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Retaining-walls,are permanent or temporary walls or structures silimar to walls,built to stabilize the fill or excavation.and widely used in slope of highways and railways, water conservancy projects' dyke protection, bui I dings around and mining area galleries etc. According to the structural form,there are many sorts of retaining walls,one of which is the retaining wall with equi I ibrator that is used more widely because of the equi I ibrator, and the equilibrator can improve the powered function, strengthen the ant-slope and ant-overturn capacity. So it is of great value to real ize the merchanism of power and doform clearly, to calculate and design accruately. At present, two theories are still used to calculate the soil pressure, which are classic Coulomb soil pressure theory and Rankine soil pressure theory. The classic soil pressure theory can meet the accurate require in the main and the course of calculate is easy, but some fundemental assumes different from reality, which influence the using rang
    e, accuracy and reliability etc. Many authors made further works based on classic soil pressure theory,, such as clay' soil pressure calculation,soil pressure' nonlinearity distribution, rupture surface'shape and soil presure' value, distribution law and influence factor, to deepen and develop retaining walls' soil pressure theory. soil pressure' value, distribution and development law of the retaining walls with equilibrator are different from commmon retaining walls because of the equilibrator. At present, the whole back soil pressure of the retaining walls with equilibrator is regarded as the vector sum of upper'and bottom'soil pressure after they are calculated seperately. and there are some differences because of non-thought of the influences each other of upper wall and bottom wall. On the who I e. the rea I i zat i on of retaining walls with equilibrator is not too deeply and achievements are little, and there is no systematic theory of back pressure' distribution law, influence factor and working
    mechanism. There are many ways to study retaining walls' soil pressure, such as theoretical inference, numerical calculation, scene watching, inner common model test and centrifugal model test. Centrifugal model test is used widely in rock and soil area because it has advantages in modeling structures in gravity' real properties effectly, mirroring and indicating prototape. At the same time , it can shorten the experimental time greatly in modeling rock and soil engineerings because of it' s special time propot ion. Some authors have studied retaining walls with equilibrator' s soil pressure by numerical calculation, scene watching and inner common model test.But there are no systemtic study results in papers about the soil pressure of retaining walls with equilibrator through centrifugal model test.
    In this text, the pressure and deformation of a retaining wall or igined from 318 national road was studied through centrifugal model test. Nine groups of centrifugal model test were designed to satisfied with distinct expermentic aim through different combination of the pressure and deformation' influence factors. Experiment substance comprises of the varition laws of the back pressure and deformation under the action of geogrid, compacting factor, displacement model, and a displacement control I ing construction was designed to realize the study on the pressure and def ormat i on merchan i sm of reta i n i ng wa 1 1 s with equilibrators.
    In this text , the new ideas lie in thinking of centrifugal model test as the way to study the pressure and deformation mechanism of retaining walls with equilibrtors,and designing a displacement control I ing construction to satisfied with the thorough and systemtic study. The study results can guide practice, with some theoretical and practice significance.
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