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With the increase in demand for high-precision positioning, piezoelectricprecision positioning technology has been more and more widely used. Meanwhile,many problems appeared. Wherein, the nonlinear characteristic of the piezoelectricactuator has the most significant impact on the positioning accuracy. This has a directimpact on the performance of many systems with piezoelectric actuators. This thesiscarried out a detailed analysis and research for the control of tracking and positioningof piezoelectric actuators in the field of low-frequency field. A strain feedbackpiezoelectric actuator has successfully designed, and a new control algorithm has beenproposed to control the piezoelectric actuator. Ultimately, an optical deflector isdesigned, with which an experiment was carried out to verify the effectiveness of thestrain feedback piezoelectric actuator and its control algorithm. The main researchcontents include the following:
     Firstly, we have a comprehensive and detailed investigation of the nonlinearcharacteristics of the piezoelectric ceramic actuator. With the qualitative andquantitative experiments, the rules and characters was found out. These features arethe prerequisite and starting point of this thesis, and they are also the study object anda research base.
     Secondly, a strain feedback piezoelectric actuator was designed, which integratedthe driving and sensing functions. With this structure of actuator, the slight strain ofthe piezoelectric actuator can be measured. Then, the output of strain signalconditioning circuit was calibrated with a capacitance sensor. From the experimentalresults, we can see that the positioning performance of piezoelectric actuator is validwithin the quasi-static application. It also shows that the designed structure ofpiezoelectric actuator is successful.
     Thirdly, the classic PI model was studied, and with it we modeled thepiezoelectric actuator in our lab. However, we find a larger system error with theclassic PI model. That is to say, the classic model is not suitable for modeling ourpiezoelectric actuator. So, we improved the classic PI model, and got a new modifiedPI model. Finally, the accuracy of the model is confirmed by experiment. A variety ofcontrol algorithms based on this modified PI model were investigated, and thetracking and positioning effects were compared. The experimental results show thatthe complex control algorithms based on the improved PI inverse model feed-forward control plus fuzzy PID feedback control can get a better experimental result, and canhave an effective suppression of nonlinear effects. As for creep nonlinearity, fromexperiment we can conclude that as long as there is a feedback channel, precisepositioning in a longer period of time can be reached without causing drift.
     Finally, an optical deflector was designed and some tracking and positioningcontrol experiments for the deflection angle was carried out. When the internalclosed-loop does not work, the tracking and positioning performances of the opticaldeflector were tested. From the test results, we can see the existence of hysteresis andcreep effects in the optical deflector. When the internal closed-loop works, thetracking and positioning performances of the optical deflector were improved greatly.These results confirmed the effectiveness of the complex control algorithms based onthe improved PI inverse model feed-forward control plus fuzzy PID feedback control.The control algorithm can effectively correct the nonlinear characteristics ofhysteresis and creep. This part of the work not only confirmed the correctness of thetheoretical hysteresis model, but also confirmed the feasibility of the control method.
     With the work of this thesis, we can see the successful realization of the precisepositioning of the piezoelectric actuator effectively eliminates hysteresis and creepnonlinear effect. Theory and experiments have proved that the proposed controlmodels and algorithms are effective in the low frequency and real-time application.All this cleared the way for its precise positioning applications.
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