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    土总量增加,条带状矿石中稀土含量最高;矿石黄铜矿6 345值变化在一0.3编到2.8
    %。范围,显示慢源硫特征;菱铁矿6’3c(8%。一9.1火而)、6’“O(一n .17%。一巧.37)%。
    超大型矿一床和澳大利亚的Olympic Dam Cu一U一Au一Ag一REE超大型矿一床,在成矿时代、
    古代1 .SGa超大陆聚合前或随后裂解初始阶段伴随的非造山型碱性岩浆或热液作用,
The ore-forrning process of REE deposits is closely related to the evolution of the crust, tectonic movement and rriagniatism. The REE mineralization suddenly occurred and largely distributed on the Earth in Middle Proterozoic metallogenetic epoch in the evolution of the Earth. The Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE deposit is one of typical deposits and mainly occurs in Yinmin Formation of Kunyang Group of Middle Proterozoic epoch. This paper mainly reports the results of investigation on the REE geochemistry of various rocks and minerals, the sources of ore -forming materials and the age of mineralization. The Preliminary mechanism of sudden REE enrichment and mineralization in Middle Proterozoic has been interpreted . In this paper, the main conclusion have been put forword as following:
    1 Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE deposit occurred in Wuding -Lufeng volcanic fault deporssion during the initial stage of Kunyang rift. The Kunyang Group is distributed in the marrow and long belt constrained by the Luzhijiang lithospheric fault and the Xiaojiang-Yimeng fault. The wall rock of ore-bodies is the siliceous dolostone and alkaline volcanic rock (trachy andesite) in the Yinachang deposit. Based on the shape of ore-bodies and the structure and texture of ores, the deposit was identificed as synsedimentary with wall rocks. There occurred REE minerals, such as bastnaesite , monazite and allanite, associated with apatite and fluorite with REE contents to a certain extent.
    2 Both The hanging wall and the footwail rock of ore bodies are garnet biotite schist, protoliths are alkaline volcanic rocks (tracyh andesite). According to characteristics of trace elements assemblages and the setting of tectonics, these alkaline volcanic rocks were derived from the lower degree melting of metasomatic and enriched mantle (EMl) in the initial stage of Middle Proterozoic epoch. they strongly enriched in Large Ion lithophile elements (LILE), such as Ba. Cs, Rb, K and LREE, depleted Zr, Hf ,Ti, Sr and HREE. Comparative studies of REE geochemical characteristics of various geologic bodies in the deposit indicate that the various ores and alkaline volcanic rocks contain abundant REE, specially LREE the chondrite-normalized patterns of both ores and alkaline volcanic rocks show a strong
    LREE enrichment and positive Eu anomaly, in contrasting with the dolostones which show slight LREE enrichment and moderately negative Eu anomaly. REE patterns of ores are similar to hydrothermal sediment core in the East Pacific Rise, whereas REE patterns of dolostones are similar to those of PAAS.
    3 The composition of trace elements of ores are similar to those of hydrothermal sediment core in the East Pacific Rise, obviously distinguished from the composition of carbonatite-type REE deposits. In diagram (Al-Fe-Mn, Fe/Ti-Al/(Al+Fe+Mn), U-Th, and Y-P2O5), the element composition of ores exhibits hydrothermal sedimentary signification. The ratio of Y/Ho in ores approximates to the ratio of black chimney in TAG seafloor. The ore-forming fluids show high temperature and redox characteristics. In conjunction with the geological setting of the deposit, the primary ore-forming fluids might certain higher REE and higher volatile elements derived from the mantle degassing or the alkaline volcanic magmas. The genesis of Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE deposit might belong, to volcanic exhalation-hydrothermal sedimentary.
    4 REE geochemistry of fluorite, siderite, quartz, magnetite, calcite in ores mainly controlled by ore-forming fluids, in contrasting to those of the metamorphic minerals which controlled by crystal structure. The ore-forming fluids of initial stage show larger LREE/HREE fractionation than that of later stage. A narrow range of 6 ~4S valus for early stage chalcopyrite (-0.3 to 2.8) suggested that S originated from the mantle and the 6 13C and 8 18O valus of siderite range from -11.17 to -15.37% and from 8~9.1, respectively, it indicates that the C and O of ore-forming fluids were derived from the magma or organogenous sediment. The main REE
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