页。
    2 George Philip:Oil and Politics in Latin America,Nationalist Movements and State Companies,Cambridge University Press,1982.p12,17.
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p63.
    1 林宁:“论卡德纳斯执政时期的土地改革”,载中国拉丁美洲研究会编:《拉丁美洲史论文集》,东方出版社1986年版,第228页。
    2 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p70.
    1 Michael C.meyer,William L.Sherman,Susan M.Deeds(edited),The Course of Mexican History,Oxford University Press,2003.p609;611.
    2 Otto Granados Roldan,Mexieo,Setenta y Cinco Anos de Revolucion,Desarrollo Economico 1.Fondo de Cultura Economica,1988.p35.
    3 与拉美其他国家相比,墨西哥耐用消费品的进口替代基础较好,制造业在迪亚斯时期已经崛起,在1929—1939年它的进口替代指数仅仅从0.52下降到0.45,也就是在说大萧条10年中它的进口占全部供给的比重仅仅减少了10%。这也说明了为什么墨西哥能够在比较短的时间完成这一进程。见Rene Villarreal,The Policy of Import-Substituting inDustrialization,1929-1975.in Jose Luis Reyna,Richad S.Weinert(edit).Authoritarianism in Mexico.Institute For the Study of Human Issues Inc,1977.p70.
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.pp71-72.
    1 Michael C.meyer,William L.Sherman,Susan M.Deeds(edited),The Course of Mexican History.p612.
    1 Rene Villarreal,The Policy of Import-Substituting inDustrialization,1929-1975.in Jose Luis Reyna,Richad S.Weinert(edit).Authoritarianism in Mexico.p71.
    2 Gary Gereffi and Peter Evans:Transnational Corporations,Dependent Development,and State Policy in the Semiperiphery:A Comparison of Brazil and Mexico,in James L.dietz and James H.Street(edited):Latin America's Economic Development,Institutionalist and Structuralist Perspectives.Lynne Rienner Publishers,Boulder and London 1987.p185.
    1 Michael C.meyer,William L.Sherman,Susan M.Deeds(edited),The Course of Mexican History.p20.
    2 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p79.
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p83.
    2 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p85.
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p87.
    2 Bernardo Sepulveda and Antonio Chumacero,La Invercion Extranjera en Mexico.Mexico,Fondo de Cultura Economica,1973.Tablel.
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p92.
    1 冯秀文:“70年代墨西哥外资政策剖析”,《世界历史》,1998年第1期,第51-52页。
    2 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.Praeger,New York,1980.p20.
    3 曾昭耀:“墨西哥的三次现代化浪潮”,载中国科学院中国现代化研究中心主编:《科学与现代化》(文集),第4辑(2004年12月)。
    4 Daniel Levy and Gabriel Szekely:Mexico,Paradoxes of Stability and Change,Westview Press,1983.p152.
    1 冯秀文:“70年代墨西哥外资政策剖析”,第52页。
    1 张文阁等:《墨西哥经济》,第227页。
    2 张宝宇等:《拉丁美洲外债简论》,社会科学文献出版社,1993年版,第214页。
    1 Herbert K.May and Jose Antonio Fernandez-Arena,Impact of Foreign Investment in Mexico.Washington,D.C.National Chamber Foundation Published Jointly With the Council of the Americas.1971.pp29-31.
    1 Rhys Jenkins,Learning from the Gang:Are There Lessons for Latin America from East Asia? Bulletin of Latin American Research,Vol.10,No.1.(1991).p49.
    1 Richard S.Newfarmer and Willard F.Mueller,Multinational Corporations in brazil and mexico:structural sources of economic and noneconomic power,Washington,1975.p61.
    1 NAFINSA(National FinancieramS.A.) and CEPAL,La Politica Industrial en El Desarrollo Economico de Mexico,Mexico,1971.p93.
    2 NAFINSA(National FinancieramS.A.) and CEPAL,La Politica Industrial en El Desarrollo Economico de Mexico.p93.
    3 Miguel Wionczek,Gererdo M.Bueno and Jorge Eduardo Navarrete,La Transferencia Internacional de Tecnologia:El Caso de Mexico.Mexico,Fondo de Cultura Economica.1974.p70.
    1 Fernando Fajnzylber y Trinidad Martinez Tarrago:Las Empresas Transnacionales,Expansion A Nivel Mundial y Proyeccion en La Industria Mexicana.p290.
    1 Fernando Fajnzylber y Trinidad Martinez Tarrago:Las Empresas Transnacionales,Expansion A Nivel Mundial y Proyeccion en La Industria Mexicana.p302.
    1 Fernando FajnzyIber y Trinidad Martinez Tarrago:Las Empresas Transnacionales,Expansion A Nivel Mundial y Proyeccion en La Industria Mexicana.p 295-296
    1 NAFINSA(National FinaneieramS.A.) and CEPAL,La Politica Industrial en El Desarrollo Economico de Mexico,p232.
    1 NAFINSA(National FinancieramS.A.) and CEPAL,La Politica Industrial en El Desarrollo Economico de Mexico,p232.
    2 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains On Choice.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore And London.1992.p90.
    3 莱斯利·贝瑟尔主编:《剑桥拉丁美洲史》第七卷,江时学等译,经济管理出版社,1996年版,第99-100页。
    4 迈克尔·P·托达罗:《经济发展与第三世界》,印金强等译,中国经济出版社1992年版,第127页。
    5 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova,Democracy in Mexico,Oxford University Press,1970.pp72-73.
    6 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains On Choice.p33.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.Praeger,New York,1980.pp10-11.
    1 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains On Choice.p34
    2 Michael D.Meyer and William H.Beezley(Edited):The Oxford History of Mexico,Oxford University Press.p584.
    1 Richard S.weinert:The State and Foreign Capital,In Jose Luis Reyna and Richard S.Weinert(edited):The Authoritarianism in Mexico.ISHI,Inc,USA.1977.p110.
    2 Bernardo Sepulveda and Antonio Chumacero,La Invercion Extranjera en Mexico.Mexico,Fondo de Culture Economica,1973.Tablel.
    1 Paul E.Sigmund(Edited),Models of Political Change in Latin America,Praeger Publishers,New York,1970.p6.
    2 1917 Constitution of Mexico,From Wikipedia,the free encyclopediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1917_Constitution of Mexico.
    3 1917 Constitution of Mexico,From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1917_Constitution of Mexico.
    1 以签署协议的墨西哥城布卡雷利街85号命名。
    2 Dale Story:Industry,The State,And Public Policy in Mexico,University of Texas,Austin.1986.p50.
    1 Paul E.Sigmund:Multinationals in Latin America,The Politics of Nationalization.A twentieth Centry Fund Study,The University of Wisconsin Press,1980.p67.
    1 Dale Story:Industry,The State,And Public Policy in Mexico.p199.
    2 Otto Granados Roldan,Mexico.Setenta y Cinco Anos de Revolucion,Desarrollo Economico 1.Fondo de Cultura Economica,1988.pp36-37.
    3 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies,The Univeisity of North Carolina Press,Chapel Hill,1971.p103.
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.pp102-103.
    2 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London.1992.p72.
    1 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p73.
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p153.
    1 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p156.
    2 即由墨西哥本国制造中间产品和零部件,用以替代进口(第二章中曾提到)。
    3 Harry,K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.p157.
    1 Business International Corporation,Investment Strategies in Mexico:How to Deal With Mexicanization,New York,Business International Corporation,Business Week.Various Issues,1979.p11.
    2 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains On Choice.p75.
    2 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains On Choice.p75.
    1 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains On Choice.p77.
    2 Harry K.Wright,Foreign Enterprise in Mexico,Law and Policies.pp158-159.
    1 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p78.
    1 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Iindustrial Transformation in Latin American,The Macmilan Press Lid,1984.p187
    2 UNCTAD,Legislation and Regulation on Technology Transfer:Empirical Analysis of Their Effects in Selected Countries.Geneva:TD/B/C6/55.p5.
    1 徐世澄等:《秘鲁经济》,社会科学文献出版社,1987年版,第207-208页。
    2 韩琦、杜娟:“墨西哥埃切维利亚政府化解社会危机的对策与启示”,《历史教学问题》,2007年第4期。
    1 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Iindustrial Transformation in Latin American.pp189-190.
    2 Ricardo Cinta G,El Empresario Industrial y El Desarrollo Economico de Mexico.Unpublished Survey Results of Joint Project of CEPAL(ECLA) and el Colegio de Mexico.1972.
    3 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains On Choice.p92.
    1 COPARMEX,Franco Dialogo Entre Gobierno y Empresarios.Mexieo City:Confederation Patronal de La Repubuliea Mexieana.1971.pp77-87.
    2 ANDAE(Asociacion Nacionai de Abogados de Empresas):Inversion Extranjeras y Transferencia de Tecnologia en Mexico.Editorial Tecnos.1973.in Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p97.
    1 ANDAE(Asociacion Nacional de Abogados de Empresas):Inversion Extranjeras y Transferencia de Tecnologia en Mexico.Editorial Tecnos.1973.in Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p97.
    2 ANDAE(Asociacion Nacional de Abogados de Empresas):Inversion Extranjeras y Transferencia de Tecnologia en Mexico.Editorial Tecnos.1973.in Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.pp97-98.
    3 以下提到的法律条文均见:“Law to Promote Mexican Investment and to Regulate Foreign Investment”in Commerce and Industrial Development Ministry:Legal Framework For Direct Foreign Investment in Mexico,National Chamber of Commerce of Mexico City.1990.pp15-31.
    1 祖父条款(Grandfather Clause)是一种法律适用规则,即立法变化以后,旧法适用于既成事实,新法适用于未来情形。这种规则的目的是减少法律制定和执行过程中的政治阻碍,是一种务实的折衷手段。
    2 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p100
    1 Jose I.Casar,An Evaluation of Mexico's Policy on Foreign Direct Investment,In Riordan Roett(edited):Mexico and The United States:Managing the Relationship,Westview Press,1988.p43.
    2 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.Praeger,New York,1980.pp15-16.
    3 Dale Story:Industry,The State,And Public Policy in Mexico.p52.
    4 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.pp16-17.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p15.
    2 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p16.
    1 Van R.Whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains On Choice.pp101-105.
    1 Dale Story:Industry,The State,and Public Policy in Mexico.p53.
    2 Michael C.Meyer and William H.Beezley(Edited):The Oxford History of Mexico,Oxford University Press.2000.p612.
    1 Michael C.meyer,William L.Sherman,Susan M.Deeds(edited),The Course of Mexican History,Oxford University Press,2003.p656.
    2 Dale Story:Industry,The State,And Public Policy in Mexico.p53.
    3 徐世澄:《墨西哥政治经济改革及模式转换》,世界知识出版社,2004年版,第46页。
    1 参柴瑜:《外国直接投资对拉美和东亚新兴工业化国家和地区经济发展影响的比较研究》(南开大学博士论文),1996年,第27页。
    2 陶文达主编:《发展经济学》(修订本),四川人民出版社,2000年版,第240页。
    2 Fernando Fajnzylber y Trinidad Martinez Tatrago:Las Empresas Transnacionales,Expansion A Nivel Mundial y Proyeccion en La Industria Mexicana.Fondo de Cultura Economica.Mexico.1976.pp389-390.
    1 Richard S.Newfarmer and Willard F.Mueller,Multinational Corporations in Brazil and Mexico:Structural Sources of Economic and Noneconomic Power,Washington.1975,p75.
    2 Dale Story:Industry,The State,And Public Policy in Mexico,University of Texas,Austin.1986.p66.
    3 Richard S.Newfarmer and Willard F.Mueller,Multinational Corporations in Brazil and Mexico:Structural Sources of Economic and Noneconomic Power.pp83-84.
    4 Harry J.Robinson and Timothy G.Smith,El Impacto de La Inversion Privada Extranjera en La Economia Mexicana,Menlo park,Cal.:Stanford Research Institute.1976.p246.
    5 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Industrial Transformation in Latin American,The Macmilan Press Lid,1984,p165.32.
    6 Fernando Fajnzylber y Trinidad Martinez Tarrago:Las Empresas Transnacionales,Expansion A Nivel Mundial y Proyeccion en La Industria Mexicana.p275.
    7 Bernardo Sepulveda y Antonio Chumacero,La Inversion Extranjera en Mexico,Mexico City,Fondo de Culrura Economia,1973.pp186-188,Cuadro 18.
    1 从1946-1972年被兼并的当地企业并不全是失败的企业,在接管之前的一年,74%的被兼并企业是盈利的,其中1/2的企业税前盈利在9%或9%以上。见Richard S.Weinert:The State and Foreign Capital,In Jose Luis Reyna and Richard S.Weinert(edited):The Authoritarianism in Mexico.ISHI,Inc,USA.1977.p117.
    2 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Industrial Transformation in Latin American.p166.
    3 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.pp9-10.
    1 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Industrial Transformation in Latin American.p116.
    2 莫依泽·依科尼科夫:“关于第三世界工业化的三个错误观点”,沈国华译,《经济学译从》,1988年第6期。
    1 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Industrial Transformation in Latin American.p122.
    2 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Industrial Transformation in Latin American.p123.
    3 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Industrial Transformation in Latin American.p115.
    4 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Industrial Transformation in Latin American.p118.
    1 周小妹:“墨西哥经济发展的重要支柱——客户工业”,《瞭望》1993年第12期。
    2 Sidney Weintraub(edited):Industrial Strategy and Planning in Mexico and The United States,Westview Press,Boulder and London,1986.p239.
    3 Julius Rivera and Paul Wershub Goodman,System-Environment Adaptations In A U.S.-Mexico Border Metropolis.Studies in Comparative International Development,Summer1981,Vol.16 Issue 2.p30.
    4 Sidney Weintraub(edited):Industrial Strategy and Planning in Mexico and The United States,Westview Press,Boulder and London,1986.p198.
    1 董国辉:“墨西哥发展客户工业的历史根源”,《世界近现代史研究》(第1辑),中国社会科学出版社,2004年版,第239-240页。
    2 Manuel Martinez del Campo:Ventajas e Inconvenientes de La Actividad Maquiladora en Mexico,In Comercio Exterior,Vol.33,Mexico,Febrero de 1983.p147.
    3 Sidney Weintraub(edited):Industrial Strategy and Planning in Mexico and The United States.p198.
    1 1976年12月26日颁布的《墨西哥海关法》中“关于发展墨西哥客户工业的条例”,拉美所编:《拉美资料》,1985年7月,第8期。
    2 王耀媛:“墨西哥的客户工业”,《世界经济》,1980年第5期。
    1 R.Pearson:Women Workers in Mexico's Border Industries.Mimeo.1979.p12.
    2 W.Konig.Towards an Evaluation of International Subcontracting Activities in Developing Countries:Interim Report Upon Completion of Field Work on Maquiladoras'In Mexico.Mexico City:United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America,1975.table5 and Table7.
    3 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and lindustrial Transformation in Latin American.p134.
    1 Manuel Martinez del Campo:Ventajas e Inconvenientes de La Actividad Maquiladora en Mexico,In Comercio Exterior,Vol.33,Mexico,Febrero de 1983.p148.
    2 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Iindustrial Transformation in Latin American.p135.
    3 ECLA,La Exportaciones de Manufacturas En Mexico y La Politica de Promocion,Mexico City:CEPAL/MEX/76/10/Rev.1976.p72.1976年比索贬值之后,这一比例减少。
    1 Mitchell A.Seligon and Edward J.Williams:Maquiladoras and Migration:Workers in the Mexico-United States Border Industrialization Program..Austin:Austin University of Texas Press,1981.p12.
    2 Antonio N.Zavaleta:A Study of the Unique Affecting"Quality of Work Life"in the Bicultural Environment at RIMIR,S.A.de C.V.Matamoros,Tamaulipas.Brownsville:United States-Mexico Border Research Associates Press,1981.p16.
    3 G.William Lueker & Adolfo J.Alvarez:Controlling Maquiladoras Turnover Through Personnel Selection.Southwest Journal of Business and Economies I(Summer)Press,1984.pp11-18.
    4 NACLA.US Runaway Shops on The Mexican Border,Latin America and Empire Report,Vol.9.No,5.1975.p18.
    5 C.Daniel Dillman:Assembly Industries in Mexico:Contexts of Development.Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs,Vol.25,No.1(Feb.,1983).pp.47-48
    1 Donald B.Keesing.Linking Up to Distant Market:South to North Exports of Manufactured Consumer Goods.American Economic Review.73.1983.pp338-339.
    2 美国学者加里杰里菲认为,80年代中期以后出现了新一波的客户工业发展,特别是日本人投资于技术复杂的汽车和电子装配,雇佣技术熟练的男性工人,出口高质量的产品,通过加强技术转让和工人训练帮助墨西哥提高发展水平,融入全球经济。而此前的客户工业是一种“旧”形式的出口加工业。见Gary Gereffi.Mexico's Old and New Maquiladora Industries:Contrasting Approaches to North American Integration.in Gerardo Otero(edited):Neoliberalism Revisited.Westview Press Inc.1996.pp87-88.
    1 R.E.Caves,"Multinational Firms,Competition,and Productivity in Host Country Markets",Economics,Vol.41,(may 1974).pp 176-193.
    2 S.Globerman,"Foreign Direct Investment and 'Spiliover' Efficiency Benefits in Canadian Manufacturing Industries",Canadian Journal of Economics,Vol.12.(February 1979).pp42-56.
    3 M.Blomstr(o|¨)m and H.Persson,"Foreign Investment and Spillover Efficiency in An Underdevelopment Economy:Evidence from the Mexican Manufacturing Industry",World Development,Vol.11,(June)1983.pp493-501.
    4 这里提到的“溢出效应”即“技术溢出效应”,是指跨国公司在实现技术的当地化过程中通过技术的非自愿扩散,促进了当地技术和生产力的提高,而跨国公司又无法获取全部的收益,它是经济外在性的一种表现。
    1 Magnus Blomstrom:Foreign Investment and Productive Efficiency:The Case of Mexico.The Journal of Industrial Economics,Vol.35,No.1.(September) 1986.pp 97-110.
    2 U.S Tromqvist,Profit Structure and Patterns of Investment,SIND.1983:I(Liber Foriog,Stockholm) In Magnus Blomstrom(1986).p99.
    1 B.Carlsson,The Measurement of Efficiency in Production:An Application to Swedish Manufacturing Industries 1968.Swedish Journal of Economics,74(December).pp468-485.
    1 布洛姆斯特罗姆和帕森在1983年的研究中就指出了这一点(见M.Blomstr(o|¨)m and H.Persson。“Foreign Investment and Spillover Efficiency in An Underdevelopment Economy:Evidence from the Mexican Manufacturing Induslry”,World Development,Vol.11,(june)1983.p494);在他和沃尔夫1989年的研究中,进一步指出,“在相对停滞的行业中,跨国公司的出现所带来的竞争压力更大。在快速增长的行业,无效的当地企业可以继续生存而不需要改善它们的生产率,但在增长慢的行业,无效的当地企业会被跨国公司取而代之。”见M.Blomstr(o|¨)m and E.Wolff,“Multinational Corporations and Productivity Convergence in Mexico”,Working paper series,No.3141.National Breau of Economic Research,1050,Massachusetts Avenue,Cambridge MA 02138,October 1989.p8.
    2 M.Blomstr(o|¨)m and E.Wolff,"Multinational Corporations and Productivity Convergence in Mexico".pp11-13.
    1 W.W.罗斯托:《经济增长的阶段——非共产党宣言》,郭熙保等译,中国社会科学出版社,2001年版。
    2 艾伯特·赫尔希曼:《经济发展战略》,潘照东等译,经济科学出版社,1991年版,第90页(这本书的英文版最早出版于1958年)。
    1 李连友、韩冰:“关于用汽车消费带动我国经济增长的几点思考”,《中央财经大学学报》,2003年第8期。
    2 过启渊、周洪林:“美国汽车工业的发展”,《世界经济文汇》,1983年第3期。
    3 理查德 A.赖特:“美国汽车工业第一个百年发展”,胡萍译,《机械》,2007年增刊。
    1 美国援助占50年代台湾总投资的40%,韩国总投资的80%。参加里·杰里菲等编:《制造奇迹——拉美与东亚工业化道路比较》,俞新天等译,上海远东出版社,1996年出版,第83页。
    1 国(地区)内储蓄占国内生产总值的比重,韩国从1956-1960年的4.2%提高到了1966-1970年的17.4%:台湾地区同期内从9.1%提高到了23.8%。见巴巴拉斯托林斯:“外国资本在经济发展中的作用”,载于加里·杰里菲等编:《制造奇迹——拉美与东亚工业化道路比较》,第78页。
    1 郑敦仁:“政治体制与发展战略:韩国和台湾地区”,载于加里·杰里菲等编:《制造奇迹——拉美与东亚工业化道路比较》,第180页。
    2 世界银行:《东亚奇迹:经济增长与公共政策》,中国财政经济出版社,1993年版,第92页。
    1 郑敦仁:“政治体制与发展战略:韩国和台湾地区”,载于加里·杰里菲等编:《制造奇迹——拉美与东亚工业化道路比较》,183页。
    2 巴巴拉·斯托林斯:“外国资本在经济发展中的作用”,载于加里·杰里菲等编:《制造奇迹——拉美与东亚工业化道路比较》,第87页。
    3 Bohn-Young Koo,Foreign Investment and Economic Performance in Korea.In Sanjaya Lall(edited)Transnational Corporations and Economic Development,United Nations,New York.1993.pp295-296.
    1 世界银行:《东亚奇迹:经济增长与公共政策》,中国财政经济出版社,1993年版,第92页。
    2 加里·杰里菲:“大企业与当地政府”,载加里·杰里菲等编:《制造奇迹——拉美与东亚工业化道路比较》,第102-103页。
    1 柴瑜:《外国直接投资对拉美和东亚新兴工业化国家和地区经济发展影响的比较研究》(南开大学博士论文),1996年,第129页。
    1 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the S tate:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry,Princeton University Press,1985.p51.
    2 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry.p54.
    1 所谓“当地内容”即要求最终产品中的一定比例附加值必须是在当地生产的,亦即国产化比例。Theodore Moran,Multinational Corporations and Third World Investment.In Michael Novak and Michael P.Jackson (edited):Latin America:Dependency or Interdependence? American Enterprise Institute For Public Policy Research,Washington,D.C.1985.p19.
    2 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and The Latin American Automobile Industry.University of Pittsburgh Press 1987.p56.
    1 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State." the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry.pp114-115.
    1 Richard S.Newfarmer(edited),Profits,Progress and Poverty:Case Studies of International Industries in Latin America,University of North Dame Press.1985.pp209-210.
    2 江时学:“拉丁美洲汽车工业的发展”,《拉丁美洲研究》,1989年第5期。
    1 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry.pp77-79.
    2 联合国秘书处经济社会事务部编:《世界发展中的多国公司》,商务印书馆,1975年版,第67页。
    1 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry,p104.
    2 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and The Latin American Automobile Industry.p62.
    1 Rhys Owen Jenkins:Dependent Industrialization In Latin America,The Automotive Industry In Argentina,Chile,and Mexio.Praeger Publishers,New York,1977.p119.
    2 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Iindustrial Transformation in Latin American,The Macmilan Press Lid,1984.pp60-63.
    3 Douglas C.Bennett;Kenneth E.Sharpe:Agenda Setting and Bargaining Power:The Mexican State Versus Transnational Automobile Corporations,World Politics,Vol.32,No.1(Oct.,1979).pp80-81.
    1 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore And London.1992.p223.
    1 转引自 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry.pp271-272.
    2 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Industrial Transformation in Latin American.pp70-72.
    1 Douglas C.Bennett;Kenneth E.Sharpe:Agenda Setting and Bargaining Power.The Mexican State Versus Transnational Automobile Corporations,World Politics,Vol.32,No.1(Oct.,1979).p65.
    1 Douglas C.Bennett;Kenneth E.Sharpe:Agenda Setting and Bargaining Power:The Mexican State Versus Transnational Automobile Corporations,World Politics,Vol.32,No.1(Oct.,1979).p67.
    1 Douglas C.Bennett;Kenneth E.Sharpe:Agenda Setting and Bargaining Power:The Mexican State Versus Transnational Automobile Corporations,World Politics,Vol.32,No.1(Oct.,1979).p85.
    1 Mark Bennett:Public Policy and Industrial Development,The Case of Mexican Auto Parts Industry.Westview Press,1986.p 18.
    2 John P.Tuman and John T.Morris(edited):Transforming the Latin American Automobile Industry:Unions,Workers,and the Politics of Restructuring.Armonk,N.Y.:M.E.Sharpe,1998.p116.
    3 John P.Tuman and John T.Morris(edited):Transforming the Latin American Automobile Industry:Unions,Workers,and the Politics of Restructuring.p116.
    1 Rhys Owen Jenkins:Dependent Industrialization In Latin America,The Automotive Industry In Argentina,Chile,and Mexio.p204.
    2 Rhys Owen Jenkins:Dependent Industrialization In Latin America,The Automotive Industry In Argentina,Chile,and Mexio.p 150.
    3 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry.pp 151-152.
    1 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry.p156.
    1 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E,Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry.p175.
    2 John P.Tuman and John T.Morris(edited):Transforming the Latin American automobile industry:unions,workers,and the politics of restructuring.p117.
    1 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industr,p201.
    1 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry.pp204-205.
    2 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry.pp211-212.
    1 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry.pp224-225.
    1 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p221.
    2 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations versus the state:the political economy of the Mexican auto industry,p274.
    3 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p22.
    4 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.Sharpe:Transnational Corporations Versus the State:the Political Economy of the Mexican Auto Industry,p273-274;
    John P.Tuman and Johla T.Morris(edited):Transforming the Latin American Automobilelndustry:Unions,Workers,and the Politics of Restructuring.pp118-120.
    1 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p223.
    2 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p223.
    1 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Industrial Transformation in Latin American,The Macmilan Press Lid,1984.p75.
    2 所谓“寡占反应战略”,来源于“寡占反应理论”,该理论的提出者尼克博克(Frederick T.Knickerbocker)发现,在一些寡头垄断性工业中,外国直接投资很大程度上取决于竞争者之间相互的行为约束和反应。寡占反应行为是导致战后美国跨国公司对外直接投资的主要原因。所谓寡占反应战略是指每一家大公司对其他大公司的行动都十分敏感,紧盯着竞争对手的行动,一旦竞争对手采取对外直接投资,就紧随其后实行跟进战略,以维护自己的市场份额。寡占反应行为导致跨国公司对外直接投资的成批性。见Frederick T.Knickerbocker,Oligpolistic Reaction and Multinational Enterprise.Boston:Division of Research,Graduate School of Business Adminstration,Harvard University.1973.
    1 Phys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and Industrial Transformation in Latin American.pp82-83.
    2 Richard Newfarmer(edited):Profits,Progress and Poverty:Case Studies of International Industries in Latin America,University of Noter Dame Press,1985.p286.
    1 Wilson Peres Nunez,Foreign Direct Investment And Industrial Development In Mexico,OECD Development Center Pads,1990.p140.
    2 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and industrial Transformation in Latin American.pp86-87.
    1 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and industrial Transformation in Latin American.p90.
    2 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and industrial Transformation in Latin American.p92.
    3 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and industrial Transformation in Latin American.p93.
    4 Rhys Jenkins:Transnational Corporations and industrial Transformation in Latin American.p97.
    5 Wilson Peres Nunez,Foreign Direct Investment And Industrial Development In Mexico,.p141.
    1 M.Campos,La Industfia Farmaceutica en Mexico,in F.Fajnzylber(Edited) Industrializacion e Internacionalizacion en La America Latina,Vol,2(Mexico City:Fondo de Cultura Economica,1981.pp634-635.
    2 “祖父条款”在这里是指在法律公布之前建立的公司不受“墨西哥化”条款的影响,除非它们决定要扩大它们经营的范围。
    1 De Maria y Campos,La Industfia Farmaceutica en Mexico.Comercio Exterior 27,No.8(August) 1977,p897.
    2 Diario Official(Mexico).April 25,1980.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World,Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1983.p228.
    2 Banjaya Lail,Growth of The Pharmaceutical Industry in Developing Countries:problems and Prospects.Vienna:United Nations Industrial Development Orgnization.(United Nations Publication,Sales No.E.78.Ⅱ.B.4)1978.pp43-44.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World,Princeton.p54.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World,Princeton,.p88.
    1 它们包括环氧化物(Expoxide)、17-羟基衍生物(17-OH derivatives)、S化合物(Compound S)、妊娠烯醇酮(Pregnenolone)、黄体酮(Progesterone)、类皮质激素(Corticoids)、肟(Oxime)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)、睾酮(Testosterone)、甲基睾酮(Methyltestosterone)、雌二醇(Estradiol)、19-去甲基化合物(19-nor compounds)等等。
    2 Gary Gereffi,Drug Firms and Dependency in Mexico:The Case of the Steroid Hormone Industry.International Organization,Vol.32,No.1.(Winter,1978).p247.
    3 Gary Gereffi,Drug Firms and Dependency in Mexico:The Case of the Steroid Hormone Industry.International Organization,Vol.32,No.1.(Winter,1978).p248.
    4 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.p 92.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.p 97.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.pp102-103.
    2 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.p104.
    3 Gary Gereffi,Drug Firms and Dependency in Mexico:The Case of the Steroid Hormone Industry,International Organization,Vol.32,No.1.(Winter,1978).p 260.
    1 Gary Gereffi,Drug Firms and Dependency in Mexico:The Case of the Steroid Hormone Industry,International Organization,Vol.32,No.1.(Winter,1978).p273.
    2 Gary Gereffi,Drug Firms and Dependency in Mexico:The Case of the Steroid Hormone Industry,International Organization,Vol.32,No.1.(Winter,1978).p275.
    3 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.p152.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.p153.
    1 Carl Djerassi:A Higu Priority? Research Centers in Developing Nations.Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists.26,No.1(January1968).p25.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.p139.
    2 Excelsior(Mexico).August 17 and 19,1976.
    3 El Sol de Mexico.Aug.17,1976.
    1 Excelsior(Mexico).Mar.20,1976.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.p122.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.pp126-127.
    2 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.p128.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.pp 137-138.
    2 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third World.p143.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in the Third Worla,p145.
    2 El Sol de Mexico,August.18,1976.
    1 Gary Gereffi.The Pharmaceutical Industry and Dependency in The Third World.p 152.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.Praeger,New York,1980.p24.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p24.
    2 Thomas Horst,At Home Abroad:American Corporations in the Food Industry,Cambridge,1974.转引自Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America.p25.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p26.
    2 Rosa Elena Montes y Gerardo Eseudero Columna,Las Empresas Transnacionales en La Industria Alimentaria Mexicana.Comercio Esterior,Vol.31,Mun.9,1981.pp992-993.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p27.
    2 Christopher D.Scott:Transnational Corporations Advantage and Food Security in Latin America.in Christopher Abel and Colin M.Lewis(edited):Latin America,Economic Imperialism and The State.The Athlone Press,1985.pp486-487.
    3 Rosa Elena Montes y Gerardo Escudero Columna,Las Empresas Transnacionales en La Industria Alimentaria Mexicana.Comercio Esterior.Vol.31,Mun.9,1981.p991.
    1 Rosa Elena Montes y Gerardo Escudero Columna,Las Empresas Transnacionales en La Industria Alimentaria Mexicana.Comercio Esterior,Vol.31,Mun.9,1981.p991.
    2 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore And London.1992.p183.
    3 Richard S.Newfarmer and Willard F.Mueller,Multinational Corporations in brazil and mexico:structural sources of economic and noneconomic power,Washington,1975.pp 187-188.
    4 转引自Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p184.
    1 Femando Fajnzylber y Trinidad Martinez Tarrago:Las Empresas Transnacionales.Expansion A Nivel Mundialy Proyeccion en La Industria Mexicana.Mexico.Fondo de Cultura Economica,1976.pp348-349.
    2 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p185.
    3 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p28.
    1 Richard S.Newfarmer and Willard F.Mueller,Multinational Corporations in brazil and mexico:structural sources of economic and noneconomic power.p90.
    2 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p27.
    3 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains On Choice,pp185-186.
    1 露丝·拉玛:“跨国公司农工联合企业是否促进发展中国家的农业——墨西哥经验谈”,《国际社会科学杂志》,1986年第3期,第52-53页。
    1 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.pp188-189.
    1 Van R.whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.pp191-192.
    2 Christopher D.Scott:Transnational Corporations Advantage and Food Security in Latin America.in Christopher Abel and Colin M.Lewis(edited):Latin America,Economic Imperialism and The State.The Athlone Press,1985.p488.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.pp31-34.
    2 当时还没有被兼并,1973年被BSN兼并,组成BSN-赫瓦伊斯·达诺内(BSN-Gervais Danone)公司。
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.pp37-38.
    2 该汇率从1954年以来为12.5比索兑1美元,到1976年11月成为20比索兑1美元,很快又成为28比索兑1美元,最后稳定为22至23比索兑1美元。
    3 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.pp39-40.
    4 本研究主要取材于里米·蒙塔冯《跨国公司在拉美的作用,墨西哥案例研究》一书,该著作中数据资料的时间截止到1977年。
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p43.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.pp48-49.
    1 该子公司1973年拥有3000名雇员,是墨西哥食品工业中最大外国企业之一。
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p53.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p59.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p60.
    2 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p46.
    1 Remy Montavon,The Role of Multinational Companies in Latin America,A Case Study in Mexico.p111.
    1 加藤哲郎:“跨国企业与民族国家”,曲翰章译,《国外社会科学》,1991年第9期。
    2 罗伯特·吉尔平:《国际关系政治经济学》,杨宇光等译,经济科学出版社,1989年版,第59-62页。
    1 Raymond Vernon,Sovereignty at Bay:The Multinational Spread of U.S.Enterprises.New York:Basic Books.1971.p197.
    2 Theodore Moran,Multinational Corporations and The Politics of Dependence:Copper in Chile.Princeton University Press.1974.p167.
    1 Robert Grosse:Multinationals in Latin America,Routledge,London and New York,1989.p45.
    1 Douglas C.Bennett and Kenneth E.sharpe:Agenda Setting and Bargaining Power:The Mexican State Versus Transnational Automobile Corporations,World Politics,32(1) 1979.p87.
    2 Theodore Moran(edited),Multinational Corporations.Lexington,Mass.Lexington Book,1985.
    3 Thomas N Gladwin and Ingo Walters,Multinationals under fire:Lessons in the management of conflict,John Wiley & Sons,New York.1980.
    1 斯蒂芬·D·克莱斯勒:《结构冲突:第三世界对抗全球主义》,李小华译,浙江人民出版社,2001年版,第12页。
    1 斯蒂芬·D·克莱斯勒:《结构冲突:第三世界对抗全球主义》,第16页。
    1 “埃切维利亚在联合国第三届贸发会议上的发言”。《墨西哥通讯》第六期,1972年4月19日。转引自:李建国:“埃切维利亚执政期间墨西哥的对外政策和美墨关系”,《拉美史研究通讯》,第八期,1983年12月。
    2 芮沐编:《国际经济条约公约集成》,人民法院出版社,1994年,第17页。
    1 Van R.Whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore And London.1992.p140
    1 Richard S.Weinert:The State and Foreign Capital,In Jose Luis Reyna and Richard S.Weinert(edited):The Authoritarianism in Mexico.ISHI,Inc,USA.1977.p124。由于许多私人公司受银行的控制,1982年银行国有化之后,国家控制的企业产值占国民生产总值的比重达到了65%以上。见Michael Novak and Michael P.Jackson(edited):Latin America:Dependency or Interdependence? American Enterprise Institute For Public Policy Research,Washington,D.C.1985.p6
    2 John F.Purcell and S.K.Puecell,Mexican Business and Public Policy,in James M.Malloy(edited),Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin Ameica,University of Pittsburgh Press.p 193
    1 Michael C.Meyer and William H.Beezley(Edited):The Oxford History of Mexico,Oxford University Press.2000.p590
    2 Flavia Derossi,The Mexican Entrepreneur.Paris,Development Center of The Orgnization for Economic Co-operation and Development,1971.p89.
    1 Richard S.Weinert:The State and Foreign Capital,In Jose Luis Reyna and Richard S.Weinert(edited):The Authoritarianism in Mexico.ISHI,Inc,USA.1977.p111
    1 李明德等:《拉丁美洲的科学技术》,世界知识出版社,2006年版,第427页。
    2 Van R.Whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p148.
    1 Samuel Schmidt.The deterioration of the Mexican presidency:the years of Luis Echeverria.University of Arizona Press.1991.pp43-44.
    1 莱奥波尔多·索利斯:《墨西哥的经济政策改革》,纽约,1981年第75-76页,转引自莱斯利·贝瑟尔主编:《剑桥拉丁美洲史》(第七卷),江时学等译,经济管理出版社,1996年版,第139-140页。
    2 Susan Kaufman Purcell and John F.H.Purcell,State and Society in Mexico:Must a Stable Polity be Institutionalized? World Politics,Vol.32,No.2(Jan.,1980),p215.
    1 Van R.Whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.pp161-163.
    2 Van R.Whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p160.
    1 Van R.Whiting,JR:The Political Economy of Foreign Investment in Mexico,Nationalism,Liberalism and Constrains on Choice.p157.
    2 Fernando Fajnzylber y Trinidad Martinez Tarrago:Las Empresas Transnacionales,Expansion A Nivel Mundialy Proyeccion en La Industria Mexicana.pp358-359.
    3 Wilson Pores Nunez,Foreign Direct Investment And Indutrial DevelopmentIn Mexico,OECD Development Centre Paris,1990.pp27-28.
    1 Judith A.Teichman,Policymaking in Mexico:From Boom to Crisis.Boston,Allen & Unwin.1988.p113
    2 即债务与股权互换,把债务转换为投资。巴西在1982年12月首先实行。
    1 美国政府说服韩国和台湾必须在发展方向上做出两点变更:“改变50年代占主导地位的进口替代工业化方法,让出口起更大的作用;对海外直接投资更加开放。”以此作为继续给予援助的条件。见加里·杰里菲等编:《制造奇迹——拉美与东亚工业化道路比较》,第423页。
    2 张文阁等:《墨西哥经济》,第165页。
    3 James E.Mahon,Was Latin America too Rich to Prosper? Structural and Political Obstacles to Export-Led Industrial Growth,in Journal of Development Studies;Vol.28 Issue 2(Jan92).p255.
    1 James E.Mahon,Was Latin America too Rich to Prosper? Structural and Political Obstacles to Export-Led Industrial Growth,in Journal of Development Studies;Vol.28 Issue 2(Jan92).p256.
    2 巴巴拉·斯托林斯:《外国资本在经济发展中的作用》,载于加里·杰里菲等编:《制造奇迹——拉美与东亚工业化道路比较》,第83页。
    3 加里·杰里菲等编:《制造奇迹——拉美与东亚工业化道路比较》,第425页。
    1 Dale Story:Industry,The State,and Public Policy in Mexico,University of Texas,Austin.1986.p201.
    2 该《宪章》是墨西哥总统埃切维里亚总统积极倡议制定并努力争取通过的,同时,他还广泛发展与第三世界国家的外交关系,他的外交政策被人们称为“第三世界主义”。
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    2 Sarah Babb,Managing Mexico:Economists from Nationlism to Neolibralism.p175.
    3 Sarah Babb,Managing Mexico:Economists from Nationlism to Neolibralism.p183.
    1 C·E·布莱克:《现代化的动力》,段小光译,四川人民出版社,1988年版,第133-134页。
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    2 Laura Randall(edited),Changing Structure of Mexico:Political,Social,and Economic Prospects,M.E.Sharpe,Inc,1996,p60,107.
    3 Kevin P.Gallagher and Lyuba Zarsky:Sustainable Industrial Development? The Performance of Mexico's FDI-led Integration Strategy.Global Development and Environment Institute,Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy,Tufts University,February,2004.p20-21.http://www.ase.tufts.edu/gdae.
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    2 Kevin P.Gallagher and Lyuba Zarsky:Sustainable Industrial Development? The Performance of Mexico's FDI-led Integration Strategy.p26.
    1 T.H.Moran,Foreign Direct Investment and Development,The New Policy Agenda for Developing Countries and Economies in Transition.Washington D.C.,Institute for International Economics.1998.pp53-56.
    2 E.D.Dussel,La Subcontratacion Como el Proceso de Aprendizaje:el Caso de la Electronica en Jalisco(Mexico)en la Decada de los Noventa.Santiago,Chile,CEPAL,United Nations.1999.
    3 Kevin P.Gallagher and Lyuba Zarsky:Sustainable Industrial Development? The Performance of Mexico's FDI-led Integration Strategy.p35.
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