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Road traffic accidents have become a threat to human public safety, and it iscaused by the widespread concern of the countries in the world. In the road trafficaccidents, due to commercial vehicle operating range is wide, running time is long, thegoods is numerous, passenger flow and through put are huge, commercial vehicle safetyaccounts for large portion of road traffic safety.
     With the rapid growth in quantity of the commercial vehicles, it is difficult to meetthe demands of the modern traffic safety fine supervision demands for the existingartificial supervision way that is in lack of grasping of the commercial vehicle safetyrules. Due to the traffic safety supervision system is essentially of complex system withhigh real-time, strong coordination, these have seriously restricted the effectivecognition of the mechanism and regulation that influence traffic safety key factors (suchas overspeed, tailgating, etc.). Currently, informatization and intelligentization hasbecome the main development direction of modern traffic safety supervision system. Byimproving interconnection, interflow and interoperability of commercial vehicle safetysupervision system in perception, communication and control, which provides the newway to cognitive mechanism and law of the traffic safety supervision system.Meanwhile, the development of the modern traffic theory provides a new opportunity tosolve the above problem.
     Therefore, we carry out a further study on the technology of commercial vehiclessafety supervision and its key supporting theories under information-based condition, sotraffic safety phenomenon (such as overspeed, tailgating) can be given an insight,accurately by scientific methods, the development of commercial vehicles safetysupervision system can be supported by advanced technology, scientific support foractive supervision implemention can be provided by traffic department, and these haveimportant theoretical and practical significance.
     This paper chiefly focuses on the constructing of the commercial vehicles safetysupervision system and its key support theories under information-based condition.Firstly, constructing the commercial vehicle safety supervision system ininformation-based environment, and providing support for commercial vehicle activecontrol and participants’ link. Meanwhile, focusing on the key problem urgently besolved such as evaluation technology of commercial vehicle safety system, vehicle over-speed pattern and tailgating collision mechanism under information-basedenvironment, systematical research has been carried out so as to breakthrough fromtheory and engineering application, consequently, providing support means andtheoretical base for scientific evaluate, targeted implements of active commercialvehicle safety supervision.
     The main work includes the following aspects:
     ①In commercial vehicle safe supervision system, the framework withinformation feedback mechanism of the safe supervision system is proposed, andbased on this, a "two passengers and a dangerous" vehicle real-time remotemonitoring system is constructed by GPS-based technology.
     According to the traffic administrative department, transportation enterprises, thedrivers and conductors, emergency rescue departments in commercial vehiclesupervision lack effective information interaction and collaborative linkage mechanism,first of all, from the point of view of data driven, the road traffic safety managementsystem framework (includes object layer, supervision layer, control layer and feedbacklayer) is constructed based on feedback control idea. Secondly, and a typical "twopassengers and a dangerous" supervision system is constructed under the macroguidance of the traffic safety supervision system framework. The constructedcommercial vehicle safe supervision system has been applied to typical highway inChongqing region, and the results prove its applicability, and show the commercialvehicle safety supervision system has important engineering application value.
     ②In the safety evaluation of commercial vehicles, one vehicle safetyevaluation method is proposed based on entropy weight theory.
     Considering the impact of "two passengers and a dangerous "vehicle operatingsafety assessment factors, based on the entropy theory to determine the weights ofvarious factors, then the use of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model forcomprehensive evaluation, the obtained level of security. In this paper, the entropyweight and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used in combination to reducethe impact of human factors on the weight. Chongqing region,“two passengers and adangerous” vehicle operational safety analysis, the results show that the method is easyto judge the results of scientific rationality, the accuracy of the model is verified.
     ③In the extraction commercial vehicle operating characteristics, theanalytical method on commercial vehicles over-speed law is proposed based DMtechnology.
     Difficult to master effective for the current operators of vehicles speeding law, theproposed car GPS real-time monitoring of data analysis, data mining techniques appliedto operators of vehicles speeding law, given the data pre-processing method based onmap matching, with the space property to preprocess the data, and established afour-dimensional data warehouse model. On this basis, the FP-tree-based associationrule mining algorithms and trend analysis, a preliminary pattern mining.
     ④Aiming at such problems of commercial vehicle tailgating accidents, basedon the speed relation among vehicles, the mechanism of operating vehicle tailgatingaccidents is revealed in this paper. Meanwhile, the vehicle tailgating collisioncontrol method is proposed based on the information of multi preceding cars andthe information of preceding and following cars.
     At present, however, there are some difficulties to solve the problems ofcommercial vehicle tailgating accidents: the technical means to prevent commercialvehicle tailgating accidents are rather rare, the research on tracing trail mechanism isstill not deep enough, and the study of the pre-warning system on capturing informationis rather lacking. Consequently, the tracing trail mechanism of commercial vehicle isrevealed from a new perspective based on the information of preceding and followingcars. The measures to avoid vehicle tailgating collision separately are proposed on thisbasis, which are using the information of multi preceding cars and the information ofpreceding and following cars. The effective measures are verified by numericalsimulation.
     The works are as follows: based on the information of multi preceding cars, thestudy of car-dynamical model—MAVD model is proposed. The results show that thestability margin of the researched vehicle can be enlarged to avoid vehicle tailgatingcollision by making full use of the information of multi preceding cars. Meanwhile,based on the information of preceding and following cars, another car-dynamical model—BL&OVD model is proposed. The results show that the stable region of vehicle fleet,to a certain extent, it can be enlarged to avoid collision between preceding car andfollowing car by making full use of the information of preceding and following cars.
     In conclusion, this paper adequately merges information technology andcommunication theory,and constructs a series of safety regulation system for operatingvehicles. Moreover, safe evaluation method based on entropy weight theory is studied,an analysis method based DM operations vehicles speeding law is proposed, and in theend, with a large range of information among vehicles, the mechanism analysis of commercial vehicle tailgating accidents and the suppression method of commercialvehicle tailgating accidents are explored. The effectiveness of this work is verified bytheoretical analysis and practical applications.
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