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Autism is a neurologic abnormalities which lead to social interaction, communicationand behavior has serious problems of syndrome. Study found that the face informationprocessing model of the individuals with autism unable to receive social information, whichled to its scial damage. Compared with the actual human faces, animal faces with socialinfomation decreases somewhat, due to the weakening of the real information by Jan strokepicture,but also to decrease the social pressure by weakening social information.In addition,the incresingly different evolutionary levels of animal with human faces, the degree ofsimilarity are weaken. Consequently, children with autism on face processing abnormalitiesmay exist nature of phylogenetic effect, which is influenced by authenticity. However,Symbolic of the character model in sandplay theraphy can relieve the social stress, which Promotefunctional rehabilitation for children with Autism.
     To explore the human face and non-human face processing of autism, required ASDindividuals and typically developing individuals(TD) to look at a range of real and Jan strokepictures which with different germline level, eye movement data were measured. And thenchose one ASD child from participants, who undergo sandplay theraphy.
     By our study, we conclude that:
     (1)There is defect in different evolutionary truly face processing of autistic individuals,which appear one kind of local superiority.
     (2)There also is defect in different evolutionary sketchy face processing of autisticindividuals, while no signs of local superiority, but still remain in low efficiency.
     (3)The effectiveness of sandplay therapy in treating autism is significant.
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