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In recent years, it is the main feature to optimize the industrial structure by developing service industry in west countries. And it is accordance with the rules of industrial structure evolution. From 20th century, the most important trend is the increase of service industry both in output and in employment during the economic development in the west. The result is that service industry replaces the leading industrial position of the second industry and becomes the gap of industrial structure optimization. They offer us experiences and the direction. In this background, China has entered a particular period of optimizing industrial structure by developing service industry and the government discloses a lot of policies and measurements to promote the development of service industry. The strategic industrial position of service industry in Chinese economic development is more and more clear and to develop service industry initiatively to optimize industrial structure is the core task in nowadays and a period time from now in China. In view of this, the dissertation chooses the Heilongjiang Province, the old industrial base which the optimization of industrial structure is always serious, from the point of development of industries, applies the methods of document research, descriptive research, metering research, systematic research, comparative research and etc. to study on how to optimize the industrial structure by developing service industry in Heilongjiang Province.
     As the economic strong province, industrial base, Heilongjiang devoted largely to the development of Chinese industrial economy at the establishmen of China. But since the 90th last century, there are a lot of problems and contradictions brought about by the planned economic system in long time, the task of the adjustment of industrial structure is very difficult and urgent. All the problems existed in Heilongjiang's industrial structure are related directly with the laggard development of service industry. Though the Heilongjiang's service industry develops a lot and its rate has been by far better than the first industry, its development is lagging behind. Which means it cann't offer excellent service support for other industries and makes the unbalanced industrial structure more seriously. It is true that the service industry will develop quickly in the middle and late stage of industrilization. Heilongjiang is in the early time of the middle stage of industrilizaiton and will welcome a quick developing time. How to do? The best answer is to fully support, guild the quick development of service industry and then promote the optimization of industrial structure. It is a pressing problem to solve.
     So, it is meaningful to quicken the development of service industry in Heilongjiang Province in order to adjust and optimize the industrial structure. The dissertation begins with the summary of theories on service industry and industrial structure, and on this basis researches the relationship between the development of service industry and the optimization of industrial structure. By studying the typical countries and other provinces in China on how the development of service industry and the optimization of industrial structure interact in their practice, the paper confirms their interdependent relationship further. Then, what about the relationship between the development of service industry and the optimization of industrial structure in Heilongjiang Province is? The research result is that there is no interaction between them in Heilongjiang Province. The development of service industry promotes the optimization of industrial structure weakly in Heilongjiang Province, and the main reason forms it is the laggard development of service industry. So, the dissertation points out that it is very important to quicken the development of service industry in order to promote the optimization of industrial structure in Heilongjiang Province. At last, the paper puts forward the tactics to quicken the development of service industry in Heilongjiang Province. The whole paper can be divided into four parts and the main contents are given as follows.
     The first part is the introduction to the whole paper and the theoretical review and summary. It includes chapter 1 and chapter 2. On the basis of introducing the research background, research significance, research methods and the structure of the dissertation, this part summarizes the document related at home and abroad, states the innovations and defects of the paper, sums up the the theories on industrial structure, the development of service industry, industrial policies and industrial competitive strength which offer the firm theoretical base for the paper.
     The second part is mainly about the research on the relationship between the development of service industry and the optimization of industrial structure in Heilongjing Province. It includes three chapters, i.e. chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5 and chapter 6. Firstly, on the basis of the summary of documents and theories, the chapter 3 researches the the relationship between the development of service industry and the optimization of industrial structure exploratorily and proves the interdependent relationship between them from the theroy point. The optimization of industrial structure can push ahead the development of service industry and on the other side the development of service industry can promote the optimization of industrial structure. And the last side is the most important. In chapter 4, the paper studies some typical countries and regions, such as U.S., Japan, Germany, Shandong Province and Zhejiang Province in China on the function that service industry played in the process of the optimization of industrial structure in their practice. The research result proves the theories above and gives us guildence. Then, the paper applies the theories acquired from chapter 3 to the following research. Chapter 5 is mainly studied on how the optimization of industrial structure to push ahead the development of service industry in Heilongjiang Province and chapter 6 is mainly studied on how the development of service industry to promote the optimization of industrial structure in Heilongjiang Province. The conclusion is that there is no interaction between them in Heilongjiang Province. To make the development of service industry and the optimization of industrial structure interact each other, the key is to quicken the development of service industry.
     The third part is focused on the reasons why the paper points out to quciken the development of service industry is the preferred means to optimize the industrial structure in Heilongjiang Province and the tactices that can be paid much attention to. It includes two chapters, i.e. chapter 7 and chapter 8. Chapter 7 builds the optimization model of industrial structure of Heilongjiang Province and by analyzing it, the paper gets the conclusion that the development of service industry is the core to promote the optimization of industrial structure and let them interact each other. Though the development of Heilongjiang's economy is mainly advanced by the first and the second industry, the service industry isn't the leading industry in Heilongjiang Province, the paper points out it is still the gap to the optimization of industrial structure and then gives the reasons as follows. The service industry leading economy is becoming and has become the trend of modern economy and it is impossible for Heilongjiang Province cann't follow it. For the sake of developing continuously, realizing the "Eight Economic Districts" and "Ten Biggest Items" brought up by the government of Heilongjiang Province, developing of leading industries, alleviating and settling the employment problems, building innovative cities, all these cann't accomplish without the support of sevice industry. And in Heilongjiang Province, there are some advantageous conditions for the quick development of service industry. Then, how to develop it? Chapte 8 gives some ideas, such as optimizing the systematic environment of service industry; choosing the main fields especially the modern service industry, such as information service industry, modern financial service indusry, modern circulation service industry, modern touristic service industry, R&D service industry and etc.; coordinating the service industry with the other industries; increasing the competitive strength of service enterprises by organizing key enterprises or enterprise groups, applying standard competition, developing talents pool.
     The fourth part is the last part which makes several conclusions of the whole paper and it includes only chapter 9. It overviews the whole paper and make twelve conclusions. The author hopes the research results will be helpful to quicken the development of service industry and optimize of industrial structure in Heilongjiang Province.
     In the process of research, the author tries to innovate as follows. Firstly, the paper summarizes the relationship between the development of service industry and the optimization of industrial structure theoretically, especially the functions that service industry plays in the process of industrial structure optimization. Secondly, the papar designs the evaluating norm systems of service industry and modern service industry, applies the factor analysis method to research the competitive strength of Heilongjiang's service industry and riches the related theories. Thirdly, the dissertation constructs the optimization model of Heilongjiang's industrial structure and it offers the base of decisions. The paper uses a lot of data to analyze and fills in the related theories.
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