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     门)缺乏协同支持。加入到 Web学习的用户,虽然是独立的,可也是
     ()自适应 Web学习用户界面生成研究;
     ()多 Agent在 INTERNET上如何实现协同支持,使个体(用户)
Human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned with the design,
     evaluation and implementation of interactive computing system for human use and
     with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. Currently human-computer
     interaction has been a focus of study in the 21St century.
     The paper focuses on the field of Web-based Learning, which is a hotspot as
     WWW is popular. It aims to provide users with a personalized and self-adaptive
     learning environment (also personalized human-computer interface in Web) in
     accordance with their aptitudes.
     We have ample proof that a personalized environment can give better play to a
     web-based user's special skills and abilities and help him improve the efficiency of
     his learning activities. In such an environment, all the web resources are organized
     according to the user's personal aptitude, with all the elements of human-computer
     interface, such as size and color of fonts, shape and size of illustrations, etc, displayed
     to the preference of the user. Moreover, the learner can also study with other learners
     who share the same interest and goal so as to improve himself.
     However, the existing human-computer interface in Web-based learning does not
     support personalized learning, which manifest themselves mainly as follows:
     (1) There are some defects in the way web learning resources are organized and
     do not support the mechanism of self-adaptation.
     (2) The existing interface does not include a complete user model. On the one
     hand, there is no complete information to describe the user's personal traits; On the
     other hand, there is no mechanism to tune up the user's information.
     (3) It does not support collaborative learning.
     This paper studies the related problems on personalized human-computer
     interface supporting cooperation in Web and advances new ways to solve them. The
     following is the author's works:
     (I) Research on generation of self-adaptive human-computer interface;
     (2) Research on personalized user model;
     (3) Research on cooperation of n multi-agent
     The effective work of the prototype of PNCHI has proven ideas and methods the
     paper presents are correct. The research of the paper, as a subject of Web-based
     learning and HCI, is significant in both theory and application.
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