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Since 1990's, The rural economy of our country is developed rapidly, Agricultural industrial structure adjustment is accelerated constantly, Propose high request to rural financial service. However, at present monetary system relative to lag behind reform rural our country, financial circles relatively small and weak even function rural, Have restricted the development of the rural finance and even whole rural economy to a certain extent: Rural supply ability relatively little, less relatively low service level variety financial service that offer by fund who finance organize, A lot of peasant households hope that the money is revitalized and sigh, Satisfied that the financial demand of the pluralism can not be gotten either. As to this, it is not difficult for people to find out some reasons: Agricultural Bank of China adjusts the development strategy, shrinks rural credit, only keep some gold customers: Too little to and mostly in the state of losing scale Countryside Credit Cooperative: Only at grain and
    cotton oil purchase Agricultural Development Bank of China fund wait for narrow and small fields function etc.. However, all these can only explain the present China's rural financial imbalance between supply and demand from surface, It wants and seek and publish dark the reasons of levels among them draw and of value to rural of China financial the enlightenments of reforms in the future conscientiously from it, Should start with analysing in management system.
    This text regards research project of Ministry of Education's humane
    social science as the subject source:
    《The defect and governance of rural financial organizational system in our cour country》, Attempt and rely on theory explain and analyse of our country rural organize defect who management system have by finance with route, And put forward the corresponding administration measure. This text sum up and present situation of our country rural organize the changes course and characteristics of management system by finance at first, Rely on theories to be been explained the route on the basis of this: Then analyzed the rural finance defect of organizing management system, Include rural organize system, supervise management system, etc. the defects of respect, at structure of managing by property right system who finance organize mainly, And has analysed from the angle of the macroscopic that these defects are to the restriction emerging in rural economic development. At last, on the basis of the analysis, Explain, organize system, supervise management system organize management system to be managed to the coun
    tryside finance by three a piece of respects emphatically, Sum up and offer the conclusion that relevant rural finance organize the management system defect to manage .
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