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For an international currency, the offshore market is not only a carrier of currency circulating overseas, but also interact with onshore financial market. In reality, if there is positive relationship between offshore and onshore markets, establishing and improving RMB offshore market will have dual practical significance. It is help for RMB internationalization on one hand, on the other hand it can give more impetus to onshore financial system reform. The purpose of this paper is to study the interaction between offshore market and onshore financial market, and put forward some rational and feasible advice for RMB offshore market development and domestic financial system reform.
     This paper focus on the impact of offshore market on onshore interest rate, exchange rate, banking industry and non-bank financial sector.
     Firstly, we define the basic meaning, characteristics and classification of the offshore market, and give a detailed analysis of the internal and external offshore market forming factors.
     Secondly, we give a summary of the existing literature of the international offshore market and RMB offshore market, and generalize the offshore market issues such as the relevance between offshore and onshore market, general law of currency internationalization, trading and settlement particularities, and the Influence mechanism of offshore market on. onshore financial system.
     Thirdly, we discuss the relationship between offshore and onshore market based on the sufficient analysis and systemic argumentation. On one hand, we study the impact of offshore market on onshore interest rate, exchange rate and banking industry through theoretical model, on the other hand, test the first two empirically. It is found that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between Eurodollar market and its home market, but neither side dominates the other. Besides, RMB onshore swap and forward exchange rate are strongly affected by the offshore market, but not for spot exchange rate.
     Fourthly, we analyse the unique institutional design of the international offshore market. It shows that too strict domestic controls led to the formation of the offhshore market overseas. On the contrary, the preferential tax system and less government control promote the vigorous development of offshore financial market. Therefore, if there are new requirements overseas, but governments did not build the relevant offshore market actively, offshore market will show up spontaneously beside the control of the currency issuing countries.
     In the end, we believe that RMB offshore market will play the important impetus role in the domestic financial system reform. We also make our suggestions on the improvement and innovation of domestic financial system.
     In a word, the interaction between offshore market and onshore financial market is still not fully understood. But this paper hopes to give an integrated framework to the further research on this problem. Meanwhile, we expect to provide theoretical support for the development of RMB offshore market and RMB internationalization.
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